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Problem Based Learning in Science,
Technology and Society
Introduction to the PV course
September 3rd 2012
Lars Peter Jensen and Lone Stub Pedersen
[email protected] [email protected]
© SLP-gruppen, Aalborg Universitet
Learning goals for
Knowledge of PV-course content
Knowledge of problem-oriented project
work at Aalborg University.
Knowledge of project phases and report
writing to such an extent that you can use it
in P0 period
© SLP-gruppen, Aalborg Universitet
Introduction to course
Problem Based Learning in Science, Technology and Society (PV)
Size: 5 ECTS i P0/P1
Prerequisites: No special prerequisites for the module.
The students shall theoretically as well as practically understand how to
plan and execute a scientific problem-based project with
technological, social and humanistic relevance. This includes an
understanding of how technological aspects and contextual
circumstances can be identified and included in the development of a
problem solution.
Introduction to course
Problem Based Learning in Science, Technology and Society (PV)
Size: 5 ECTS i P0/P1
Prerequisites: No special prerequisites for the module.
Part one
The students shall theoretically as well as practically understand how to
plan and execute a scientific problem-based project with
technological, social and humanistic relevance. This includes an
understanding of how technological aspects and contextual
circumstances can be identified and included in the development of a
problem solution.
Introduction to course
Problem Based Learning in Science, Technology and Society (PV)
Size: 5 ECTS i P0/P1
Prerequisites: No special prerequisites for the module.
Part one
The students shall theoretically as well as practically understand how to
plan and execute a scientific problem-based project with
technological, social and humanistic relevance. This includes an
understanding of how technological aspects and contextual
circumstances can be identified and included in the development of a
problem solution.
Part two
Introduction to course
Part one: Problem based project
Problem Based Learning is
generally in groups, allowing the
best opportunities to embrace the
complexity that working with real
problems contains both
professionally and contextually.
Simultaneously, the problem area
be delineated taking into account
the project unit goals and the
resources available. In a problembased project, it is therefore
essential to exploit and develop the
project team's capacity for
collaboration, learning and project
management, while individuals are
allowed to unfold and develop
knowledge, skills and
Introduction to course
Part one: Problem based project
Part two: sociental relevance:
Problem Based Learning is
Problem-based learning is based on
generally in groups, allowing the
a real problem, ie. that both the
best opportunities to embrace the
problem and potential solutions
complexity that working with real
are embedded in a technological
problems contains both
and social context. To work in a
professionally and contextually.
problem-oriented field of
Simultaneously, the problem area
Engineering, science and health
be delineated taking into account
thus entails identifying relevant
the project unit goals and the
contextual contexts, including
resources available. In a problemhuman and societal needs, and
based project, it is therefore
inclusion of these in developing a
essential to exploit and develop the
problem solving
project team's capacity for
collaboration, learning and project
management, while individuals are
allowed to unfold and develop
knowledge, skills and
Students who complete the course module
will obtain the following qualifications:
 Must have knowledge of basic learning theories
 Must have knowledge of project planning and managements
 Must have knowledge of different approaches to problem-based
learning (PBL); including the Aalborg Model approach, where
problems are related to social and/or humanistic contexts
 Must have understanding of different resources for analysis and
assessment of Medialogyproblems and solutions from scientific,
technological, ethical and social perspectives
 Must apply methods for analysis and assessment of a
Medialogyproblem; including user segmentation, user tests and
technology assessment
Students who complete the course module
will obtain the following qualifications:
 Must have knowledge of basic learning theories
 Must have knowledge of project planning and managements
 Must have knowledge of different approaches to problem-based
learning (PBL); including the Aalborg Model approach, where
problems are related to social and/or humanistic contexts
 Must have understanding of different resources for analysis and
assessment of Medialogyproblems and solutions from scientific,
technological, ethical and social perspectives
 Must apply methods for analysis and assessment of a
Medialogyproblem; including user segmentation, user tests and
technology assessment
Students who complete the course module
will obtain the following qualifications:
 Must have knowledge of basic learning theories
 Must have knowledge of project planning and managements
 Must have knowledge of different approaches to problem-based
learning (PBL); including the Aalborg Model approach, where
problems are related to social and/or humanistic contexts
