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Department of Ecology
Office Location: 310 Lewis Hall
Phone: 994-4548
Scott Creel
Professor; Ph.D. (behavior, ecology and evolution), Purdue
University, 1991. Behavioral endocrinology; conservation biology;
population biology; social evolution; and biology of carnivores. (406-9947033; [email protected])
Wyatt Cross
Assistant Professor: PhD. (ecology), University of Georgia,
2004. Aquatic food webs and ecosystem;, ecological stoichiometry; crossecosystem material subsidies. (406-994-2473;
[email protected])
Robert Garrott
Professor; Ph.D. (wildlife conservation), University of
Minnesota, 1990. Ecology: population dynamics: management and
conservation of mammalian species. (406-994-2270;
[email protected])
Daniel Goodman
Professor; Ph.D. (population dynamics), Ohio State University,
1972. Applied mathematical demography; evolutionary demographic
theory; environmental statistics; and environmental modeling. (406-9943231; [email protected])
Christopher Guy
Affiliate Associate Professor; Ph.D. (fisheries science), South
Dakota State University, 1993. Applied fisheries science; population
ecology; predator-prey interactions; and fisheries management. (406-9943491; [email protected])
Andrew J. Hansen
Professor; Ph.D. (ecology), University of Tennessee, 1984.
Landscape ecology and management; land use effects on biodiversity;
sustaining greater park ecosystems; conservation biology. (406-9946046; [email protected])
Steven Kalinowski
Assistant Professor; Ph.D. (biology) Arizona State University,
Conservation and evolutionary genetics. (406-994-3232;
[email protected])
Billie L. Kerans
Associate Professor; Ph.D. (zoology) Ohio State University,
1989. Behavior, ecology and evolution of freshwater macro invertebrates;
and assessing the impact of human disturbances on freshwater ecosystems.
(406-994-3725; [email protected])
Thomas McMahon
Professor; Ph.D. (fisheries management - aquatic ecology)
Arizona, 1984. Wild trout management; fish-habitat relationships;
winter ecology; conservation biology of salmonids. (406-994-2492;
[email protected])
David W. Roberts
Department Head and Professor, Ph.D. (plant ecology) U of
Wisconsin-Madison, 1984. Vegetation ecology; ecological modeling;
and multivariate analysis of ecological data. (406-994-4548;
[email protected])
Jay J. Rotella
Professor; Ph.D. (wildlife ecology) University of Idaho, 1990.
Ecology; population dynamics; habitat relationships; and management of
avian species. (406-994-5676; [email protected])
Mark L. Taper.
Associate Professor, Ph.D. (quantitative ecology). University
of California, San Diego, 1984. Scientific evidence; statistical
ecology; spatial ecology; and co-evolution theory. (406-994-2332;
[email protected])
David W. Willey
Research Assistant Professor, Ph.D. (avian ecology) Colorado
State, 1998. Ecology; population dynamics; habitat relationships; and
management of avian species. (406-994-5319;
[email protected])
T. Weaver
Professor, Ph.D. (plant and ecosystem ecology) Duke
University, 1969. Physiological, community and ecosystem ecology of the
Northern Rocky Mountains; and long-term field experiments. (406994-3270; [email protected])
Alexander V. Zale
Affiliate Professor, Ph.D. (fisheries science), University of
Florida, 1984. Applied aquatic ecology; effects of hydropower and
reservoirs on fish populations; fisheries management. (406-994-2380;
[email protected])
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