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BCN 4708: Construction Documents and Contracts
Fall (2008) 8/25 – 12/12 Updated 8/25/2008
Class Hours:
Office Hours:
James J. Sorce, MBA
Building 50, Room 2304
2:00pm – 2:50 pm MWF
3:00pm – 4:00 pm MWF
Telephone: (904) 620-2759
Fax: (904) 620-2573
Cell: (904) 703-5189
Email: [email protected]
I. Textbooks And Other Readings
Required: Construction Contracting. Seventh Edition. Clough, Richard, Sears, Glenn A. and Sears, S. Keoki
Sears. John Wiley and Sons, Inc.2005
Recommended background readings:
The Wall Street Journal
ENR the Construction Weekly
Useful and highly recommended websites:
II. Course Objectives:
 To expose the students to basic concepts of Construction Contracts and Documents.
 To familiarize students with the basic contracts used in the construction field.
 To acquaint students with the various types of company structures.
 To explore and discuss ethics in construction as it pertains to contracts and documents.
 To examine documents pertaining to project management.
 To familiarize students with the types of insurance and bonds used in the construction industry.
 To examine the concepts of risk management as it pertains to contracts and documents used in construction.
 To explore project management/administration concepts in executing contracts.
 To acquaint students with current labor laws and labor relations.
 To examine contract claims and disputes.
III. Course Requirements
Prerequisites: Legal Environment of Business, or equivalent.
Course Description: (from catalog) A study of the legal and protective documentation used in the
construction field. These documents include contracts, specifications, insurance, and
IV. Evaluation and Grading
Learning Methods: This course will include instructor-led discussions and guest industry lectures. Students will
be responsible for both. Students are responsible for the content of all reading assignments whether or not the
material is covered in class. Reading assignments should be done before the class in which they are discussed.
Instructor will give out handouts and /or invite guest speakers from the construction industry periodically to
supplement the text; you are responsible for the content of both. Lecture material will augment reading
Students will earn grades according to the following scheme:
Homework assignments
Class participation
Total Points
Note: Student’s final grades will be assigned based on the plus/minus system.
Attendance policy:
BCM Departmental Class Attendance policy:
Attendance of classes is mandatory. “Students must attend 80% of all classes in order to receive a
passing grade.” If you are going to miss class you must notify me in advance of the class by telephone or
email to receive an “excused absence.” An “excused absence” will only be given for an illness or family
emergency, which is supported by written documentation. Attendance will be noted at the beginning of the
class period. Two late arrivals will be recorded as an unexcused absence. Continued tardiness will
result in a reduction of final grade.
Assignments are due at the beginning of class on the day that they are due.
***Late assignments will not be accepted and the student/s will receive no points for that
assignment. ***
Assignments will be given out at a later time. Due dates will be assigned.
Academic Integrity:
UNF places high priority on, and strives to uphold the highest standards of academic integrity while
protecting the rights of students and faculty. Should any instructor find evidence of cheating, plagiarism, or
other inappropriate assistance in work presented by a student, the instructor should inform the student of
the action to be taken" (UNF current Catalog). At minimum, the action I will take for any incidence of
violation of academic integrity will be an F (failing grade) in the course and dismissal of the student
committing the violation from the class.
Students with Disabilities
If you have a disability as defined by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), which may require any
accommodations or auxiliary aid(s), please contact and register with the UNF Disability Resource Center
(located in Honors Hall 10/1201; phone: 620-2769). Please refer to UNF's Disabled Services Program
Student Handbook for more details about the Disability Resource Center.
Classroom Etiquette
Students are expected to remain polite during classroom discussions. Even during heated debates, you must
treat your instructor and classmates with respect. Violation of this policy will result in a reduction of your
class participation grade that, if the violation is significant enough, could result in a failing grade for the
class. For example, you should not make derogatory remarks about your classmates’ ideas. Instead, explain
why you think they are wrong, backing up your viewpoint with sound analysis and refraining from personal
attacks. Another example is being quiet while someone else (including your instructor) has the floor.
BCN 4708 Fall 2008 Tentative Schedule
Week #1
Week #2
Week #3
Week #4
Week #5
Week #6
Week #7
Week #8
Week #9
Week #10
Week #11
Week #12
Week #13
Week #14
Week #15
Reading Assignments
The Construction Industry
Chap 1
Business Ownership/Ethics
Chap 2
Company Organizations
Chap 3
Continuation of Co. Org.
Drawings and Specifications/Bidding Docs
Chap 4
Construction Contracts/ Risk and Liability
Chap 6
Contract Surety Bonds
Chap 7
Construction Insurance
Chap 8
Business Methods/Project Management
Chap 9
Project Management/Administration
Chap 10
Project Time Management
Chap 11
Project Cost Management
Chap 12
Labor Law
Chap 13
Labor Relations/Claims and Disputes
Chap 14
Monday September 1, 2008
Friday November 28, 2008
Final Exam 1:00pm to 2:50pm Wednesday December 10, 2008
Professor reserves the right to alter the syllabus as necessary to execute the course. You will
be notified in class if this happens in order to amend your syllabus.