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module 6
Glossary of Terms
and Personal
Work Charts
Your Guide to Peritoneal Dialysis
Module 6: Glossary of Terms, Personal Work Charts
and Treatment Record
module 6
Glossary of Terms
Glossary of Terms
and Personal
Work Charts
A protein, the level of which in your blood is used to measure your
nutrition level.
A condition that happens when there are too few red blood cells in
your blood
Adequacy of dialysis
A test to measure how well your blood is being cleansed by dialysis
Alcohol-based hand rub (ABHR)
A solution containing alcohol to clean your hands (also called hand
Automated peritoneal dialysis (APD)
A form of peritoneal dialysis that uses a machine to do the exchanges
Blood pressure
The pressure exerted by blood against the walls of the blood vessel
Blood urea nitrogen (BUN)
A waste product of protein break down that is measured in the blood
A mineral, important for strong bones and body functions, that
needs to be regulated in kidney failure
A type of fat in your blood which may increase the risk for heart
attack and stroke
Occurs by touching sterile parts with anything non-sterile
Continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD)
A form of peritoneal dialysis where exchanges are done manually
Peritoneal dialysis
A treatment for kidney failure using the lining in your abdomen to
filter wastes and balance fluid in your blood
Catheter adaptor
A plastic tube that connects your catheter to the dialysate tubing
(also called transfer set, extension line or patient line)
Continuous cycler peritoneal dialysis
A form of peritoneal dialysis that uses a machine to do the (CCPD)
exchanges automatically
A waste product of muscle break down and filtered from your blood
by the kidneys
Cycler machine
Used to do automatic peritoneal dialysis exchanges
Cycler tubing sets
Used on cycler to connect the peritoneal dialysis solutions to the
peritoneal dialysis catheter
Condition that occurs with too much fluid removal
A disease that causes high blood sugar
Your Guide to Peritoneal Dialysis | Module 6: Glossary of Terms and Personal Work Charts
module 6
Glossary of Terms
and Personal
Work Charts
A treatment for kidney failure to remove wastes from the blood
A special solution used for dialysis
The pressure in your blood vessel as the heart relaxes between heartbeats
(the lower number in a blood pressure reading)
The movement of particles, such as wastes, from a more concentrated area to
less concentrated area
Drain bag
Receives used dialysis solution
Period when dialysis solution stays in the peritoneal cavity
Collection of extra fluid in tissues causing swelling
Used dialysis solution
Used dialysis solution is replaced with fresh solution
Exit site
The point where the catheter comes out of your skin
White stringy fibers sometimes seen in used dialysis solution
Erythropoiesis-stimulating agents
Injections used to treat anemia
Fresh dialysis solution flowing into the peritoneal cavity
Fluid overload
Retention of too much fluid in your body
Microscopic organisms that can cause disease
Hand hygiene
A process to remove dirt and germs from the hands
A weak spot in the muscle
The part of the red blood cells that carry oxygen throughout the body
Regulates blood sugar levels for patients with diabetes
Medication used in dialysis to prevent blood from clotting
Medication used to treat constipation
Medical doctor who treats kidney disease
Over-the-counter medication
Does not need a prescription to buy
Movement of fluid through the membrane from a lower concentration to a
higher concentration
Your Guide to Peritoneal Dialysis | Module 6: Glossary of Terms and Personal Work Charts
module 6
Glossary of Terms
and Personal
Work Charts
Parathyroid hormone (PTH)
Controls calcium and phosphorus levels in your blood
Peritoneal dialysis (PD)
A form of medical treatment that uses the lining inside your abdomen, called
a peritoneal membrane, to clean your blood
Peritoneal membrane
The porous lining that surrounds the abdominal organs
Peritoneal equilibrium test (PET)
A test that measures how well your peritoneum moves wastes and water
Peritoneal cavity
The sac in your abdomen surrounded by porous membrane
Infection inside the peritoneal cavity
A mineral that can build up in kidney failure and cause bone and
heart problems
A mineral for proper function of all cells, tissues and organs.
Potassium needs to be regulated in kidney failure
PD catheter
A permanent tube that allows solution to flow in and out of the
peritoneal cavity
An area completely free of germs
Concentration of glucose (a form of sugar) in the PD solution
Systolic pressure
The pressure in the blood vessel as your heart pumps in one heartbeat
(the higher number in a blood pressure reading)
Tunnel infection
An infection that extends deeply around the catheter
Your Guide to Peritoneal Dialysis | Module 6: Glossary of Terms and Personal Work Charts
module 6
Glossary of Terms
and Personal
Work Charts
Your Supplies
The equipment and supplies required to do PD vary depending on the products used by your clinic. Generally, the following
are included:
Dialysate bags contain the fluid (solutions) that will be used to go into your peritoneal cavity. They come in sizes of 2 litres,
2.5 litres, or 3 litres for CAPD and 5 litres for APD. The solutions also come in different strengths– (glucose or sugar concentration) such as 0.5%, 1.5%, 2.5% or 4.25%. The glucose concentration (or strength) controls the amount of fluid that goes in or
out of your blood. You will be trained how to choose the right solution according to your needs.
