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Devin Brooks
Dr. Heiniger
Annotated Bibliography
1) Fleming, Ps. "Surgical Adjunctive Procedures for Accelerating Orthodontic Treatment." .
Surgical Adjunctive Procedures for Accelerating Orthodontic Treatment”. Cochrane Library, Mar.
2015. Web. 28 Feb. 2016.
A. Approximately 1/3 of adolescents have an abnormal bite that can benefit
from braces. Braces are used to correct improper teeth and jaw alignment.
Braces are a great tool but the process can be very lengthy depending on
how bad the teeth and jaw are aligned. In recent years surgical procedures
along with the use of braces have been proposed, in order to shorten the
duration of having braces on. The Cochrane Oral health group wanted to find
out if a surgical procedure used along with braces could speed up the process
and by how much. The experiment involved 57 participates, aging 11-33.
B. This article was extremely useful. The information is reliable because it
comes from a scholarly source. In the article it stated that they were trying to
stay as unbiased as possible, so I believe it is an unbiased article. The goal of
the article was to inform the reader about the experiment that was
performed. It also gave background data about the surgical techniques that
would be performed, and how they were supposed to fix bad bites along
with speeding up the process of having on braces.
C. After reading this scholarly article a lot of my questions referring to the
process of using orthodontic surgery to reduce the time braces are on a
person, were answered. It specifically addressed all of my personal inquires
while also going into great detail about how the surgery works.
2) Millet, Dt. "Orthodontic Treatment for Deep Bite and Retroclined Upper Front Teeth in
Children." Cochrane Library, May 2006. Web. 24 Feb. 2016
A. This article compares two types of orthodontic treatment on the same kind of dental
problem on children. Children who have a deep bite and retruded upper teeth (class
II division II malocclusion) are the test subjects. The study group wants to know is
there any major difference between orthodontic treatment in children with class II
malocclusion versus no orthodontic treatment, and orthodontic treatment followed
by removal of teeth versus orthodontic treatment that doesn’t remove teeth. One
method of treatment is to use a removable functional brace (head gear) followed
fixed braces. The other is removal of teeth followed by fixed braces.
B. Being that the article addressed compared orthodontic surgery followed by braces
along with other types of comparisons I would say it was helpful. Compared to my
other sources this article addressed a specific problem (children with class II division
II malocclusion) addressed by surgery or no surgery, which answers my research
question just more directly. The scholarly article is reliable because it came from the
Cochrane Collaboration group who are well respected in the medical field. The
article didn’t show any signs of being biased.
C. My research question is can orthodontic surgery reduce the time braces have to be
on a person, this question was semi addressed in this article. The article went
wanted to know if orthodontic surgery can benefit a child with a particular problem
where as my question is more general. After reading the article is made me realize
that my research question could’ve been more specific instead of so general.
3) Robertson, JS, and JE Maddux. "Compliance in Pediatric Orthodontic Treatment: Current Research
and Issues." Children's Health Care 15.1 (1986): 40-40 1p. CINAHL Plus with Full Text. Web. 26 Feb. 2016.
A. This scholarly article reviewed the effectiveness of orthodontic treatment in
pediatrics with test subjects who complied with the treatment and those who didn’t.
30 practicing orthodontist created a list of 10 patient procedures that were
“frequently considered in evaluating a patient’s cooperation.” The list included things
like were the patient on time for appointments, poor or good oral hygiene and
interest in the orthodontic treatment they were receiving. Factors like family, gender
and personality were also taken in consideration.
B. The article was not helpful in my research. Yes it did have to do with orthodontics but
it didn’t answer my question. The article was bias; it even stated that it had serious
methodology flaws so it’s not accurate. Compared to my other sources that I
reviewed so far this was the least helpful, I believe it is because the source is old and
orthodontic surgery was not yet thought of back then.
C. The source was not useful to me but it did give me background knowledge about
orthodontics. Although it cannot be used in my research at this time in the future
when I go into children and orthodontics it will be very useful.
4) Saied Elnafar, Ayman Anaam, et al. "Enamel Surface Preparations and Shear Bond Strength of
Orthodontic Brackets: " International Medical Journal 22.3 (2015): 194-198 5p. CINAHL Plus with Full
Text. Web. 26 Feb. 2016.
A. The article looked at an experiment that wanted to see what material and
techniques would increases the bond strength between teeth and the brackets of
braces. In order to move teeth the force of brackets and metal wires, together called
braces are required. A lot of patients were having problems with brackets not
sticking to the enamel of their teeth. The doctors wanted to see if using different
techniques like acid etching would make the teeth more suitable for the brackets to
B. This article is useful but just not to me. It provides great details and maps out the
experiment extremely well. Compared to my other articles it ok, it doesn’t really
help me too much. The article is objective because it seeks to answer a specific
question. The goal of the article was to test what materials and techniques would
increase the bond strength between teeth and brackets.