 Must have understanding of different resources for analysis and
assessment of Medialogyproblems and solutions from scientific,
technological, ethical and social perspectives
 Must apply methods for analysis and assessment of a
Medialogyproblem; including user segmentation, user tests and
technology assessment
Students who complete the course module
will obtain the following qualifications:
Must be able to apply basic principles related to planning and management of a problembased
project; basic study techniques, phases in a problem-oriented project, from initial problem to
problem analysis and problem formulation, design and implementation
Must be able to analyse and evaluate the organisation of the project group work and
collaboration, especially regarding identification of strong and weak factors and, based on this,
suggest how group organisation and collaboration can be improved in future situations; team
roles, group dynamics, communication within the group and externally, creativity, methods for
analysis and documentation of learning processes
Must be able to analyse group conflicts; causes and possible solution
Must be able to analyse and evaluate own contribution to study and learning, especially
regarding identification of strong and weak factors and, based on this, consider continuous
course of events and their contributions to the learning processes, learning styles and the study
Must be able to analyse methods used in the project from a scientific point of view; science
theory, qualitative and quantitative approaches
Must be able to apply fundamental key areas, concepts, and methods for evaluation and
development of technical solutions considering the technology in itself, and in relation to social
contexts and human circumstances (holistically); technology assessment methods, contexts and
communication, media sociology (e.g. life styles, consumption, sociological methods), different
forms of user test, innovation and creativity
Students who complete the course module
will obtain the following qualifications:
Must be able to apply basic principles related to planning and management of a problembased
project; basic study techniques, phases in a problem-oriented project, from initial problem to
problem analysis and problem formulation, design and implementation
Must be able to analyse and evaluate the organisation of the project group work and
collaboration, especially regarding identification of strong and weak factors and, based on this,
suggest how group organisation and collaboration can be improved in future situations; team
roles, group dynamics, communication within the group and externally, creativity, methods for
analysis and documentation of learning processes
Must be able to analyse group conflicts; causes and possible solution
Must be able to analyse and evaluate own contribution to study and learning, especially
regarding identification of strong and weak factors and, based on this, consider continuous
course of events and their contributions to the learning processes, learning styles and the study
Must be able to analyse methods used in the project from a scientific point of view; science
theory, qualitative and quantitative approaches
Must be able to apply fundamental key areas, concepts, and methods for evaluation and
development of technical solutions considering the technology in itself, and in relation to social
contexts and human circumstances (holistically); technology assessment methods, contexts and
communication, media sociology (e.g. life styles, consumption, sociological methods), different
forms of user test, innovation and creativity
Students who complete the course module
will obtain the following qualifications:
Must be able to apply basic principles related to planning and management of a problembased
project; basic study techniques, phases in a problem-oriented project, from initial problem to
problem analysis and problem formulation, design and implementation
Must be able to analyse and evaluate the organisation of the project group work and
collaboration, especially regarding identification of strong and weak factors and, based on this,
suggest how group organisation and collaboration can be improved in future situations; team
roles, group dynamics, communication within the group and externally, creativity, methods for
analysis and documentation of learning processes
Must be able to analyse group conflicts; causes and possible solution
Must be able to analyse and evaluate own contribution to study and learning, especially
regarding identification of strong and weak factors and, based on this, consider continuous
course of events and their contributions to the learning processes, learning styles and the study
Must be able to analyse methods used in the project from a scientific point of view; science
theory, qualitative and quantitative approaches
Must be able to apply fundamental key areas, concepts, and methods for evaluation and
development of technical solutions considering the technology in itself, and in relation to social
contexts and human circumstances (holistically); technology assessment methods, contexts and
communication, media sociology (e.g. life styles, consumption, sociological methods), different
forms of user test, innovation and creativity
Students who complete the course module
