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Overview of SB3570
Sen. Gary Forby
This change would allow pre-professional graduate employees (PGA) the same right to be
represented by a union as other graduate assistants who are covered by the Illinois Educational
Labor Relations Act if a majority of the employees choose to do so. As a matter of fairness, preprofessional graduate employees should have the same rights as other educational workers
who do similar work.
Provides for pre-professional graduate employees to be represented for collective
bargaining purposes if a majority of employees choose to do so.
Protects the rights of pre-professional graduate employees who work in non-instructional
units (University Library, Fire Service, Health Center) and are frequently the first line of
employees that bear the brunt of budget cuts and are vulnerable to administrative action
with no input as to the impact on their position.
Guarantees pre-professional graduate employees who are hourly employees the same
rights under the law as other workers and employees.
Recognizes pre-professional graduate employees as a vital component of the university
Who is pre-professional graduate employee?
The University defines PGA’s as those “appointed to non-Teaching /non-Research
positions, in which they primarily gain experience, practice, or guidance that is
connected to their career preparation. These individuals are significantly similar to
graduate employees who are already allowed to organize.
Are pre-professional graduate required as part of their program to work for the
No, it is optional on behalf of the PGA.
If they are employed by the university where do they work?
Pre-Professional graduate assistants are employed in the University Library, the Fire
Service Institute, the Counseling Center, McKinley Health Center, and many other
campus units.
Could people other than Pre-professional graduate employees perform this work?
Absolutely, as these jobs are hourly jobs and open to anyone the university feels is
qualified. Individuals performing, these duties that are not graduate employees can
organize. This legislation would allow the opportunity for anyone performing the same
job the right of representation.
Approximately how many PGA’s are there?
It is believed that there are less than 250.
Are these jobs part-time?
Yes, the normal range is between 15-35 hours.
Are there currently part-time employees of universities currently in unions?
Yes, Graduate employees.
Is this legislative change applicable to all universities?
Yes, the legislation would impact any university who has pre-professional graduate
Will providing the right to organize to this group add cost to the university?
Not necessarily, in the event this group would choose to be represented by a union it
would be up to the parties as to what is contained in the agreement. A collective
bargaining agreement deals with economic as well as non-economic issues.