Download TECHNICAL SKILLS Discussion Worksheet • __2 patient identifiers

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TECHNICAL SKILLS Discussion Worksheet
Uses Patient Identifiers
__2 patient identifiers for all medications, IV fluids, and procedures_____________________
Utilizes Standard Precautions Including Hand Washing
__Handwashing or sanitizer before and after all patient contact_________________________
__Glove use with all body fluid contact______________________________________________
Administers Medications Safely
___Five rights___________________________________________________________________
___Concentration and rate of Lasix administration ___________________________________
___Dosage calculation by all_______________________________________________________
Manages Equipment, Tubes, & Drains Therapeutically
____Correct IV access utilization __________________________________________________
____Correct use of IV pump and tubing_____________________________________________
____Correct handling of foley catheter drainage system________________________________
Performs Procedures Correctly
____Correct foley catheter insertion________________________________________________
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