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Silvia Rosibel Martinez
Referente Nacional Titular de la REDLACTRANS
REDLACTRANS Main National Representative
Coordinadora Nacional REDTRANS
REDTRANS National Coordinator
Punto focal del
Focal Point - Observatorio Latino AID for AIDS
email: [email protected]
phone: 22783700 ext 223
fax: 505-22786775
personal mobile: 88816239
Office mobile: 86148447
The trans community wants justice and health…Health to be included
“The Right of One … is the
Right of All”
On April 4 2011, Silvia Nicaragua [email protected] wrote:
From: silvia nicaragua <[email protected]>
Subject: [red trans de nicaragua] The Right of One is the Right of All
To: [email protected]
Date: Monday, April 4th, 2011, 18:54
Somotillo is located 201 kilometers from Managua, the capital city, and has a
population of 32.583 people. 23.134 live in the rural areas and 9.449 in the urban
part. The main economic activity of that county is agriculture with corn,
watermelon and sesame seeds as the main products.
Like the majority of the western cities, Somotillo belongs to the Department of
Chinandega and it is a hot and dry and the wind hits the body with no mercy
during the summer. Because of the heat many people go and swing in the rivers
or travel to the coast of Corinto to enjoy the Pacific Ocean.
REDTRANS from the counties of Managua, Chichigalpa, Leon and Chinandega,
the Lesbian Group “Safo Doblemente Mujeres” and the gay group of Somotillo
participated in a march in favor of the different sexual identities. Our
representative, Paola de la Vega, coordinated the demonstration with all the
actors of this municipality in order to show that we are not the problem but part of
the solution.
REDTRANS artists were part of different shows as evidence that we are all
together and are proud citizens of Nicaragua. Among the artists were Venus
Wilson, from Masaya, Nahomy Canales, from Chinandega, Mistica Guerrero,
vice-coordinator of the promoters, and Yadria Carrillo from Managua.
The lesbians group Safo also demonstrated that art has no frontiers.
-Published by silvia nicaragua for red trans de nicaragua el 4/04/2011 09:54:00 AM