Other dialysate solutions are available to meet the individual needs of patients. These include products that contain a
different form of glucose, bicarbonate solution, or protein supplementation.
The solution is warmed to body temperature for comfort using dry heat before it is used. Discuss with your healthcare team
safe ways to do this.
The equipment and supplies required to do PD vary depending on the products used by your clinic. Generally, the following are included:
Dialysate bags contain the fluid (solutions) that will be used to go into your peritoneal cavity. They come in sizes of 2 litres,
2.5 litres, or 3 litres for CAPD and 5 litres for APD. The solutions also come in different strengths– (glucose or sugar concentration) such as 0.5%, 1.5%, 2.5% or 4.25%. The glucose concentration (or strength) controls the amount of fluid that goes
in or out of your blood. You will be trained how to choose the right solution according to your needs.
Other dialysate solutions are available to meet the individual needs of patients. These include products that contain a
different form of glucose, bicarbonate solution, or protein supplementation.
The solution is warmed to body temperature for comfort using dry heat before it is used. Discuss with your healthcare
team safe ways to do this.
A new Sterile Cap is used after every exchange to cover and disinfect the end of your catheter adaptor. It is important to
check that the cap is not expired and that the sponge inside the cap looks wet with disinfectant before using. (Do not
touch the sponge.)
Dialysis clamps may be used on the dialysis tubing to control the flow of the PD solutions.
These plastic clamps should be kept clean by washing them with soap and water and drying
them completely after every use.
CAPD connecting device are brand specific accessories (e.g. CAPD organizer) which may be used by some clinics to assist
in the connection/ disconnection to the catheter adaptor during the exchange.
Your Guide to Peritoneal Dialysis | Module 6: Glossary of Terms and Personal Work Charts
module 6
Glossary of Terms
and Personal
Work Charts
Face mask may be worn during the exchange to prevent germs from your nose and mouth contaminating sterile parts
of your equipment. Discard your mask after each use.
Hand hygiene products such as ABHR are preferred to clean hands for every exchange.
Cycler machine is used to do APD exchanges automatically while you sleep.
Cycler tubing sets are used to connect to the dialysate solutions for APD and are specific to the type of cycler used.
Drain bag or extension tubing is used for effluent in APD.
Your Guide to Peritoneal Dialysis | Module 6: Glossary of Terms and Personal Work Charts
module 6
Glossary of Terms
and Personal
Work Charts
CAPD Treatment Record
CAPD System: ________________________________
Exchange Volume: ____________________________
Exchange Frequency: __________________________
Target Weight: ________________________________
Exchange Time
Present weight
Sitting BP
Standing BP
Bag%, or type
Blood Sugar
Effluent volume
Exit site care
Bowel movement
Your Guide to Peritoneal Dialysis | Module 6: Glossary of Terms and Personal Work Charts
module 6
Glossary of Terms
and Personal
Work Charts
APD Treatment Record
APD System: ________________________________
Exchange Volume: ____________________________
Exchange Frequency: __________________________
Target Weight: ________________________________
Exchange Time
Weight (wet)
Weight (Dry)
Sitting BP (pre)
Sitting BP (post)
Standing BP (pre)
Standing BP (post)
Bags%, #, or type
Blood Sugar
Effluent volume
Exit site care
Bowel movement
Your Guide to Peritoneal Dialysis | Module 6: Glossary of Terms and Personal Work Charts
module 6
Glossary of Terms
and Personal
Work Charts
Blood Work Record
Your level
Blood work
Why it is important
Usual range
Measure how well
your kidney is
working and how
well your blood is
cleansed by dialysis
300 – 1200
Can be dangerous
if it is too high or
too low. Keep it in
a safe range with
dialysis, diet and
3.5 –5.5
Need to be
balanced to
maintain strong
bones and teeth
and to help
muscles work
2.10 – 2.6
Hormone (PTH)
10 – 30
0.8 – 1.8
20 – 35
Measures nutrition
35 – 52 g/L
Blood Sugar
Measures diabetes
4.0 – 10.0
Measures anemia
110 - 120 g/L
Your Guide to Peritoneal Dialysis | Module 6: Glossary of Terms and Personal Work Charts
module 6
Glossary of Terms
and Personal
Work Charts
• University Health Network PD Patient Training
• William Osler Health Centre Dialysis Manual
• Kingston Manual - PD Teaching Manual
• Lakeridge Health PD Manual
Your Guide to Peritoneal Dialysis | Module 6: Glossary of Terms and Personal Work Charts
module 6
Glossary of Terms
and Personal
Work Charts
Your Guide to Peritoneal Dialysis | Module 6: Glossary of Terms and Personal Work Charts
module 6
Glossary of Terms
and Personal
Work Charts
Your Guide to Peritoneal Dialysis | Module 6: Glossary of Terms and Personal Work Charts