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The University of Michigan
Transgenic Animal Model Core
Sally A. Camper, Ph.D.
Linda C. Samuelson, Ph.D.
Thomas L. Saunders, Ph.D.
2570 MSRB II, SPC 5674
1150 W. Medical Center Drive
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-0674
Voice: (734) 647-2910
FAX: (734) 936-2622
Internal Use Only
Date Received
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BAC recombineering services include DNA purification and verification by pulsed field gel restriction mapping.
Name of BAC:
Gene of Interest:
Genome Coordinates and Genome Build:
Contact Michael Zeidler ([email protected] or 763-6209) to initiate a BAC recombineering project. If
available, email the sequence of the wild type BAC and the desired sequence of the genetically modified
BAC to Mr. Zeidler. The Core will review the design and submit a final sequence for approval.
Available Services:
1. Knockins. Available cassettes include
Flagtag epitope
human placental alkaline phosphatase
cDNA for gene of interest
point mutations
iCre-ERT2 knockin and removal of loxP site in BAC cloning vector
iCre knockin and removal of loxP site in BAC cloning vector
Inquiries about other expression cassettes are welcome.
2.Remove of loxP site in BAC cloning vectors (pBACe3.6, pBeloBAC11)
3.Subclone DNA fragment from BAC by gap repair
4. Construction of conditional or null gene targeting vector.
Contact Person
Phone Number
email address:
ShortCode Number
for Core Recharge
P.I. Name
Funding Source
Grant Title
Billing Department
Authorized Signature
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