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Honduras: Sustainable Management of Production Landscapes
The livestock sector is of fundamental importance for Honduras, representing 11% of the country’s
GDP. It provides around 180,000 jobs directly and 350,000 jobs indirectly nationwide, and has
considerable potential for growth. At the same time, the expansion of cattle grazing lands because
of extensive cattle farming practices is a main threat to the country’s remaining forests and
wetlands, as well as to the sustainability of land management in agro ecosystems. In particular, two
biodiversity rich forests, the Department of Yoro in the north of the country, and Choluteca and
Valle on the country’s Pacific southern side are threatened by encroachment and face high
deforestation rates.
Project objective: Reducing deforestation through improved ranching practices
5 year Programme (2013-2018)
Three years project (2013 – 2016)
The Project, entitled “Delivering multiple
farmers in sustainable production practices,
global environmental benefits through
such as silvo-pasture grassing systems and
sustainable management of production
frequent rotation between grass lots.
landscapes” is made possible by a USD 6
million grant by the Global Environment
demonstrated in Costa Rica, Colombia and
Nicaragua to drastically improve the
The project aims to delivering multiple global
productivity of livestock production, and can
environmental benefits through sustainable
provide the farmers with alternative income
management of production landscapes: in the
from timber and tree crops. The increased
north of the country (including the project
productivity on existing grasslands will make
pilot area in the Department of Yoro), curbing
cattle ranching competitive with other
the deforestation by stabilizing the
economic activity and hence, when supported
agricultural frontier; and in the seasonally dry
by the development of effective governance
South (the pilot area of Choluteca and Valle
conditions, prevent farmers from converting
Departments), increasing the sustainability
and resilience of smallholder farming
systems. This will also mitigate climate
changes by reducing carbon emissions from
deforestation and land degradation.
The project will achieve this objective in two
ways: first, the project will establish an
effective for cattle production -enabling
environment includes increased stakeholder
collaboration, increase commitment to
sustainable sourcing in the cattle supplychain, and lending programs to enhance
investment in sustainable production
practices; second, the project will train
Photo by Lon&Queta, Honduras
National Livestock Platform
The project identified an existing mechanism for dialogue for livestock and agreed with the
Ministry of Agriculture and FAO to support its evolution into a National Livestock Platform
Who are the main partners engaged in this initiative?
Other partners
Funding partner
Ministry of Natural Resources and the Environment Ministry of Agriculture and
Producer groups, processers, and buyers, including Walmart
CATIE (Agriculture Centre for Tropical Investigation and Education)
Global Environment Facility, Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock (IFAD loans to
PROMECOM, EMPRENDESUR and Horizontes del Norte rural development
projects), Central American Bank for Economic Integration (CABEI), ICADE,
For more information, please contact
(Juan Ferrando, Program Specialist)
(Tel: +504 2220-1100; email: [email protected])