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Nervous system
Chapter 20 Meninges and blood vessels of the brain
and spinal cord, and the cerebrospinal fluid
The menings of brain and spinal cord
The blood vessels of brain and spinal
The cerebrospinal fluid and its
Blood brain barrieer
The meninges of brain and spinal cord
the meninges of spinal cord
spinal dura mater
epidural space
subdural space
spinal arachnoid mater
subarachnoid space
terminal cistern
spinal pia mater
denticulate ligament
cerebullar meninges
From outside to inside:
cerebral dura mater
cerebral arachnoid mater
cerebral pia mater
cerebral dura mater
cerebral falx
tentorium of cerebellum
cerebellar falx
diaphragma sellae
Dural sinuses
superior sagittal sinus
inferior sagittal sinus
straight sinus
transverse sinus
sigmoid sinus
cavernous sinus
superior petrosal sinus
inferior petrosal sinus
visual tract
cavernous sinus
•The structures which go through the
interior wall of cavernous sinus:
internal carotid artery ⑴
abducent nerve ⑵
•The structures which go through the lateral
wall of cavernous sinus:
from upper to down
oculomotor nerve ⑶
trochlear nerve ⑷
trigeminal ophthalmic nerve branch(V1) ⑸
superior maxillary nerve branch(V2) ⑹
the afflux of blood in sinuses of dura mater:
superior sagittal
inferior sagittal
superior petrosal
petrosal sinus
jugular vein
cerebral arachnoid mater
subarachnoid space
subarachnoidal cistern
interpeduncular cistern
cerebellomedullary cistern
superior cistern of quadrigeminal bodies
chiasmatic cistern
cisterna pontis
arachnoid granulations
cerebral pia mater
The cerebral pia mater and its blood vessels as well as ependymal epithelium
of this region constitute chorioid tela commonly. The choroid plexus is the
main structure of producing cerebrospinal fluid.
The blood vessels of brain and spinal cord
cerebullar blood vessels
cerebullar artery
internal carotid artery
anterior cerebral artery and anterior
communicating artery
middle cerebral artery
anterior choroidal artery
posterior communicating artery
vertebral artery basilar artery
The principal branches of
vertebral artery are:
anterior spinal artery, posterior
spinal artery
posterior inferior cerebellar artery
the principal branches of basilar
anterior inferior cerebellar artery
auditory artery(Internal auditory
pontine arteries
superior cerebellar artery
posterior cerebral artery
arterial circle of Willis(Willis circle)
cerebullar vein
Don’t go with artery, and infuse to sinuses of dura mater via many
pathways, finally return via internal jugular vein.
Superficial group
superior cerebral vein
(above lateral sulcus)
inferior cerebral vein
(below lateral sulcus)
Middle cerebral vein
superficial middle cerebral veins
deep middle cerebral vein
Deep group
internal cerebral veins
great cerebral vein(Galen vein)
myelonic blood vessel
myelonic artery
posterior spinal artery
anterior spinal artery
myelonic vein
is more and thicker than artery. The anterior vein and posterior vein are
confluenced by the veinlet of spinal cord,and influxed internal vertebral vein
plexus of epidural space by vena radix anterior and posterior radical vein.
cerebrospinal fluid and its circulatin
The cerebrospinal fluid
is produced by choroid
plexus of every cerebral
ventricle, which is colorless
and transparent fluid and
filled with ventricular
system、central canal of
spinal cord and
subarachnoid space.
The cerebrospinal fluid play a role of
buffering shock, protection, transporting
metabolic product and regulating
intracranial pressure.
The route of cerebrospinal fluid circulation
choroid plexus of lateral ventricle produce cerebrospinal fluid
interventricular foramen
third ventricle of cerebrum(choroid plexus produce cerebrospinal fluid)
aqueduct of midbrain
fourth ventricle of cerebrum(choroid plexus produce cerebrospinal fluid)
lateral aperture、median aperture
subarachnoid space
arachnoid granulations
superior sagittal sinus
blood-brain barrier
blood-brain barrier
structural basement:
capillary endothelium
basal lamina of blood
gelatinous membrane
blood-CSF barrier
structural basement:
Zona occludens exist on the
interspaceal top of choroid
plexus epithelial cell.
the structural basement of cerebrospinal fluid-blood-brain barrier
the structural basement:
ependymal epithelium、
cerebral pia mate and
gelatinous membrane
below meninx vasculosa
The blood-brain barrier can protect the brain and spinal cord from the
influence of physical and chemical factor in or out of environment, thus to
maintain relative steady state.
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