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AP Biology
Unit 7: Animal Structure & Function
Key Vocabulary
Animal Tissues
blood, bone, cardiac muscle, cartilage, connective tissue, epithelial tissue,
muscle tissue, nerve tissue, simple epithelium, smooth muscle, squamous
epithelium, stratified epithelium, striated muscle
Animal Development
acoelomate, amnion, amniotic egg, blastula, cleavage, cloning, coelom,
coelomate, determinate growth, deuterostome, differentiation, diploblastic,
ectoderm, endoderm, enterocoelomate, gastrula, germ layer, induction, larva,
mesoderm, metamorphosis, molting, protostome, pseudocoelomate, pupa,
schizocoelomate, triploblastic, zygote
Animal Nutrition
amylase, bile salts, catabolism, essential amino acids, complete digestive tract,
essential fatty acids, filter-feeder, insulin, gall bladder, glucagon, hydrolysis,
lipase, liver, microvillus, pancreas, pepsin, ruminant digestion, small intestine,
stomach, trypsin, large intestine
Circulation and Gas Exchange
alveolus, aorta, artery, arteriole, atrium, capillary, carbonic acid-bicarbonate
buffer, book lung, cardiac cycle, closed circulatory system, countercurrent
exchange, diastole, double circulation, gill, homeostasis, hemoglobin, interstitial
fluid, lung, open circulatory system, red blood cell (RBC), systole, swim bladder,
tracheae, valve, vein, vena cava, ventricle, venule
brown fat, countercurrent heat exchange, ectotherm, endotherm, estivation,
evaporative cooling, hibernation, homeotherm, poikilotherm, sweat gland,
thermoregulation, torpor, vasoconstriction, vasodilation
Waste Disposal
ammonia, antidiuretic hormone (ADH), Bowman’s capsule, collecting duct, distal
tubule, excretion, filtration, flame-bulb cell, glomerulus, kidney, loop of Henle,
Malpighian tubule, metanephridium, nephron, osmoconformer, osmoregulator,
proximal tubule, reabsorption, secretion, urea, uric acid
Immune Response
antibody, antigen, B cell, bone marrow, cell-mediated immunity, clonal selection,
complement, cytotoxic T cell, helper T cell, humoral immunity, human
immunodeficiency virus (HIV), inflammatory response, lymphatic system, lymph
node, lymphocyte, macrophage, memory cell, plasma cell, primary immune
response, secondary immune response, T Cell, thymus, vaccination, vaccine
AP Biology
Unit 7: Animal Structure & Function
Key Vocabulary
adrenal glands, anterior pituitary, antidiuretic hormone (ADH), cyclical AMP
(cAMP), endocrine gland, endocrine system, feedback, glucagon, growth
hormone, homeostasis, hormone, hypothalamus, insulin, norepinephrine,
oxytocin, pancreas, pituitary gland, posterior pituitary, prolactin, receptor,
releasing hormone, stimulating hormone, second messenger, steroid hormone,
target cell, thyroid, thyroid hormones (T3, T4)
Nervous System
autonomic NS, axon, central nervous system (CNS), cerebellum, cerebral
hemisphere, cerebrum, corpus callosum, dendrite, effector, interneuron, medulla,
motor cortex, motor division, motor neuron, nerve, neuron, parasympathetic
division, peripheral nervous system (PNS), reflex arc, sensory cortex, sensory
division, sensory neuron, somatic NS, sympathetic division, synapse
Nerve Impulse
acetylcholine, action potential, ADP+P, ATP, axon, dendrite, depolarization,
gated ion channel, hyperpolarization, myelin sheath, neuron, neurotransmitter,
node of Ranvier, norepinephrine, postsynaptic cell, potassium channel,
presynaptic cell, repolarization, resting potential, saltatory conduction, sodium
channel, sodium-potassium pump, Schwann cell, synapse, synaptic vesicle
auditory nerve, chemoreceptor,cochlea, compund eye, cone cell, dark current,
depolarized, hair cell, hyperpolarized, inner ear, lateral line system,
mechanoreceptor,middle ear, neurotransmitter, olfactory bulb, opsin, optic nerve,
organs of equilibrium, ossicles, outer ear, oval window, perception,
photoreceptor, reception, response, retina, retinal, rhodopsin, rod cell, round
window, semicircular canals, sensory neuron, sensory receptor, sensory
transduction, single-lens eye, sodium channel, sodium pump, taste bud,
thermoreceptor, transduction
Muscle Action
actin, ADP+P, ATP, binding site, calcium ion, cross-bridge, muscle fiber,
myofilaments, myoglobin, myosin, myosin head, neuromuscular junction,
neurotransmitter, sarcomere, sliding-filament model, thick filament, thin filament
Animal Reproduction
acrosome, acrosome reaction, anterior pituitary, corpus luteum, cortical reaction,
egg, estrogen, fast block to polyspermy, fertilization membrane, follicle, follicle
stimuating hormone (FSH), gamete, gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH),
hypothalamus, luteinizing hormone (LH), negative feedback, ovary, ovulation,
parthenogenesis, positive feedback, progesterone, primary oocyte, secondary
oocyte, slow block to polyspermy, sperm, testis
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