Download SCORPIO PERSONALITY PROFILE Scorpio the eighth sign of the

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Scorpio the eighth sign of the zodiac is ruled by Pluto. It is known by its
astrological symbol, the Scorpion, key phrase: “I create” is Scorpio.
Unquestionably Scorpio is the most misunderstood of all astrology signs probably
because there is such a great deal of secrecy surrounding their emotions and
with Scorpios there is always more then meets the eye. They hide their true
feelings and motivations which gives a sense that they have ulterior motives or a
hidden agenda; which more often than not, they do! They don't share what they
are feeling and can hide their true personality so well you never see it.
Scorpios have an inability to let things go and will hold a grudge against
someone who did them harm forever. In fact a Scorpio rarely if ever forgives
and forgets. They will even go as far as to get vengeance on the person who
angered them and at best they need to always be in total control of any
situation. Scorpios are all about control, and need to be in control at all times to
feel safe. To be out of control is very threatening, even dangerous to the
Scorpio's psyche.
On the other hand, they will remember a kind gesture forever and repay it.
These individuals are dynamic, passionate and strong willed and have an all-ornothing approach to life and they abhor triviality.
Scorpio individuals are enigmatic, strong-willed, and passionate. With Pluto as
the ruling planet, people born under this sign are considered to be dynamic and
extreme in their opinions and are all about intensity. They never do anything by
halves and put everything into a relationship or project, often becoming
workaholics as a result. Scorpios are fiercely independent and are able to
accomplish anything they put their mind to and just won't give up.
If a relationship is important to them, it is ALWAYS important and they will either
be a fervent friend or subtle foe but remember they are very sensitive and will
take almost every comment to heart.
Scorpio likes to keep their inner selves hidden away from everyone, (including
their loved ones) and will withhold their trust until it is gained over time. Once
this test has been passed they make an amazing, powerful and interesting friend
that can be trusted - although if you start to bore them, they WILL discard you.
Scorpio loves deeply and intensely and they are passionate and intense creatures
with an electrifying undercurrent of seething intensity. Sex with Scorpio is a
total emotional and physical experience filled with eroticism and the words
“lover” and Scorpio go hand in hand. They have amazing stamina and your
sexual encounters will be epic and highly charged.
Relationships with Scorpio are never uncomplicated and will be one of extremes;
yes they are possessive and jealous on the one hand, but extremely loyal on the
other. Scorpio is likely to take things to extremes, sometimes to sinister places,
think Goering and Goebbels but if they soar relentlessly upwards using their
incredible will and drive, much can be achieved like Scorpio Indira Ghandi.
They present a cool, detached and unemotional air to the world yet lying
underneath is tremendous power, extreme strength, intense passion, a strong
will and a persistent drive.
The Scorpio employee will be incognito and using their well controlled nature will
exude an air of quiet confidence. Neither compliments nor insults will affect
them at all; they’ll either agree with you or suspect your motives.
Whatever you do, don’t ask for feedback unless you’re really prepared to hear
the answer as you’ll get the naked, brutal truth delivered with a blank
expression. Their eyes will bore deeply into yours as they impart their news and
few people will feel truly comfortable under the Scorpio steady gaze. Their
mastery over their emotions has to be envied and no matter how they are really
feeling, you will never, ever know.
This ice-cold self control and detachment can be that of a specialist, sniper,
scientist, CIA or spiritual leader. Sometimes their introversion can go too far,
leading some Scorpios to agoraphobia.
It is true that Scorpio get the worst press of the zodiac. Whilst astute in
business they cannot be entirely trusted and often reach great heights because
of their complete lack of ethics. Jealous and resentful, secretive and obsessive,
if they get incensed there is NO fury equal to the Scorpio.
They are universally regarded as the sign most likely to be unfaithful and their
strong sexual desires can lead them into all sorts of problems if not checked.
Truthfully sex IS their greatest interest and they are completely amoral and will
sleep with literally anybody if given half a chance. They would make good sex
workers or interrogators (think Mata Hari who used her sexual powers to gain
intelligence for the Germans).
Obsession with sex is of course their greatest interest. Calculating Scorpio is the
sign most likely to try and convince you to have sex in a three way (or four or
five) and they have earned a bad rap for being somewhat sleazy (and greedy)
and completely lacking in affection. Some have the potential for cruelty, even
sadism so watch out!
It is never a good idea to get on Scorpio’s bad side and they will never forget
your encounter with them and at best you can expect to be lashed by their
deadly tongue.
The best match for Scorpio is Capricorn. Cancer, Pisces and Virgo are also good
matches. Avoid Aries and Gemini and Sagittarius is way too untrustworthy.
Capricorn is filled with insecurities and Scorpio’s possessiveness helps allay these
fears. Both signs are immensely ambitious and will work hard to attain the goals
they set. Both make extremely compatible sexual partners and sex can be
explosive. Love will grow slowly between such formidable personalities but they
will find in each other a loyal partner who will champion their rights and is
prepared to go the long haul. This could be why you see so many ScorpioCapricorn power couples.
With Cancer, Scorpio finds a fellow water sign and like Scorpio they have deep
emotional wells underneath. The love will be lasting.
Scorpio should try and curb the urge to criticize Pisces too often as this will lead
to Pisces becoming depressed and although Scorpio may occasionally think of
Pisces as weak or too possessive, Pisces will shower them with loving attention
so that any inherent drama can make for a successful pairing. At best can be a
match made in heaven.
Scorpio admires Virgo’s worth ethic and vice versa. Both can dish it out, but
neither takes it very well. There are built-in challenges here, and it can be a
hard relationship to make work, but the tendency of Virgo to mate for life should
fulfill Scorpio expectations and will certainly increasing their chances for an
enduring love.