Download Algorithm of calculation for evaluation of daily energy consumption

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Algorithm of calculation for evaluation of daily energy consumption
Calculation of non-regulated energy consumption :
Calculation of basic exchange ( BE ) : in table 1 we find number A
In table 2 we find number B
Summing of the obtained results
Calculation of specific dynamic action of food ( SDAF ) :
SDAF = 10 % of BE
Calculation of regulated energy consumption ( by daily time record ) :
1. Number of hours during which the main work is done , we multiply by calorie coefficient
( table 3 )
2. Number of hours during which other work is done , we multiply by calorie coefficient (table 4)
3. Summing up of the obtained results .
Calculation of a total daily energy consumption :
By summing of regulated and non-regulated energy consumption we receive general daily energy
consumption (GEC ).
Amount of energy that a man spends daily must be compensated , i.e. calculated amount
of energy must come into a human organism with proteins, fats , carbohydrates.
Proteins :quota of proteins in daily food ration composes 11% of energy value – 11 % GEC ( kcal ) ;
- 1 gr. of protein on combustion emits ( gives off ) 4 kcal
X gr . of protein
11 % GEC kcal
X ( grams ) = 11 % GEC : 4 ;
- we find quantity of animal protein which is necessary in daily ration , taking into
account that quota of animal protein must compose not less than 55 % of total
quantity of proteins in grams.
Fats : - quota of fats (F ) in daily food ration composes 25 % of ration energy value – 25 % GEC (
kcal );
- 1 gr. of F on combustion gives off 9 kcal
X gr. of F
25 % GEC kcal
X (grams) = 25 % GEC : 4 ;
-we find quantity of F . of vegetative origin which is necessary in daily food ration , taking
into account that quota of F. of vegetative origin in daily ration must compose not less than
30 % of a total amount of F. in grams.
Carbohydrates – quota of carbohydrates ( C ) in daily food ration composes 64 % of energy value of
ration – 64 % GEC ( kcal ) ;
- 1 gram of C . on combustion gives off 4 kcal
X grams of C
11 % GEC kcal
X ( grams ) = 11 % GEC : 4
According to Order of Ministry of Health of Ukraine “Daily requirement of population of Ukraine in
basic substances and energy “ ( 1999 ) regarding gender and age we find daily requirement in
vitamins and mineral salts .
Conclusion on practical work :
For a man ( woman ) -- years , body weight __ kg , group of work intensity, regarding daily time
record ,daily requirement composes : proteins - ______ grams , of them proteins of animal origin ___ grams ; fats - ____ grams , of them fats of vegetative origin - _____ grams ; carbohydrates ______ grams.
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