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Albanian Guarantee Standards Expert; Tourism (10 September 2014)
BACKGROUND INFORMATION ..................................................................................... 2
OBJECTIVE, PURPOSE & EXPECTED RESULTS ....................................................... 3
Personnel ...................................................................................................................... 6
Office accommodation ................................................................................................. 7
Facilities to be provided by the Consultant .................................................................. 7
Equipment ..................................................................................................................... 7
Incidental expenditure ................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.
Expenditure verification ............................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
REPORTS .............................................................................................................................. 7
Location ........................................................................................................................ 6
Commencement date & Period of implementation ...................................................... 6
REQUIREMENTS ................................................................................................................ 6
General ......................................................................................................................... 3
Specific activities ......................................................................................................... 4
Project management ..................................................................................................... 5
LOGISTICS AND TIMING ................................................................................................. 6
Assumptions underlying the project intervention ........................................................ 3
Risks ............................................................................................................................. 3
SCOPE OF THE WORK ..................................................................................................... 3
Overall objective .......................................................................................................... 3
Purpose ......................................................................................................................... 3
Results to be achieved by the Consultant ..................................................................... 3
ASSUMPTIONS & RISKS ................................................................................................... 3
Beneficiary country ...................................................................................................... 2
Contracting Authority ................................................................................................... 2
Relevant country background ....................................................................................... 2
Current state of affairs in the relevant sector ............................................................... 2
Related programmes and other donor activities: .......................................................... 2
Reporting requirements ................................................................................................ 7
Submission & approval of progress reports ................................................................. 7
MONITORING AND EVALUATION ................................................................................ 8
Definition of indicators ................................................................................................ 8
Special requirements .................................................................................................... 8
Eco-Partners for Sustainable Development
Rr. Ismail Qemali , P. 2K, Nr. 25/C, Tirana, Albania; tel: +355 42234482; e-mail: [email protected]
Page 1 of 8
1.1. Beneficiary country
1.2. Contracting Authority
Eco-Partners for Sustainable Development
1.3. Relevant country background
A large part of Albania's national income comes from tourism. Tourism - as of 2013 - funds 10%
of its gross domestic product, and this is expected to increase. Albania welcomed around 4.2
million visitors in 2012, mostly from neighbouring countries and the European Union. In 2011,
Albania was recommended as a top travel destination, by Lonely Planet. In 2014 Albania was
nominated number 4 global touristic destinations by New York Times. The number of tourists has
increased by 20% for 2014 as well.
The increase in foreign visitors is dramatic, Albania had only 500,000 visitors in 2005, while in
2012 had an estimated 4.2 million tourists. An increase of 840% in only 7 years. Several of the
country’s main cities are situated along the pristine seashores of the Adriatic and Ionian Seas. An
important gateway to the Balkan Peninsula, Albania’s ever-growing road network provides
juncture to reach its neighbours in north south, east, and west. Albania is within close proximity to
all the major European capitals with short two or three hour flights that are available daily.
Tourists can see and experience Albania’s ancient past and traditional culture.
1.4. Current state of affairs in the relevant sector
Tourism is one of the most important industries in Albania. Due to its rapid growth, it exerts
pressure today on the environment, natural and cultural resources of the country. Currently the
trend to increase profits in the short term, long-term effects on the environment unconsidered,
constitutes one of the main concerns for the future of natural and cultural assets of the country. In
this regard Albania recognizes the important role that tourism plays in its economic future, and
recognizes the need to promote interest in sustainable tourism, which is clearly stated in Article 5
of the Law no. 9734, dated 14.05.2007, "On Tourism", amended by Law no. 9930, dated
09.06.2008. The development of the values of sustainability requires above all optimal use of
environmental resources, and respect for socio-cultural characteristics of local communities, so
that in the future to provide benefits to all stakeholders’ tour. Based on these principles, civil
society represented by the NGOs on the development of sustainable tourism in Albania is a step
forward for the promotion of activities that turn Albanian tourism more sustainable and continuous
process. A special role is also played by the public institutions, private companies and national
organizations, as well as international ones that work in our country.
