Download // Copy constructor public Employee( Employee otherEmployee

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Wednesday, March 03, 2010
11:25 AM
// Copy constructor
public Employee( Employee otherEmployee)
name =;
hourlySalary = otherEmployee.hourlySalary;
startDate = otherEmployee.startDate;
To fix this, in the copy constructor for this class, always call the
copy constructor of any nested classes.
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import java.util.Scanner;
class ManyVariables
public static void main(String[] args) {
int score1, score2, score3; // local variables
Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(;
// Scanner for keyboard input
System.out.println( "Enter 3 scores to be averaged:");
score1 = keyboard.nextInt();
score2 = keyboard.nextInt();
score3 = keyboard.nextInt();
System.out.print( "The scores are: " );
System.out.println( score1 + ", " + score2 + ", " + score3);
System.out.print( "The average is: " );
System.out.println( (float)(score1+score2+score3)/3);
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import java.util.Scanner;
class OneVariableLoop
public static void main(String[] args){
int score = 0; // local variables
int count = 0; // count how many scores are entered
int sum = 0; // used to accumulate the sum
Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(; // Scanner for keyboard input
System.out.println( "Enter scores to be averaged, followed by a -1:");
while (score != -1) {
score = keyboard.nextInt();
if (score != -1)
sum += score;
System.out.println( "Can't print out what the scores are, they're gone... " );
System.out.print( "The average is: " );
System.out.println( (float)sum/count);
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import java.util.Scanner;
class UsingAnArray
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
int[] scores;
// declare the array
scores = new int[3]; // initialize the array
Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(; // Scanner for keyboard input
System.out.println( "Enter 3 scores to be averaged:");
scores[0] = keyboard.nextInt();
scores[1] = keyboard.nextInt();
scores[2] = keyboard.nextInt();
System.out.print( "The scores are: " );
System.out.println( scores[0] + ", " + scores[1] + ", " + scores[2]);
System.out.print( "The average is: " );
System.out.println( (float)(scores[0]+scores[1]+scores[2])/3);
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To declare an array, we use:
type[ ] arrayName;
where type can be any type (e.g. char, int, float), arrayName is an identifier you
make up, and size indicates how many items will be stored in the array. We then
must initialize the array using:
arrayName = new type[ size];
For example
int[ ] scores;
scores = new int[ 10] ;
declares and initializes an array called theScores that can hold 10 integers. In the
array shown above the first element is the 0th element, and the last is the 9th
element. This element number is known as the index (a.k.a. the subscript) , which
starts at 0 and goes to n-1 for an array of n elements.
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class UsingAnArrayB
final int ARRAY_SIZE = 10; // declare a constant for the array size
// note how easy it is to change this
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// note how easy it is to change this
public static void main(String[] args)
UsingAnArrayB instance;
instance = new UsingAnArrayB(); // use the default constructor
// now call the method
public void doit()
int[] scores;
// declare the array
scores = new int[ ARRAY_SIZE]; // initialize the array
//…. the rest of the code ...
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public static void main(String[] args)
// …. Other code ...
getScores( scores); // call the method to get the scores
// changes ARE reflected back!
// ….. Other code ...
public void getScores(int[] values)
// Prompt for scores and enter them. Use the built-in array length.
System.out.println( "Enter " + ARRAY_SIZE + " scores to be averaged:");
for (int i=0; i<values.length; i++) {
values[i] = keyboard.nextInt();
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class UsingAMethodToSwap
public static void main(String[] args) {
// Instead of the two lines below, we could have:
// int[] values = {3,7}; // declare & initialize all at once
int[] values;
// declare the array
values = new int[2]; // initialize the array
values[0] = 3;
values[1] = 7;
System.out.println("Array contains: " + values[0] + " and " + values[1]);
swapAttempt( values[0], values[1]);
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swapAttempt( values[0], values[1]);
System.out.println("After swapAttempt(), array contains: " + values[0] + " and " + values[1]);
actuallySwap( values);
System.out.println("After actuallySwap(), array contains: " + values[0] + " and " + values[1]);
private static void swapAttempt( int x, int y)
int temp = x;
x = y;
y = temp;
private static void actuallySwap( int[] values)
int temp = values[0];
values[0] = values[1];
values[1] = temp;
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