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Monday, 2/27/17
World History – Subject for today
Recap all cultures
POD – Topic and activity:
1. CNN Student News
2. In your group, list the five regions we covered
3. Then, for each, describe aspects that define it (in your group)
4. Discuss what defines each as a class
5. Write journal; discuss
Journal 6:1
Left side: CNN Student News: just one story today
Right side: Choose one aspect of one culture that you’d like to see more of
in the United States which would make us better. Describe what it is, and
why it’d make “here” better. This is a focus on the positive.
And yes, you can meld and combine aspects; just mention you did that.
Homework today:
Finish journal entry
World History – Subject for today
Discuss impact of European on the world
Tuesday, 2/28/17
POD – Topic and activity:
1. CNN Student News
2. Discuss yesterday’s journal: what was the aspect you think we should do
more of, which some other culture does well?
3. In your group, use the list from yesterday
4. For each, describe at least one aspect of European influence
5. Write journal; discuss
Journal 6:2
Left side: CNN Student News: just one story today
Right side: What has been the affect of European influence on the rest of the
world? Give examples
Homework today:
Read p. 336-341
Write down thoughts on the following:
1. A definition of HUMANISM
2. Your thoughts on the work of three Renaissance artists
3. Your thoughts of the ideas presented by MACHIAVELLI
Wednesday, 3/1/17
World History – Subject for today
Introduction to Renaissance
POD – Topic and activity:
1. CNN Student News; homework check
2. Discuss Humanism, the three artists, and Machiavelli
3. In your group, come up with a visual representation for the shift from
the Middle Ages, to the new thinking of the likes of Petrarch
4. Journal 5:3
Journal 6:3
Left side: CNN Student News: just one story today
Right side: How is “humanism” another way of saying “the dignity of
mankind”? Describe what humanism will mean to a new European
Homework today:
Finish journal
Maps due Friday
Tuesday, 3/7/17 (Per. 02)
World History – Subject for today
The Protestant Reformation
POD – Topic and activity:
1. CNN Student News ; check homework (Gutenberg and Luther)
2. Why must a religion go through a hard fought, knock down and culture
changing reform movement?
3. What did Luther actually do? (use PPT)
Journal 6:4
Left side: CNN Student News: just one story today
Right side: How is the Protestant Reformation a learned behavior from the
teachings of the Renaissance?
Homework today (due Thursday):
Read 351-355, and
1. describe changes made by: Henry VIII, Edward VI, Mary I, Elizabeth I
2. The witch hunts
Wednesday, 3/8/17
(Per. 02)
World History – Subject for today
POD – Topic and activity:
1. CNN Student News
2. Finish Protestant Reformation
3. Give sample questions for test
4. PPT on Tudors
Journal 6:5
Left side: Recommendation: jot down notes on left side
Right side: Choose one Tudor story; translate it into modern day, and
describe what it would be like in our world today
Homework today:
Read 351-355, and
1. describe changes made by: Henry VIII, Edward VI, Mary I, Elizabeth I in
terms of religion. List them, and describe what they did.
2. The witch hunts – what was it, and why did it matter.
Thursday, 3/9/17
(Per. 02)
World History – Subject for today
English Reformation
POD – Topic and activity:
1. CNN Student News
2. Discuss yesterday’s journal
3. How was Henry different than Luther?
4. (use PPT)
Journal 6:6
Left side: Recommendation: jot down notes on left side
Right side: Compare and contrast the intent and the result of Henry
and Luther’s versions of religious reformation.
Homework today:
Read 356-359
Homework to be determined by Sam: handouts for notes
Friday, 3/10/17
(Per. 02)
World History – Subject for today
Scientific Revolution
POD – Topic and activity:
1. Information, notes, quiz and all of today presented by Sam
Journal 6:7
Left side: Recommendation: jot down notes on left side
Right side: Journal presented by Sam: Identify two people from
today’s presentation, and elaborate on what they have to do with
Science today.
Homework today:
Read 364-368
Preparation will be determined by Jay: come up with two facts for
each section.
Monday, 3/13/17
(Per. 02)
World History – Subject for today
POD – Topic and activity:
European Maps
Notes from Scientific Revolution
Info from 364-368 (2 facts from each section for four sections)
Information, notes, quiz and all of today presented by Jay
Journal 6:8
Left side: Recommendation: jot down notes on left side
Right side: Journal presented by Jay: How was Magellan so successful in traveling the
world when it has never been done before?
Homework today:
Read 412-415 for Tuesday
Preparation will be determined by Kayla: (like Jay’s: get two facts from each section (five
Thursday, 3/16/17 (Per. 02)
World History – Subject for today
Spanish Absolutists
POD – Topic and activity:
1. Practice questions (next slide) – could be turned into MC
2. Information, notes, quiz and all of today presented by Kayla
Journal 6:9
Left side: Jot down notes on left side
Right side: What long-term influence did the Spanish rulers of this time
period have on European history? Were Philip II’s leadership strategies
ultimately beneficial to society? Explain.