C. The article didn’t help me in my research. In the future it could be useful if I wanted
to test the bond between teeth and braces.
5) Kumar, B. Saravana, et al. "Surgery Preceding Orthodontics in Bimaxillary Cases." Journal of Pharmacy
& Bioallied Sciences 7. (2015): S101-S106. Academic Search Complete. Web. 28 Feb. 2016
A. This scholarly article was about surgery preceding orthodontic treatment specifically
in people with deformities of the jaw. Surgery preceding orthodontic treatment had
great results medically and with the patients psyche. Having surgery before
orthodontic treatment not only shortened the time of the treatment but the
patients also felt better about themselves.
B. The article is very useful especially to me. Compared to my other sources this has
been one of the best so far. The article is reliable because it comes from a scholarly a
C. Academic journal. I believe the article is biased; it only looks at surgery preceding
orthodontic treatment and nothing else.
D. This article helped me in my research, it answered my research question. I can use
this article in my research paper because it is about the relationship between
surgery and orthodontic treatment.
6) Quan, Shi, et al. "Does Low Level Laser Therapy Relieve the Pain Caused By the Placement of the
Orthodontic Separators? --A Meta-Analysis." Head & Face Medicine 11.1 (2015): 1-9. Academic Search
Complete. Web. 28 Feb. 2016.
A. The article aimed to see if Lower Level Laser Therapy or LLLT could reduce the pain
of spacers in between teeth. 95% of patients report some sort of pain when going
through orthodontic treatment. Pharmaceutical methods have been used to treat
the pain but they also come with unwanted side effects. Researchers wanted to test
the effectiveness of LLLT to reduce pain in patients while not disturbing the spacers.
B. Compared to my other sources this article is somewhat helpful. If LLLT was
considered surgery then I would have gave this article a higher grade. The article is
unclear whether it is biased or not.
C. The article is useful to me in some senses. The article does state that LLLT could
speed up the movement of teeth which is what I am researching. I could incorporate
this article in my research project by using the results of LLLT compared to other
surgical procedures.
7) Adusumilli, Srikanth, Lohith Yalamanchi, and Pallavi Samatha Yalamanchili. "Periodontally Accelerated
Osteogenic Orthodontics: An Interdisciplinary Approach For Faster Orthodontic Therapy." Journal Of
Pharmacy & Bioallied Sciences 6.S1 (2014): S2-S5. Academic Search Complete. Web. 28 Feb. 2016.
A. This article is about a certain surgical procedure that decorticates the bone of the
mouth, and replaces it with bone marrow in hopes of speeding up orthodontic
treatment. Periodontally accelerated osteogenic orthodontic treatment or PAOO is a
specific kind of orthodontic surgery that is expensive but can lead to great results.
The orthodontist remodels the bone in the mouth how he wants, then attaches
bone marrow which has proteins and speeds up the process.
B. Compared to my other sources this was one of the best articles I read, it answered
my research question thoroughly. The article is reliable because it comes from a
scholarly database. I believe the article is objective because it looks at the question
from all angles. The goal of the source was to do an experiment on PAOO and see if
decreased the time of braces.
C. The article was helpful to me in my research. In my research project I could include
this article as a specific type of surgery that reduces the time of braces.
8) Zawawi, Khalid H. "Acceptance Of Orthodontic Miniscrews As Temporary Anchorage Devices." Patient
Preference & Adherence 8.(2014): 933-937. Academic Search Complete. Web. 28 Feb. 2016.
A. This article reviewed the acceptance, expectation and pain associated with mini
screws in orthodontic treatment. Mini screws are used when the teeth alone are not
strong enough to move just with braces, the screw adds an extra force that helps
moves the teeth. 165 people became test subjects and all of the above factors were
tested. Factors like prior knowledge or what mini screws were and gender were
taken into consideration when doing the experiment.
B. Compared to my other sources this article was among the best that I read. It is a
reliable source because it comes from a scholarly database. This source is objective
because it takes factors like gender when dealing with pain, and prior knowledge
when dealing with acceptance of mini screws.
C. This article was helpful and useful to me. It answered my research question, even
though the article was more about the acceptance of mini screws, and not if they
decreased the time with braces on. I could incorporate this article in my research
project by using it as an alternative type of surgery to the ones I already know about.
9) Zawawi, Khalid H. "Patients' Acceptance of Corticotomy-Assisted Orthodontics." Patient Preference &
Adherence 9. (2015): 1153-1158. Academic Search Complete. Web. 28 Feb. 2016
A. The main purpose of this article was to review patient’s acceptance of
corticotomy surgery and the reasons behind their responses. Corticotomy
surgery is another option to extraction of teeth when the mouth is too crowded.
