Download Pasadena Independent School District Agriculture Science Facility

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Pasadena Independent School District
Agriculture Science Facility Rules
Strawberry & Genoa Red Bluff/Blackhawk FFA Facility
The purpose of the Pasadena Independent School District (ISD) Agriculture Science facilities is to provide
an extension to the classroom for students to utilize in their Supervised Agricultural Experience Program
(SAEP) projects.
In order for the District to ensure the safe and effective use of the Facilities, certain rules and
regulations must be observed. District employees, including Agriculture Science teachers, facility
managers, and administrators shall monitor compliance of Facility rules and regulation (both physically
and via security cameras) and are made possible for the management of the Facility. District
administrators may implement change when deemed necessary and may do so at any time during the
year. The Pasadena ISD barn facilities are for High School FFA member’s only showing animals under
their respective FFA Chapter.
The following rules will be followed by all students, parents, guardians, family members, guest, or
general public while visiting the facility.
1. The Agriculture Science Facilities are located on PISD property, therefore, ALL DISTRICT POLICIES
2. PISD high school students who are regularly enrolled in Agriculture Science and who are
members in good standing with the District, high school FFA chapter are eligible to apply to
house an approved animal project at the Facility.
3. One guest under 18 years of age may accompany a student with a project animal to the facility,
unless a parent or legal guardian also accompanies the student and his/her guest.
4. The PISD student shall be held accountable for his/her family and/or guest(s) at all times. If a
family member or guest of the student violates the rules of the Facility or the PISD District
Policy, the District shall treat the student as though he/she violated the rules and administer
punishment accordingly.
5. Parents, students, and guests of students are to behave in a courteous and respectful manner at
all times in the Facility. Persons who maintain inappropriate behavior standards are subject to
eviction/banning from the Facility.
6. Per PISD policy, tobacco, drugs, alcohol or weapons are strictly prohibited.
7. The Facility hours are 5:30 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. No student is allowed at the facility for any reason
outside of these hours without express written permission from an agriculture teacher or school
8. Animals may not enter the barns of different species. Do not bring a pig in the lamb area.
9. No pets are allowed on the facility grounds.
10. No modifications will be made to electricity, carpentry, plumbing or anything related to the
facility without written approval from the school district maintenance department.
11. Vandalism, accidents, or harassment that occurs at the facility should be reported to the
Pasadena ISD Police immediately (713-740-0200), and then to the student’s Agriculture Science
Student initials__________ Parent initials___________
12. All students will share the responsibility of the community areas. The Agricultural Science
teacher will assign duties as necessary.
13. PISD staff, FFA or school official shall not be held responsible for injury to or death of any project
animal while it is on PISD property or any other property. (Securing project insurance is an
owner option and is strongly encouraged by the District).
14. PISD staff, FFA or school official shall not be held liable for injury to a student, student’s guest(s)
or family members while at the Facility. Any injury or hazards should be reported to the
agriculture teacher immediately.
15. Students/Parents should not disclose the combination to the pasture gate/barn gate locks to
anyone. Nor allow anyone access into the barn by any person or group. (Not sure on the
wording but example would be the art department showing up to the barn without prior Ag
teacher permission to photograph animals.
16. Please keep off of grass, maintain safe distance from fence, etc.
Rules and Regulation for Housing Projects
1. Students shall complete the following before housing an animal on the Facility grounds:
a. Obtain written permission from your home campus agriculture teacher to participate in
an animal housing project;
b. Attend an informational meeting with their parent/legal guarding and agriculture
c. A signed Barn agreement must be signed by ALL parties involved in the project is
required before a student project is placed in the Facility. A signed Barn agreement
does not guarantee a pen.
d. Pay all relevant Facility fees (fees schedule below)
2. Agriculture Science teachers will assign all stalls.
3. Students are responsible for keeping all belonging locked in a tack box. Ag teachers/PISD will
not be responsible for items missing or stolen.
4. All manure and feedstuff must be properly disposed of in the designated area.
5. The student is responsible for cleaning and maintaining the project area at all times. Students
will be required to clean their project areas and assist others in cleaning the facility as a whole.
6. Sand and/or other bedding must follow guidelines outlined by the teacher, depending on which
part barn the animal is housed in.
7. Each project must be adequately taken care of to maintain good animal health and sanitation.
8. The student must provide fresh clean water, feed and manure emptied out and into the
designated areas daily.
9. If the student is unable to care for an animal, the student must communicate with the
Agricultural Science teacher to make other temporary arrangements. Students should never
feed other student’s projects without permission from the Agricultural Science teacher.
10. Disposal of animal carcasses in dumpsters is prohibited. Animal carcasses must be disposed of
properly. City of Pasadena/Houston ordinance.
11. Any animal not fed, watered, and cared for daily will be removed from the Facility at the
owner’s expense.