1.5. Related programmes and other donor activities:
Green Business is another relevant project implementing new sustainable environment strategies in
the Region of Kukes also. Its main objective is to introduce or adapt new sustainable environment
plans to companies that do not apply it and to reform these strategies for companies that have
outdated strategies.
Eco-Partners for Sustainable Development
Rr. Ismail Qemali , P. 2K, Nr. 25/C, Tirana, Albania; tel: +355 42234482; e-mail: [email protected]
Page 2 of 8
2.1. Overall objective
The overall objective of the project of which this contract will be a part is as follows:
Creation of a quality oriented document aiming at the touristic valorisation of the
participating areas.
2.2. Purpose
The purpose of this contract is as follows:
Provide full support to the “Quality Logo Products” Project in the preparation of the Integrated
Study on the Albanian Guarantee Standards for Logo awards.
2.3. Results to be achieved by the Consultant
The expected key result is:
Provide full support to the “Quality Logo Products” Project in the preparation of the Integrated
Study on the Albanian Guarantee Standards for Logo awards.
3.1. Assumptions underlying the project intervention
3.2. Risks
Winter time might bring about logistical problems for the implementation of the activities based on
the approved action plan.
4.1. General
Project description
Under the IPA Cross Border Cooperation Programme Albania – Kosovo, 2010 – 2011, EcoPartners for Sustainable Development in cooperation with SHTAK-KATA, Regional Council of
Kukes, and the Municipality of Prizren are currently running a project titled: “Promote Eco –
Tourism through fostering “QUALITY LOGO PRODUCTS” of Albanian traditional agricultural
products and touristic sites”
Eco-Partners for Sustainable Development
Rr. Ismail Qemali , P. 2K, Nr. 25/C, Tirana, Albania; tel: +355 42234482; e-mail: [email protected]
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The “Quality Logo Products” project led by Eco-Partners for Sustainable Development, is trying to
promote traditional products and breathe behaviours and attitudes that characterize the history of
each area. By promoting a basket of goods in each territory and also promoting traditional recipes
Quality Logo Products project wants to mobilize local stakeholders. Adopting a “quality logo” that
will be awarded only to firms and economic actors that fulfil quality-based criteria, the Quality
Logo Products project will disseminate this as the quality of goods and services. These firms will
be encouraged and to a certain degree obliged to use traditional products by assuring to use
traditional recipes in their cooking. The ambition of this effort is to create “quality areas” that
enhance traditional products in a strategic way. This will be the main pole of attraction for tourists
and travellers. Anyone interested to visit the participating areas will know before –by Internet,
road maps – Facebook and YouTube - places that should be visited and the firms that this quality
logo is awarded.
This project has the ambition to create a strong synergy with long lasting results in the border area.
It tries to change also the way of behaviour of local stakeholders and will also give them the
chance to promote their products and services. The strategic impact of this project is to change the
behaviour towards a tourist or a traveller, or any potential visitor of these places. It will give them
the appropriate guidance and assistance; it will help them to be aware of every complaining
process, also offering the chance for local stakeholder to create a “quality zone” that helps to
attract more people than it does today.
The project team, residing in both sides of the border, has been established and based on the
project to design the inputs from a regional expert of the domain as required. It is very important
for the technical staff working in the project to exchange the know – how, experiences and learn
about them in terms of the definition of the quality traditional products, categorisation, relevant
status of the product and the preparation for the logo award.
Geographical area to be covered
Region of Kukes
Target groups
Artisans, local producers, associations, agro – processors, business operator, regional travel
agencies and citizens at large.
4.2. Specific activities
The expert will be required to provide the following services:
Analysis of the ALBANIAN GUARANTEE STANDARDS (in compliance with EU
standards) of the
Typical Products
Food Processors
Communication with Lead Partner in regard with common definition of the Albanian
Guarantee Standards
Eco-Partners for Sustainable Development
Rr. Ismail Qemali , P. 2K, Nr. 25/C, Tirana, Albania; tel: +355 42234482; e-mail: [email protected]
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Training the specialist of the Regional Council of Kukes and Regional Agriculture
Directorate on the understanding of the Albanian Guarantee Standards.
