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Keith L. Kleszynski
Academic Preparation:
PhD in Anthropology, University of Oklahoma, 2007-present, advanced to candidacy
November 2009
-Areas of study: Anthropology of Sport, Migration, Transnationalism,
Masculinity, Performance and cultural identity, History of U.S. Latino immigrant
population and U.S. Latino immigrant demographics, History of Mexico
-Current research: Recreational Futból and Cultural Identity among Mexican
Migrants in Oklahoma City
-Advisor: Dr. Paul Spicer
-Doctoral committee members: Dr. Paul Spicer, Dr. Misha Klein, Dr. Amanda
Minks, Dr. Lesley Rankin-Hill, Dr. Terry Rugeley
M.A. in Anthropology, San Diego State University, 2003-2006
-Areas of study: Anthropology of Sport, Migration, Community Development
-Thesis: Sport Participation and Community Development: the Mexican Migrant
-Advisor: Dr. Ramona Perez
-Thesis committee members: Dr. Ramona Perez, Dr. Seth Mallios, Dr. Fernando
B. A. in Interdisciplinary Studies, University of Portland, OR, 2001
-Areas of study: Psychology, Sociology, and Philosophy
Research Skills/Experience:
-Doctorate level graduate education in four-field approach to anthropology:
cultural anthropology, physical anthropology, archaeology, and linguistics
-Several years of ethnographic field experience in Oklahoma City, OK working
on dissertation research
-Several years of applied anthropological research experience with American
Indians in Oklahoma, Montana, and California
-Several years of ethnographic field experience in San Diego County, CA
working on thesis research as well as several years of applied anthropological
research experience working on Family Impact Study funded by the U.S.
Department of Health and Human Services
-Two summers of ethnographic field experience: Oaxaca, Mexico
-Graduate training in ethnographic field methodology in Oaxaca, Mexico
-Focus on qualitative methodologies
-Fluent in English, proficient in Spanish
-Able to read and write in Spanish
Kleszynski, Keith L.
2007 Futból and Community: Mexicano Migrants in San Diego County, CA.
Practicing Anthropology 30(2):42-44.
Kleszynski, Keith L. and Bernardo Ramirez Rios
2010 “The Ethnography of Culture, Symbols, and Identity: Sport Jerseys and
Team Names in Latino Recreational Sports in the U.S.” The International
Journal of Sport and Society 1(4):35-45.
Manuscripts in Preparation:
Kleszynski, Keith L.
2011 "We wear Arsenal, but we are Deportivo Hidalgo": Jerseys, Team Names,
and Senses of Place in Latino Recreational Futból Leagues in Oklahoma City
Papers Presented At Conferences:
Evaluating Environments of Activity in American Indian Communities. Presented at the
71st Annual Meeting of the Society for Applied Anthropology, Seattle, WA, 2011.
“We wear Arsenal, but we are Deportivo Hidalgo”: Jerseys, Team Names, and Senses of
Place in Latino Recreational Futból Leagues in Oklahoma City. Presented at the 2010
Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association, New Orleans, LA.
Sports and the U.S. Migrant Experience. Presented at the 2010 International Conference
for Sport and Society, Vancouver, B.C.