12. The animal project is the student’s project and responsibility. All decisions relevant to the care
of the animal will be made by the student/parent. Agriculture teachers are available to assist
and aid a student when a student requests the assistance. Agriculture teachers will closely
Student initials__________ Parent initials___________
monitor all stock show rules. Ethical treatment of animals is required at all times, and rule
violations will not be tolerated.
Student’s projects may be used by agriculture teachers for livestock judging practice or to teach
skills as weighing, leading or vaccination.
The arena is to be used during clinics or shows hosted only by PISD agriculture teachers.
PISD Agriculture teachers will require that ALL students participate in “Barn Clean Ups” as the
teacher will give plenty of notice on the days of this activity.
Radios, ornamental lights, or additional electronic devices must have prior written approval of
the agriculture teacher.
Timeline for Removal of Project(s)
1. If a student becomes ineligible to show or moves out of the Pasadena ISD attendance zone, the
student has 7 days to remove his/her project and clean the pen.
2. If a student’s animal dies while in the barn, the student has 2 hours to remove the animal.
3. The student is to remove all projects from the Facility within 1 week after their respective show
unless other directed by an agriculture teacher. This rule applies to ALL animals, including
heifers. This includes the removal of ALL tack and supplies. The barn is not a storage facility.
Terms and Conditions
1. If the student fails to abide by any of the above mentioned rules the following actions will be
2. Notice of eviction is as follows:
a. 1st infraction will result in a written warning issued by an agriculture teacher;
b. 2nd infraction will result in a referral to school administrator for disciplinary action; and
c. 3rd infraction will result in the immediate removal of a project from the facility. Ban
from future facility privileges.
Facility Fees per Student and Feeding Period
Swine, Sheep and Goats - $60.00
Steers and Heifers - $100.00
Poultry and Rabbits – $25.00
By signing this document you indicate that you have read/understand and agree to abide by the PISD
Agriculture Science Facility Rules and Regulations. I also understand this will be kept for documentation
of written and verbal warnings. The parent and/or legal guardian acknowledge these rules and agrees
to abide by them and assist in monitoring the student as well.
Student Signature: ___________________
Student Cell #:___________________________
Print Student Name: __________________
Student Email: __________________________
Parent/Guardian Signature: _______________________
Contact Phone #:__________________
Print Guardian Name: ____________________________
Parent Email: _____________________
Student initials__________ Parent initials___________
1st Emergency Phone #:_________________________________
2nd Emergency Phone #:_________________________________
Please Circle which feeding period you will be paying for
A. Fall Shows - Pasadena Livestock Show and Rodeo/Harris County Fair/State Fair
B. Spring Shows- Fort Worth/San Antonio/Houston/Austin Livestock Show
Date Paid
Pen #_______
Cause of Infraction
The Pasadena Independent School District is an equal opportunity employer and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, religion, age, or disability in employment matters, in its
admissions policies, or by excluding from participation in, denying access to, or denying the benefits of district services, academic and/or vocational and technology programs, or activities as required by Title VI
and Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, the Age Discrimination in Employment Act, Section
504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended, and Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act. For information about Title IX rights, contact the Title IX Coordinator, Renea Ivy, Associate Superintendent for
Communications and Community Relations, 1515 Cherrybrook, Pasadena, Texas 77502. 713.740.0247. For information about Section 504/ADA rights, contact the Section 504/ADA Coordinator, Jeanne Nelson,
Instructional Specialist for Dyslexia, Intervention, and 504, 1515 Cherrybrook, Pasadena, Texas 77502; 713.740.0067.
El Distrito Escolar Independiente de Pasadena es un empleador que ofrece igualdad de oportunidad, y no discrimina en asuntos de empleo por razón de raza, color, origen nacional, sexo, religión, edad o
discapacidad ni en sus políticas de admisión, ni con impedir la participación en, negar acceso a, o denegación de beneficios bajo servicios del distrito, programas académicos y/o vocacionales y tecnológicos, o
actividades según lo requerido por el Título VI y el Título VII de la Ley de Derechos Civiles de 1964, enmendada, el Título IX de las Enmiendas de Educación de 1972, la Primera Enmienda a la Constitución de
los Estados Unidos, la Ley Contra la Discriminación en el Empleo por Razón de Edad, la Sección 504 de la Ley de Rehabilitación de 1973, enmendada, y el Título II de la Ley de Americanos con Discapacidades.
Para información sobre los derechos bajo el Título IX,contáctese con la Coordinadora de Título IX, Renea Ivy, Cherrybrook, Pasadena, Texas 77502; 713.740.0247. Para información sobre los derechos bajo la
Sección 504/ADA, contáctese con la Coordinadora de Sección 504/ADA, Jeanne Nelson, Especialista Educativa en Dislexia, Intervención, y 504, 1515 Cherrybrook, Pasadena, Texas 77502; 713. 740.0067.
Student initials__________ Parent initials___________
Student initials__________ Parent initials___________