Download Town Campus Center Building Committee Meeting Lyme Town Hall

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Town Campus Center Building Committee Meeting
Lyme Town Hall
June 5, 2014
5:00 P.M. – 7:00 P.M.
Meeting Minutes
The meeting was called to order at 5:00 P.M.
Meeting Attendees: Mac Godley, Dan Hagan Chuck Lynch, Alan Petri, Dave Tiffany, and
Janis Witkins. Bruce Tuthill, Project Architect, Jake Smith of Enterprise Builders, Theresa
Conley, Bill Denow and Mary Ann Kistner also attended.
Mr. Lynch made a motion, seconded by Mr. Godley, to approve the Meeting Minutes of May 1,
2014. The motion passed unanimously.
Mr. Smith reviewed the construction progress to date. The focus is now on final preparations
for moving Town Hall operations into the Annex addition. The Town Hall furniture is in and
final activities for obtaining the TCO are nearing completion. Everything is on track for the
final move over the June 21-22 weekend. Library construction continues without any major
issues. The rough out of the MEP is nearing completion.
Mr. Hagan reviewed the status of the budget. The GMP remains at $3,902,525 with $52,064 in
Change Order (CO) accumulation. The Owner Contingency is currently $312,708. He also
noted that some Change Orders on the tonight’s Agenda will affect that total.
Mr. Hagan presented Change Order 32-R1 for the Committee’s review and approval. This CO
will address the issues with the initial Siding Contractor and added scope to the Town Hall
siding. The cost is $42,599 and; if approved, this amount would come from the Owner
Contingency. Mr. Godley made a motion, seconded by Ms. Witkins, to approve Change Order
32-R1 valued at $42,500. The motion was approved unanimously.
Ms. WItkins presented the window treatment plan for the Town Hall and Library. Total cost
for the Town Hall Offices, Register’s Office, and the Meeting Room is $4,938. .The Library plan
is $8,745. The costs are within the current budget. Ms. Witkins made a motion, seconded by
Mr. Tiffany, to approve the Town Hall and Library window treatments. The motion was
approved unanimously.
Mr. Hagan and Ms. WItkins presented the IT and FFE Plans for the Town Hall and Library.
The IT budgets for both the Town Hall and Library include hardware, security, phones, ISP
and WiFi, A/V, and installation. The Town Hall Plan final approval requires $16,999: $8,052
for IT and $8,947 for FFE. (Note: $98,723 was previously approved for Town Hall FFE and IT.)
This total cost is $11,200 under budget. Mr. Lynch made a motion, seconded by Mr. Godley to
approved the Plan.. The motion was approved unanimously. The Library Plan requires
$155,440 for FFE and $60,597 for IT. The Plan requires a transfer of $20,000 from the Library
IT budget to the Library FFE budget. The total cost is $1,863 under budget. Ms. WItkins
made a motion, seconded by Mr. Petri, to approve the Library IT and FFE Plan. The motion
was approved unanimously.
Mr. Hagan discussed the need for the Committee to make decisions on two alternates: the
Library Generator/Transfer Switch and the Library Dumbwaiter. EBI said construction is at a
point where they need to know about these alternates. Discussion followed. The consensus of
the Committee was to hold Owner Contingency dollars until the Meeting Room scope is
finalized. Mr. Tiffany made a motion, seconded by Mr. Petri, to reject both alternates. The
motion passed unanimously. There were questions and discussion about the Library shed and
its use or non-use with the new Library. Mr. Hagan said this topic would be added to the July
Meeting Agenda for further discussion and action if necessary.
Mr. Hagan discussed Change Order 66 – Relocating the Condensing Units at the rear of the
Library. The change moves the units about 30’ and away from a bank of windows. The cost is
$3,360. Mr. Tuthill’s review indicated the cost should be $2,509. The contractor held firm at
his estimated cost. To move ahead with the CO the Committee needs to approve the $3,360
cost. Mr. Lynch made a motion, second by Mr. Petri, to approve Change Order 66 at $3,360.
The motion passed unanimously.
At 5:46 P.M., Mr. Tiffany made a motion, seconded by Ms. Witkins, to adjourn the meeting.
The motion passed unanimously.