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EPIDEMIOLOGICAL STUDIES 1 OUTLINE Classification of studies Study Designs and analysis Choice of study design 2 CLASSIFICATION 3 CLASSIFICATION Various ways BUT, two major classes Non-Interventional Interventional 4 Non-Intervention studies Researcher do not manipulate situations/objects Just describes or analyses situations/objects 5 Intervention studies Researcher manipulates situations/objects then describes or analyses the outcome 6 STUDY DESIGNS AND ANALYSIS 7 Non-Intervention studies 8 Types of Non- Interventional studies Exploratory Descriptive Analytical 9 Exploratory studies Small scale studies Gathers information about unfamiliar phenomenon Results gives insight to a problem before a large scale study is designed 10 Descriptive studies Only describe phenomena: e.g. Person, Place, Time No analysis of determinants/association E.g. Cross-sectional descriptive 11 Cross-sectional descriptive Aim at just describing phenomenon Done at one point in time – hence Cross-sectional E.g. Prevalence studies, KAPB studies 12 Analytical studies Describe phenomena And Analyze relationship between phenomena and other variables (determinants/association). Examples: Cross-sectional comparative Cohort study Case-control study 13 Cross-sectional comparative study Aim at describing phenomenon and compare groups or determine factors influencing the phenomenon Done at one point in time Measurement of exposure and effect are done at the same time 14 Advantages and Disadvantages of Cross-sectional studies Advantages Quick and cheap Can elucidate various exposures, as first step in investigating cause Repeated measures can depict trend Data useful in assessing health care needs Disadvantages Not possible to determine if the exposure preceded the outcome (temporal relationship) Bias** 15 Cohort studies 16 Cohort study (“Prospective, “Follow up” study) Aim at determining risk factors for diseases/outcome At the start identify two groups With exposure to a risk factor (exposed) Without exposure (no-n exposed) Both groups have not developed the disease/outcome at the start Follow over time At the end, analyse disease/outcome occurrence in both groups and compare 17 Design of Cohort study - I Time Inquiry Disease Start Exposed Population No disease Non-diseased people Non-exposed Disease No disease 18 Design of Cohort study - II Exposed and non-exposed groups must be comparable in all factors that may be related to the disease except for the exposure Need to get complete and accurate information about exposure and outcome for all individuals 19 Analysis of Cohort studies Compare incidences of disease among exposed to non-exposed group Cumulative incidence (Calculate Relative Risk) (commonly) Incidence rate (Calculate Incidence rate ratio), - when person time of follow up is known 20 Advantages & Disadvantages Advantages Allows direct measurement of incidence of disease Multiple effects of single exposure can be examined Can elucidate temporal relationship between exposure and disease Is of value when exposure is rare Minimize bias in ascertainment of exposure Disadvantages Time consuming, expensive Inefficient in evaluating rare diseases Loss of follow up affect validity of results 21 Case – control studies 22 Case –control study (“Retrospective” study) Aim at determining risk factors for diseases/outcome At the start identify two groups With disease/outcome (Cases) Without disease/outcome (Controls) History of exposure to risk factor is inquired At the end, analyse exposures to a risk factor in both groups and compare 23 Design of Case-control study - I Time Inquiry Exposed Start Cases Population Non exposed Exposed Controls Non expose 24 Design of Case-control study - II Controls should be representative of the population from which the cases are recruited Cases and controls must be comparable in all factors that may be related to the disease except for presence of disease Controls can be chosen to match cases for certain important variables such as age, sex, etc = Matched Case-control design. If matching not done = Unmatched case-control design (more common) Need to get complete and accurate information about exposure for all individuals Control: Case ratio? Consider cost, availability of cases Usually ratio of 1:1 up to 4:1, beyond that no added advantage for power of the study 25 Analysis of Case-control studies Compare Exposure of disease among Cases to Controls Calculate Odds Ratio 26 Advantages & Disadvantages Advantages Relatively quick and inexpensive Suitable for rare diseases Can evaluate effect of multiple exposures Is of value for diseases with long latent periods Disadvantages Inefficient in evaluating rare exposures Temporal relationship between exposure and disease difficult to ascertain Prone to recall bias 27 Intervention studies 28 Intervention studies Two main types: Experimental (Classical experiment) Quasi-experimental 29 Characteristics of Experimental studies Manipulation Something is done to one group (experimental group) Presence of Control group (no manipulation done) Randomization (assignment of individuals to experimental or control groups is done randomly) Example: Randomized Controlled Trials (RCT) – “Gold standard” 30 Characteristics of Quasi-Experimental studies Manipulation Control group or Randomization missing Example: Community trials 31 Design of Randomized controlled trial - I Exp. group General pop Study PX Follow up & Analysis Randomization Control group 32 Design of Randomized controlled trial - II Randomization ensures that chance alone determines which individuals become experimental group and which ones become control group Thus, making the groups comparable in most aspects that may be related to the outcome Design provide strong evidence of the effect of the intervention – “Gold standard” Study participants are blinded about the intervention (Single blind) Sometimes both Study participants and investigators are blind about the intervention (Double-blind) 33 Ethical Considerations in Experimental studies Carried out only if: Evidence suggest intervention is beneficial, but uncertain of effect No serious adverse effect to the intervention group Informed consent to participate 34 Analysis of Intervention studies Comparison of outcome of interest in experimental and control groups Comparison of baseline characteristics of experimental and control groups 35 Choosing a study design Considerations: Ethical issues – minimal ethical concerns Resources and administrative issues Validity and reliability of results Nature of topic 36