Futból and Community: Mexicano Migrants in San Diego County, CA. Presented at the
68th Annual Meeting of the Society for Applied Anthropology, Memphis, TN, 2008
Playing on the Road: Athletic Participation and Community Development Among
Mexican Migrants in the United States. Presented at the 66th Annual Meeting of the
Society for Applied Anthropology, Vancouver, B.C., 2006
Professional Experience:
Research Assistant, 6/2010-present
American Indian Diabetes Prevention Center, Department of Public Health,
University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center
Research projects: American Indian Beliefs and Practices: Maternal Care, Infant
Mortality, and Adherence
Graduate Assistant, Summer Term 2009-present
Department of Anthropology, University of Oklahoma
Research projects: Evaluating Indigenous Language Instruction/Revival in
American Indian Early Head Start Programs; Evaluating Environments for Active
Living in the Cherokee Nation
Graduate Instructor, Summer Term 2008-Fall Term 2010
Department of Anthropology, University of Oklahoma
Course taught: Anthropology 2203: Peoples of the World
Teaching Assistant, Spring Term 2008
Dr. Misha Klein, Department of Anthropology, University of Oklahoma
Course: Peoples of the World
Teaching Assistant, Fall Term 2007
Dr. Karl Rambo, Department of Anthropology, University of Oklahoma
Course: Peoples of the World
Adjunct Faculty, February 2007-May 2007
San Diego State University, Adjunct Faculty
Course: Anthropology 583: Gender & Human Sexuality
Research Associate, September 2006-present
Smart Revenue, Market Research Consultant
Various projects
Research Associate, November 2005-October 2006
NPC Research, Family Impact Study
Funded by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Teaching Assistant, November 2005
Dr. Fredrick Conway, Department of Anthropology, San Diego State University
Courses: World Cultures, Cultures of South America
Teaching Assistant, Summer Term 2005
Dr. Ramona Perez, Department of Anthropology, San Diego State University
Course: Ethnographic Field Methods
Teaching Assistant, Spring Term 2005
Dr. Seth Mallios, Department of Anthropology, San Diego State University
Course: Introduction to Cultural Anthropology
Teaching Assistant, Fall Term 2004
Dr. Seth Mallios, Department of Anthropology, San Diego State University
Course: Introduction to Cultural Anthropology
Research Assistant, Spring Term 2004
Dr. Ramona Perez, Department of Anthropology, San Diego State University
-Assisted Dr. Perez with research on the ethics of motherhood
Teaching Assistant, Fall Term 2003
Dr. Ramona Perez, Department of Anthropology, San Diego State University
Course: Cultural Comparison Through Film
Professional Service:
Consulted Expert: Latinos and Futból in the United States, Documentary film project
conducted by True Stories, commissioned by ESPN Deportes, April 2011
Guest Speaker: Active Living and American Indian Communities, HPS 5213 Social and
Behavioral Sciences in Public Health, University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center,
April 2011
Student member of the search committee for Latin Americanist Cultural Anthropologist,
Department of Anthropology, University of Oklahoma, 2010/2011
Panel member: TEACH Program tests, University of Oklahoma, May 2010
Coordinator: Dr. Nancy Scheper-Hughes Guest Lecture, Friends of the College of Arts
and Sciences Guest Lecture Series, University of Oklahoma, February 2009
Guest Speaker: Understanding the Realities of Graduate School, ANTH 4113
Anthropology Capstone, University of Oklahoma, April 2008, April 2009
President of the Anthropology Graduate Student Association, University of Oklahoma,
January 2008-December 2008
Current Research Interests:
Ethnographic inquiry into Mexicano migrant recreational futból leagues in Oklahoma
City, OK; identity, migration, transnational communities, gender and sexuality,
anthropology as humanistic philosophical system, gender and sexuality, Polish-American
Professional Memberships:
American Anthropological Association, 2010-present
Society for Applied Anthropology, 2006-present
Society for Latin American and Caribbean Anthropology, 2010-present
Honors and Awards:
Norton Allen Advanced Graduate Student Scholarship, San Diego State
University, 2005
Opler/Bell Travel Grant recipient, University of Oklahoma, 2008, 2010
Graduate Student Senate Travel Grant recipient, University of Oklahoma, 2010
Dr. Ramona L. Perez, Associate Professor
Department of Anthropology
Director, Center for Latin American Studies
San Diego State University
[email protected]
Dr. Misha Klein, Assistant Professor
Department of Anthropology
University of Oklahoma
[email protected]
Dr. Paul Spicer, Professor
Department of Anthropology
University of Oklahoma
[email protected]
Dr. Neil Henderson, Professor
College of Public Health
University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center
[email protected]
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