The surgery involves cutting the bone in the mouth a certain way that allows the
teeth to move faster and proper along with braces. 150 people were approached
to do a questionnaire about the surgery and 129 accepted. After being educated
about what was involved in the surgery their responses were recorded.
B. Compared to my other sources this article was slightly helpful. The main purpose
of the article was to see what patients acceptance of corticotomy surgery was
but through reading the article I did learn it helps reduce patient’s time in
braces. The article was not biased it asked a variety of questions in the
questionaries’ that were provided to different genders of people and ages. The
information is reliable because it comes from a scholarly source.
C. The article was useful to me because it answered my research question. In my
research project I would incorporate this article by including how the surgery
reduces patient’s time in braces.
10) Prashant, P. S., Hemant Nandan, and Meera Gopalakrishnan. "Friction in OrthodonticsJournal Of
Pharmacy & Bioallied Sciences 7.(2015): S334-S338. Academic Search Complete. Web. 28 Feb. 2016.
A. This article is about the friction in metal wires that are used in braces and how it
relates in the movement of teeth. Resistance and friction are compared along
with kinetic and potential energy within the metal wires. Stainless steel brackets
were also compared to tip edge brackets testing the effectiveness of each.
B. Compared to my other articles this one was least helpful in my research. The
information is still reliable just not helpful. I believe the source was objective
because it tested all kinds of wires and brackets.
C. This source was not helpful and I wouldn’t include it in my research project. In
the future if I was doing a research project on what kind of materials work best
for braces then it would help.
11) Hănțoiu, T., et al. "Clinical Evaluation Of Periodontal Health During Orthodontic Treatment With
Fixed Appliances." Acta Medica Marisiensis 60.6 (2014): 265-268. Academic Search Complete. Web. 28
Feb. 2016.
A. This article aimed to test oral health in people who have braces. Proper hygiene
is extremely important when wearing braces, it also becomes more difficult to
maintain. This study did an experiment with 60 patients aged 17-25 and split
them into three different test groups. Each test group was giving different tools
when cleaning their teeth (manual, electric, interdental toothbrushes).
B. Compared to my other sources this article was bad in relation to my research
question. I would consider the article to be objective because each test group
performed different task. The article is reliable because it comes from a scholarly
C. This article was not helpful to me because it didn’t have anything to do with my
research question
12) "Increasing Orthodontic And Orthognathic Surgery Treatment Efficiency With A Modified SurgeryFirst Approach." American Journal Of Orthodontics & Dentofacial Orthopedics 148.5 (2015): 838-848
11p. CINAHL Plus with Full Text. Web. 28 Feb. 2016.
A. This article reviewed a specific case where a 33 year old man who had a skeletal
Class III and dental Class II subdivision malocclusion ,Which was caused by a
retrognathic maxilla with a severe maxillary crowding. The experiment used
surgery to first fix his jaw alignment then it was followed by orthodontic
treatment. His orthodontic treatment time was cut down to 12 months because
of the surgery.
B. Compared to my other sources this article was one of the best ones. I would
consider the article to be biased because it is only focusing on test subject and
his specific problems. The article comes from a scholarly journal therefore it is
C. The article was helpful to me and it furthered my knowledge bout pre- surgery
followed by orthodontic treatment. I could include this in my research project by
using the specific case as an example.
13) Kim, Jeong Hwan. "Guidelines for “Surgery First” Orthodontic Treatment." (n.d.): n. pag.
Guidelines for “Surgery First” Orthodontic Treatment. Private Practice, Seoul, 9 Mar. 2012. Web.
28 Feb. 2016.
14) Jian F, Lai W, Furness S, McIntyre GT, Millett DT, Hickman J, Wang Y. "Initial arch wires for
tooth alignment during orthodontic treatment with fixed appliances." The Cochrane Collaboration
(1993): 1-50. Web.
15) Ashby, Deborah, and Jayne E. Harrison. “[clinician Preferences and the Estimation of Causal
Treatment Differences]: Comment”. Statistical Science 13.3 (1998): 230–233. Web.
Historic overview
This annotated bibliography and historic overview explore the evolution of pre- surgery in
orthodontics followed by orthodontic treatment.” Surgery first” or pre surgery in orthodontics wasn’t an
option until the late 1960’s, 1990s; pre surgery is proposed by Brachvogel (Brachvogel et al., 1991) as a
means to reduce fixed orthodontic treatment time (braces). Pre surgery in orthodontics has been
around for almost 70 years now but wasn’t brought to the forefront until recently. Still to this day new
techniques are being tested in order to fit each patient’s specific case.
Prior to 1991, pre surgery was only used in server cases. Orthodontist weren’t fully aware of the
benefits pre surgery presented at the time.