Download 2016 Grade 6 Grammar Final review sheet

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Grade 6 Grammar Final – Review Sheet
May 2016
Prepositions and Prepositional Phrases – Text pages 444-445
A. A preposition is a word that shows the relationship of a noun or pronoun to
another word in the sentence.
B. The object of preposition: the noun or pronoun that follows the preposition
**You must memorize all of your prepositions!!!
Adverbs: Text pages 420-421
A. Adverbs are words that describe verbs, adjectives or other adverbs.
Adverb of Time: answers when or how often
Ex. Again, always, seldom
Adverb of Place: answers the question where
Ex. Here, inside, down
Adverb of Manner: answers how something is done, or in what manner
Ex. Kindly, angrily
*****Many adverbs, but not all of them, end in “ly”.
B. Difference Between Adverbs and Prepositions : Text pages 448-449
~Some words can be used either as an adverb or as a preposition. (For example,
words like below, inside, and around).
**If the word in question is followed by a noun, it will be a preposition.
Ex: We went to recess after lunch.
The word “lunch” is a noun; therefore the word “after” is a preposition.
**If the word in question is NOT followed by a noun, then it is an adverb.
Ex: We went to recess after.
There is no noun following the word after; therefore, “after” in this sentence is
an adverb.
C. Adverbs of Negation, Degree and Affirmation: Text pages 422-423
Negation: tells if something is false
Ex: no, not, never
Affirmation: tells if something is true
Ex: yes, allegedly, indeed, positively, undoubtedly
D. Comparative & Superlative Adverbs: Text pages 424-425
E. Adverbs and Adjectives : Text pages 426-427
Verbs: Verbs show action or being
A. Verb Phrase: auxiliary (helping verb) + main verb
Text pages 386-387
B. Regular and Irregular Verbs
Study your charts in the text! Know the past and past participle of all verbs! Text
pages 388-389
C. Transitive and Intransitive Verbs ~ Text pages 392-395
A Transitive Verb has a direct object.
An intransitive Verb does not have a direct object.
**A Direct Object: is a noun or pronoun that follows an action verb and answers
the question “Who?” or “What?”
Ex. Grade 6 studied the review sheet.
Sheet is a direct object; therefore, studied is a transitive verb.
D. Linking Verbs: Text pages 396-397
Linking Verbs link or connect the subject of the sentence with a subject
The linking Verbs are: am, is, are , was, were, be, been,
Appear, become, seem, smell, continue, feel, grow, look, remain, sound, taste
Subject complement: Noun or adjective that follows a linking verb and renames
or describes the subject
Ex. Mrs. Coyne is the 6th grade English teacher.
Mrs. Coyne’s final review seems helpful.
E. Simple Tenses – Text pages 398-399
Present, Past & Future
F. Agreement of Subject & Verb – Text pages 404-405
~Also study “collective nouns”
G. Subject & Verb of a sentence
Subject: names the person, place or thing the subject is about
Predicate/Verb: tells what the subject is or is doing
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