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Strategic Plan
Our Vision
Hearts fit for life, for
this generation and
the next
Our Mission
Our Values
Inside and out
Passionate for change
Live it, breath it
Stop New Zealanders dying
prematurely from heart disease and
Help people with heart disease to
live full and productive lives.
More help for people and their
families impacted by heart disease
Care and
Visible and
Promote and support evidencedbased prevention and care
Grow our funding to support the heart
health of this generation and the next
Aligned and visible research
and fellowships
Children and their families eat
heart healthy food
Help people make heart
healthy choices
The Heart Foundation is a leading
charity brand
Care and support
More help for people and their families
impacted by heart disease
Promote and support evidenced-based
prevention and care
• 30% of all those discharged from
hospital in the last 12 months agree
that the Heart Foundation has ‘helped’
• Introduce a CVD Management Health
Target and ensure it is on track to be
• 80% of those with a heart condition
recommend the Heart Foundation as
a valuable source of information and
• Measurably increase the proportion
of people with heart disease who
‘can relate personally to the Heart
Foundation cause’
• High uptake of evidence-based care
for atrial fibrillation in primary care
• Increase the proportion of patients
engaged in their cardiac rehabilitation
• 80% of hospital and general practice
recommend the Heart Foundation
as a valuable source of information
and support for them and their cardiac
and high CVD risk patients
• Decrease smoking rates for those with
heart disease and those at high CVD
risk faster than the national average
Aligned and visible research and
• 60% of the public and 80% of
stakeholders trust the Heart
Foundation as the place to go for
heart healthy nutrition advice which
is based on the latest evidence
• 90% of research and 100% of
fellowships funded demonstrably align
with the Heart Foundation Mission
and Strategic Objectives by July 2016
• Increase the proportion of the public
who understand and value that we are
NZ’s leading independent funder of
heart research
Help people make heart healthy choices
• Get rid of smoking by 2025 so that by
2018 the general public daily smoking
rates are reduced to 10% or less, Māori
rates to 20% or less and Pacific rates
to 13% or less
Children and their families eat heart
healthy food
• 100% increase in schools and ECE
services providing a heart healthy
environment for NZ children by end
• Children and whānau in 80% of lower
decile schools receive heart healthy
nutrition information by end of 2018
The Heart Foundation is a charity.
We cannot continue our vital work without the
generous support of donors and volunteers.