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Ms. Girvan
Unit #4: Evolution Review 2013
1. Adaptations and Variation (Section 7.1)
- Mutations and selective advantage
2. History of Evolutionary Thought (Section 8.1)
- Comte du Buffon, Cuvier, Lyell, Lamark, Darwin, Wallace
- Catastrophism, Uniformitarianism, Inheritance of Acquired Characteristics
2. Natural Selection (Section 7.1 and 7.2)
- The Peppered Moth Simulation
3. Evidence for Evolution (Section 8.2)
a. The Fossil Record
b. Homologous Structures
c. Vestigial Organs
d. DNA and Biochemistry
e. Geographical Distribution of Species (Biogeography)
f. Embryological Development
4. Artificial Selection (Section 7.2)
- The Perfect Cow Activity
- Selective pressure, Fitness
5. Mechanisms of Evolution (Section 9.1)
- Population, Species, Gene pool, Microevolution
- Causes of Microevolution:
o Mutations
o Gene Flow
o Genetic Drift (Bottleneck Effect, Founder Effect)
o Non-random Mating
o Natural Selection (Stabilizing, Directional, Disruptive, Sexual)
6. Adaptations and Speciation (Section 7.1 and 9.2)
- Types of adaptations: structural, physiological, behavioural
- Biological species concept
- Speciation pathways: transformation (phyletic) and divergent
- Barriers to Reproduction
o Pre-zygotic Isolation: habitat, behavioural, temporal, mechanical, and
o Post-zygotic barriers: hybrid inviability, hybrid sterility, hybrid breakdown
- Types of Speciation: sympatric and allopatric speciation
- Adaptive Radiation
- Divergent and Convergent Evolution
- The Pace of Evolution – gradualism vs. punctuated equilibrium
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