Defining the name of the Quality Logo Products logo.
Assisting the project’s staff on any issue related to the Quality Logo Products in terms of
tourism standards.
4.3. Project management
Responsible body
Eco-Partners for Sustainable Development will be the main responsible partner of managing this
Management structure
The Steering Group of Eco-Partners for Sustainable Development: notable the Project Manager,
Financial Officer, Communication and Campaign Officer and the Project Coordinator.
Facilities to be provided by the Contracting Authority
Eco-Partners for Sustainable Development
Rr. Ismail Qemali , P. 2K, Nr. 25/C, Tirana, Albania; tel: +355 42234482; e-mail: [email protected]
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5.1. Location
The location is mainly in the Kukes Region. Cost for travel or other expenses are included in this
contract fee.
5.2. Commencement date & Period of implementation
The intended commencement date is 15 October 2014 and the period of implementation of the
contract will be 20 days from this date until 15 March 2016. Please refer to Articles 4 and 5 of the
Special Conditions for the actual commencement date and period of implementation.
The estimated cost for this service is 2600 EUR.
6.1. Personnel
Key expert
Qualifications and skills
University degree in a discipline relevant to the assignment (Agronomy/Veterinary)
Ability to work together with working team and on the spot
Good team working and communication skills.
Very good organisational, coordination and reporting skills
General professional experience
At least 5 year experience in this area;
Specific professional experience
Previous experience in similar projects and/or in relevant domain
Previous relevant work experience with EU funded projects in CBC will be an asset
Guidance notes on expert inputs:
1) Working days: performance of the contract (and therefore payment) is based on working
days only. The Consultant will only be paid for days actually worked on the basis of the
daily fee rate contained in the budget breakdown
It is unnecessary to stipulate what the holiday provision for the experts will be. This is for
the tenderer to decide. See further article 22 in the General Conditions.
Eco-Partners for Sustainable Development
Rr. Ismail Qemali , P. 2K, Nr. 25/C, Tirana, Albania; tel: +355 42234482; e-mail: [email protected]
Page 6 of 8
2) The schedule of estimated numbers of working days provides a direct basis for
calculating the maximum contract value. This estimation may be updated by the
Consultant during the implementation of the project. The Project Manager can use this
when monitoring the actual numbers of working days submitted in invoices and to check
that the contract is progressing within budget, which is very useful from a financial
management perspective.
Other experts
Support staff & backstopping
Backstopping and support staff costs must be included in the fee rates of the expert.
6.2. Office accommodation
6.3. Facilities to be provided by the Contracting Authority
The Contracting Authority shall ensure that experts are adequately supported and equipped. In
particular it shall ensure that there is sufficient administrative, secretarial and interpreting
provision to enable experts to concentrate on their primary responsibilities. It must also transfer
funds as necessary to support its activities under the contract and to ensure that its employees are
paid regularly and in a timely fashion.
6.4. Equipment
No equipment is to be purchased on behalf of the Contracting Authority / beneficiary country as
part of this service contract or transferred to the Contracting Authority / beneficiary country at the
end of this contract. Any equipment related to this contract which is to be acquired by the
beneficiary country must be purchased by means of a separate supply tender procedure.
7.1. Reporting requirements
The Contractor will submit a final report no later than 1 month before the conclusion of the
project, if requested by the Contracting Authority.
7.2. Submission & approval of reports
The report referred to above must be submitted to the Project Manager identified in the contract.
The Project Manager is responsible for approving the reports.
Eco-Partners for Sustainable Development
Rr. Ismail Qemali , P. 2K, Nr. 25/C, Tirana, Albania; tel: +355 42234482; e-mail: [email protected]
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In the absence of comments or approval by the project Manager within 10 days upon receipt of
the final reports, the reports are deemed to be approved.
8.1. Definition of indicators
Monitoring with be carried out periodically by the Contracting Authority.
8.2. Special requirements
Submission deadline of the application: 10 October 2014
Eco-Partners for Sustainable Development
Rr. Ismail Qemali , P. 2K, Nr. 25/C, Tirana, Albania; tel: +355 42234482; e-mail: [email protected]
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