Download Intention to Bring Animals for Sale or Exchange

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Lmve your Livestmck
14 February - 10am – 2pm
The Huon Farmers’ Market
The Esplanade Huonville
The aim of the day is to provide people in the valley a place to sell smaller livestock,
attract customers and to provide a discussion point around the potential need for a
Small Animal Abattoir in the valley
Intention to Bring Animals for Sale or Exchange
Name: _________________________________________________________________
Address: _______________________________________________________________
Mob: ____________________ home phone: ________________________________
Email address: ___________________________________________________________
Type of Animals: _________________________________________________________
No fees are applicable for this event. All sales monies are to be retained by the seller.
The Huon Producers’ Network requires that:
 All animals be given a quick health assessment at the gate by our resident vet Emma
 All animals are to be provided with adequate water/shelter and caging by the owner.
(water is not readily available onsite – please bring your own)
 No animals are to be sold or placed in a plastic bag or feed bag by either seller or
 Any actions which would lead to needless stress, injury or death of an animal will not
be accepted.
 No horses, cattle or large animals please.
 Alpacas, goats, sheep, poultry, and rabbits are acceptable.
 Please abide by any laws governing the care and sale of animals.
 No native animals are to be available to give away or for sale or exchange.
Please return this form by the 12 February either via email [email protected]
Or Huon Producers Network PO Box 141 Geeveston 7116