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2017/2018 Application to Present for NGMA
Carefully read through all sections before completing application.
NGMA’s Call for Presentations has changed!
We are accepting application to present at:
2018 Annual Grants Training (AGT) and/or
2017/2018 Webinar series (10-12 sessions).
Our goal is to provide participants with varying degrees of knowledge, skills and resources to
expand their work in the field of grants management.
NGMA’s strength is its collaboration across various industries, roles, and years of experience in the
field of grants management. To that end, we support applications that:
Meet varying levels of proficiency
Address various stages of the grant lifecycle
Include multiple stakeholder groups on a specific topic
Speak to the industry needs of our participants (federal, state, local, tribal, university, nonprofit, hospital systems, private organizations, etc.)
Presentations must be educational in nature and not be a sales pitch or product or marketing
program. Presentations that promote an organization or organization's services or products will not
be accepted.
Section 1 – Applicant’s Information
Applicant’s Name:
Organization Website:
Email Address:
Phone Number:
Section 2 – Presenter Information
Please provide contact information for each of the presenters. Include additional pages as needed.
Contact Information - Presenter 1
Email Address:
Phone Number:
Contact Information - Presenter 2
Email Address:
Phone Number:
Section 3 – Presentation Information A
If selected, information in this section will be used in NGMA’s marketing materials. We recommend you use
clear, concise and engaging language. Three learning objectives are required.
Description (75 words or less)
Learning objectives
By the end of this session, participants will learn:
Section 4 – Presentation Information B
Please indicate course level, venue (AGT, Webinar or both) and industry(ies) best represented by your
proposal based on information below. NGMA's goal is to provide balanced programming to meet the needs of
our diverse participants.
Course Level
Professionals who are…
Annual Grants Training (AGT)
 April 3-5, 2018
 Approximately 800 participants
 60-75 minutes
 Questions and answers included in time
 Some sessions may be repeated based on
relevance or need
 Seeking an introduction to concepts, skills
principles, and terminology
 Seeking to build a foundation of knowledge
and understanding
 New to the field or within their first two years
of experience
 Seeking to build knowledge in focused topic
 Able to learn, discuss and analyze the
complexities of a topic
 Mid-level in the field with 2-5 years of
 Seeking to master knowledge in a focused
topic area
 Able to apply learning in a deeper way
 Able to share culminating experience with
 Able to solve problems using principles,
concepts, research, best practices from the
 High-level in the field with 5 or more years of
 Live webinar 1 – 2pm EST
 PowerPoint presentation with live interactive
 Third Wednesday of each month, except for
December (second Wednesday)
 1-2pm EST
 60 minutes
 Questions and answers included in the
allotted time
 If proposal is accepted, slides due 2 weeks in
advance of presentation.
Federal, State, Local, Non-Profit, University, Hospital System, Private, All, Other (please specify)
Please describe specifically how your presentation meets one or more of the course levels. For which format
(or) venue do you wish your presentation to be considered (AGT, Webinar or both)? Which industry(ies) will
benefit most from your presentation?
Section 5 – Presentation Delivery Method
Please indicate the delivery method for your presentation by placing an x in the left column.
Traditional Presentation Lecture style, with PowerPoint presentation and time allotted for questions and
Hands-on Presentation Provide participants with an opportunity to engage in teaching activities and
interactive discussions about a particular topic.
Roundtable Discussion Facilitated discussion by presenter. Participants are given topics to discuss at their
table or in a small group and report out to larger group.
Panel Discussion One topic examined and explored from different perspectives. Panels must include a
minimum of three presenters and a designated moderator. Presenters should be prepared with 3 starter
questions. NGMA can provide support to collect additional questions in advance.
Section 6 – Presenter’s Experience
Please describe your presentation experience (e.g. venue, sponsoring organization, topic presented, expertise, etc.).
We are interested in learning about other topics or presentations you’ve given, please share any additional information
you feel is relevant.
Key Dates and Contacts
Applications Due
June 23, 2017
Submit applications to
Tammy Sullivan, NGMA Education Director [email protected]
Acceptance Notification (AGT, Webinar or both)
July 14, 2017
Declination Notifications
July 14, 2017
Presenter Specifications Due
August 4, 2017
AGT day/time preference
Webinar month preference
Bio & photo
A/V needs
AGT Breakout Session Assignment (day/time)
Webinar Assignment (month)
Questions? Please Email Both 
August 18, 2017
Tammy Sullivan, NGMA Education Director [email protected]
Lashon Henderson, Education Committee, Chair
[email protected]