Homework today:
Read 416-420
Preparation will be determined by Vish – grab two facts for each section
Friday, 3/17/17
World History – Subject for today
French Absolutists
(Per. 02)
To get the highest score
on your project, be SURE
to include info from
research beyond the test
pages. Use the text ONLY
as your guide to
parameters of what to
POD – Topic and activity:
1. Homework check – two facts for each section
2. Look at sample questions
3. Information, notes, quiz and all of today presented by Vish
Journal 6:10
Left side: Jot down notes on left side
Right side: Compare and contrast the pros/cons of Absolutism, but using
aspects from Henry IV, Louis XIII and Louis XIV
Homework today:
Read 421-426
Preparation will be determined by Ava (notes on handout)
Wednesday, 3/29/17
(Per. 02)
World History – Subject for today
English Parliament
POD – Topic and activity:
1. Recap questions from yesterday
2. Info, notes, quiz and all of today presented by Ava
Journal 6:11
Left side: jot down notes on left side during Ava’s presentation
Right side: Journal presented by Ava
Homework today:
Read 473-477
Preparation will be determined by RYAN N. - handout
Tuesday, 4/4/17
(Per. 02)
World History – Subject for today
Hannah’s presentation on Germans and 30 Years War
POD – Topic and activity:
1. Recap questions from yesterday
2. Information, notes, quiz and all of today presented by Hannah
Journal 6:12
Left side: jot down notes on left side
Right side: Journal presented by Hannah:
Discuss how religious diversity in central Europe leads to conflict.
Homework today:
Wednesday, 3/22/17
(Per. 02)
World History – Subject for today
Absolutism and Russia and PETER THE GREAT
POD – Topic and activity:
1. Homework check – Kate’s three interesting things and three questions
2. Practice questions from yesterday
3. Information, notes, quiz and all of today presented by KATE
Journal 6:13
Left side: Recommendation: jot down notes on left side
Right side: Compare and Contrast Peter the Great and Catherine the Great
as Absolute Monarchs. Who do you think made Russia better?
Homework today:
Read 446-450
Preparation will be determined by RYAN M.
Friday, 3/24/17
(Per. 02)
World History – Subject for today
POD – Topic and activity:
1. Homework check (Grace’s worksheet)
2. Information, notes, quiz and all of today presented by GRACE
Journal 6:15
Left side: jot down notes on left side or on Grace’s handout
Right side: How did arts and literature develop during the
Enlightenment period?
Homework today:
Read 456-459
Preparation will be determined by MADISON (a worksheet)
Monday, 3/27/17
(Per. 02)
World History – Subject for today
Britain in mid 1700s
POD – Topic and activity:
1. Homework check – the worksheet from Madison
2. Information, notes, quiz and all of today presented by MADISON
Journal 6:16
Left side: jot down notes on left side
Right side: What factors helped Britain to become such a
prosperous empire, and what do you think was the main fault
leading to its downfall?
Homework today:
Read 460-463
Preparation will be determined by LUCAS – handout worksheet
Tuesday, 3/28/17
(Per. 02)
World History – Subject for today
POD – Topic and activity:
1. Homework check: the handout from Lucas
2. Recap questions from yesterday
3. Information, notes, quiz and all of today presented by LUCAS
Journal 6:17
Left side: jot down notes on left side – notes on Lucas’ sheet is fine;
none expected
Right side: How did the American Revolution change America?
Homework today:
Read 468-472 – Ava’s worksheet
Thursday, 3/30/17
(Per. 02)
World History – Subject for today
POD – Topic and activity:
1. Homework check
2. Information, notes, quiz and all of today presented by RYAN N.
Journal 6:18
Left side: jot down notes on left side
Right side: Journal presented by RYAN
Homework today:
Read 478-483
Preparation will be determined by MATT (handout)
Friday, 3/31/17
(Per. 02)
World History – Subject for today
POD – Topic and activity:
1. Homework check for Ryan’s worksheet (terms and notes from early
French Rev) and Matt’s worksheet (Reign of Terror)
2. Information, notes, quiz and all of today presented by MATT
Journal 6:19
Left side: jot down notes on left side
Right side:Why did the French have so many revolutions/constitutions?
Why couldn’t they get it right?
Homework today:
Read 484-487 (Napoleon)
Homework is a worksheet from TORY
Monday, 4/3/17
(Per. 02)
World History – Subject for today
POD – Topic and activity:
1. Recap questions from Friday
2. Information, notes, quiz and all of today presented by TORY
Journal 6:20
Left side: jot down notes on left side
Right side: Journal presented by TORY: Explain the rise and fall of
Homework today:
Read 427-430
Preparation will be determined by Hannah on the German stuff and the 30
Years War (two facts each section… you might already have this done, so
don’t do it a second time!)
• Total Responsibility:
– 18 Journal entries and
– 5 CNN News items
– 23 Expected entries into your journals
– I’ll hold you accountable for 20 total entries.
– If you took notes, I’ll allow that to replace as many
as five entries