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Leading Causes of Child Obesity
One of the leading causes of child obesity is an unhealthy
diet. While many parents would like to blame genetics for
their child’s increase in weight, genetics is not responsible for
this surge in childhood weight gain.
1 Insufficient Exercise
Many people would agree that “back in the day” insufficient
exercise would never be a problem for kids. However, in age
that dwells on video games, computer programs, and many
indoor activities, children are beginning to focus more on
instant gratification and less on old fashion fun
(unfortunately, this includes playing outside).
Naturally, sitting in front of a TV screen doesn’t burn as
many calories as playing a game of tag or wiffle ball.
Therefore the caloric intake of your child is not being burned
off by sitting indoors, and overtime the pounds begin to add
on. So, give your kid the opportunity to go outdoors to enjoy
being a real (and healthy) kid again!
2 Excessive Snacking
It’s time to go by the rule “What isn’t there to tempt you,
won’t be a problem.” Today supermarket shelves are packed
with the latest “healthy” gummy chews, breakfast pop tarts,
and more of the not so healthy options. Sure their labels
push “100% vitamin C!” but it’s time to take a look at their
other ingredients, such as 25g+ of sugar, high fructose corn
syrup, trans fats and more. Instead of giving your child all of
these unnecessary and health compromising ingredients,
place an orange in their lunchbox for an all natural 100%
Vitamin C.
Pack your cabinets with healthier options for your kids to
snack on. Try to stay away from the fried options, and throw
some baked chips on your shelves. Keep your counters
stocked with healthy fruit options in order for your kids to
take in the recommended five fruit a day! Kids may groan
that your lacking the sugar packed breakfast cereals, but let
them enjoy that while on sleepovers at their friends- keep it
out of your house!
3 Genetic Factors
Genetic factors are rarely the cause of childhood obesity.
Only in specific cases, such as medical disorders, are genetic
factors the sole player in childhood weight gain. One
example of this severe weight gain in children can be caused
by the rare genetic disorder known as Prader-Willi syndrome.
Nevertheless, the rapid rise in weight gain cannot be
attributed solely to genetic factors.The Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention makes a valid point that “the genetic
characteristics of the human population [has] not changed in
the last three decades, but the prevalence of obesity has
tripled among school-aged children during that time.
4 Environmental Factors
There are many factors outside of your home that affect your
child’s food intake such as child care, school, and community
environments. Make sure you child care providers are
enforcing your healthy eating habits while you’re not there.
Pack a healthy lunch for your child that includes a balance of
fruits, vegetables, grains, and protein. In recent years
schools have implemented programs that focus on improving
the nutrition of school lunches, and focus on increasing the
physical activity of their students. However, not every school
is up to date, so it is imperative to take the time to pack
your child a healthy lunch that will not only balance their
diet, but improve their focus in school.
Ten Ways to Fight Childhood Obesity
“Top Ten Ways to Fight child obesity”
1. Cut out the soda and high sugar juices. Sugar loaded
beverages should be viewed as a sweet treat, not a necessity
with every meal.
2. Eat a variety of 5 fruits and vegetables a day. The
department of health reports eating by the “5 a day rule” can
significantly reduce the risk of many chronic diseases and
other child obesity health risks.
3. Make breakfast. Studies show kids who eat breakfast have
better focus and perform better in school.
4. Stock your fridge with Low-fat dairy products. Once a child
is over the age of two, there is no longer a need for the fat
provided in dairy products. Therefore, go as low as you can
with 1% to nonfat milk.
5. Fiber load it. Fiber is great for their digestive system and
also keeps their stomach full without the added calories.
6. Healthy Snacks. One of the major causes of high child
obesity rates is poor snacking, so pack your shelves with
healthy snacks instead of high fructose and trans fat loaded
7. Limit Television time. They may groan and fuss but they’ll
thank you later. Limiting TV time forces they to find other
means of entertainment-hopefully #10!
8. Sign them up for Sports. This is a great way for them to
make friends and burn off some extra calories!
9. Pack their Lunch. When you pack their lunch, you have
more control over what foods they’re taking in. So make it
10. EXERCISE EXERCISE EXERCISE! Last but not least, the
only way to burn their caloric intake is to get out and play,
so encourage them to get outside play around.
Follow this
childhood obesity
program and Fight
Obesity with a
healthier and
happier child!
Prevention of childhood obesity.
Dr. Paradisi and his staff are in our school to weigh and measure the height of pupils
in Grades 3 of the Primary School.