Download Javier Fernández Aguado holds a Doctorate in Economic

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Javier Fernández Aguado holds a Doctorate in Economic and Business Sciences (J. A. Artigas prizewinner) and completed his academic training in Belgium, Great Britain, Switzerland and Italy.
After years of dedication to the world of business, first as top executive and later as an entrepreneur,
which involved living abroad for seven years and getting to know over thirty countries in America, Asia,
Africa and Europe, since 1996 he is Full Professor in Foro Europeo Business School. He is chairman of
the International Association for Management Studies-ASIEMA (Manchester-Madrid); the Management
Study Team and Fundación Pirineos. On numerous occasions he has been referred to as one of Spain’s
greatest experts on Management (Expansión, Cinco Días, Gaceta de los Negocios, Aedipe, etc.).His
teaching or consultancy skills have been sought by institutions such as IESE, ESADE., la Caixa, Mapfre,
Banesto, BP, Amena, Safety Kleen, Manchester Business School, Hertfordshire Business School, SM, etc.
He holds the post of CEO in MindValue, inc. (
Javier has managed the publishing collection, Ariel Empresa (Planeta Group), and has been director of the
Master in Business Administration-MBA in strategic leadership, organised by Instituto de Estudios
Superiores-IES, in collaboration with the Fundación Carolina.
He has written thirty books on Organisational Governance, including: Liderar. Mil Consejos para
un Directivo (Dossat, 3rd. edition 2002); Crear empresa. Mil Consejos para un Emprendedor (Dossat, 4th.
edition 2002); Dirigir personas en la empresa (Pirámide, 1999); Management: la enseñanza de los clásicos
(ISTPB, 2000), La empresa en el cine. 70 películas para la formación empresarial and Dirigir y motivar
equipos. Claves para un buen gobierno (Ariel, 2002). He has collaborated in many others, such as Dirigir
en el siglo XXI (Deusto, 2002); La ética en los negocios (Ariel, 2001); Cómo elaborar una manual de
franquicia (Dossat, 2001); Manual para la creación de empresas (Edisofer, 2000); etc. He is also the
author of La felicidad posible (Dossat, 2002) and a new version of Ética a Nicómaco, of Aristotle
(Dossat 2001).
Apart from in Spain, some of his works have also been published in Argentina, Chile, Ecuador,
U.S.A., Finland, Ireland, Italy, Portugal, etc.
He is frequently invited to business and academic forums, of both national and international
scale (;
He has coined concepts such as Managing by Habits, Managing the Imperfect,
Management, Feelings Management, etc., which have been broadly accepted in literature on the subject
of Management and are currently being implemented in highly diverse organisations.