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How the Universe Works Extreme Stars Name _______________
1. When a star dies (gravity) (fusion) wins out.
2. The sun will run out of fuel in about (3) (7) (10) billion years.
3. When the sun runs out of hydrogen fuel, it will become a (red giant) (neutron
star) (black hole).
4. Eventually, the helium in the core begins to fuse into (oxygen) (iron)
5. After the sun blasts away its outer layers, all that remains is an intensely hot,
core called a (planetary nebula) (white dwarf) (pulsar).
6. At the core of a white dwarf astronomers believe lies a core of (iron) (nickel)
7. Betelgeuse is (older) (younger) (the same age as) our sun.
8. Betelgeuse is a (white dwarf) (blue giant) (red supergiant).
9. From the moment a massive star creates (iron) (silicon) (gold) it has only
seconds to live.
10. The single most violent event in the universe is a (pulsar) (supernova)
11. Gold, silver and platinum are all created when (a star explodes) (a black
hole forms) (a white dwarf forms).
12. The remnants of a supernova explosion is a super dense core called a
(neutron star) (white dwarf) (quasar).
13. A neutron star is about (the size of the sun) (the size of the earth) (twenty
miles across).
14. Every atom in your body was formed in a (stellar explosion) (black hole)
(main sequence star).