will obtain the following qualifications:
 Must be able to apply knowledge (application) and understanding regarding
being part of a team-based project work
 Must be able to understand and communicate project work (application)
 Must be able to analyze own learning processes
 Must be able to analyze and document learning processes within the group
 Must be able to create optimal collaborative learning processes (application)
 Must be able to evaluate professional situations in relation to the surrounding
society (analysis)
 Must be able to apply knowledge and understanding of science, technology and
society (application); from a technological perspective (including
competencies on applying different technology assessment methods) and
from a holistic perspective (including competencies on life style,
consumption and technology development, different contexts and forms of
communication, innovative and creative processes)
Students who complete the course module
will obtain the following qualifications:
 Must be able to apply knowledge (application) and understanding regarding
being part of a team-based project work
 Must be able to understand and communicate project work (application)
 Must be able to analyze own learning processes
 Must be able to analyze and document learning processes within the group
 Must be able to create optimal collaborative learning processes (application)
 Must be able to evaluate professional situations in relation to the surrounding
society (analysis)
 Must be able to apply knowledge and understanding of science, technology and
society (application); from a technological perspective (including
competencies on applying different technology assessment methods) and
from a holistic perspective (including competencies on life style,
consumption and technology development, different contexts and forms of
communication, innovative and creative processes)
Students who complete the course module
will obtain the following qualifications:
 Must be able to apply knowledge (application) and understanding regarding
being part of a team-based project work
 Must be able to understand and communicate project work (application)
 Must be able to analyze own learning processes
 Must be able to analyze and document learning processes within the group
 Must be able to create optimal collaborative learning processes (application)
 Must be able to evaluate professional situations in relation to the surrounding
society (analysis)
 Must be able to apply knowledge and understanding of science, technology and
society (application); from a technological perspective (including
competencies on applying different technology assessment methods) and
from a holistic perspective (including competencies on life style,
consumption and technology development, different contexts and forms of
communication, innovative and creative processes)
Introduction to course
- Content
Academic integrity
Written and oral communication of
project results
Experience exchange
Project Planning, inc. project
management and leadership
Communication in and out of the group
Learning styles, team roles and group
Conflict handling
Stages of a problem-oriented project
from initiating problem via problem
analysis to problem formulation
Theory of learning processes
Methods for analysis and documentation
of group learning processes
Creativity in project work
Theory of science
Sociological methodology: qualitative
and quantitative research methods
Approaches to identification, analysis
and assessment of technological
problems and solutions related to the
user and the surrounding communities
with emphasis on:
Environmental, resource and social
Cultural understanding and intercultural
Political processes, power and control
Introduction to course
Organization and examination:
 The course is organized as a mix of lectures, seminares,
workshops, group consultation and self studies
 After some of the lessons each group shall prepare a
written response to exercises relating to the lecture.
 The written assignments are included in a portfolio that is
used to:
Reflection to the status seminar
Reflection and documentation (evidence) for process analysis
Background (maybe appendices) and repetition for the exam
 The course is examined individually based on a written
exercise based on the portfolio’s (7 hours)
 The exam result is passed/non passed
Academic integrity and
Written and oral communication
of project results
Experience exchange
Project Planning, inc. project
management and leadership
Project Planning, inc. project
management and leadership
Project Planning, inc. project
management and leadership
Communication in and out of the
Learning styles, team roles and
group dynamics
Learning styles, team roles and
group dynamics
Conflict handling
Stages of a problem-oriented project from
initiating problem via problem analysis to
problem formulation
Theory of learning processes
Creativity in project work
Theory of science
Sociological methodology: qualitative
and quantitative research methods
Technological problems and
solutions related to the user and the
surrounding communities
Environmental, resource and
social responsibility
Cultural understanding and
intercultural processes
Political processes, power and
Introduction to course
- Content of course – a total of 12 lessons (events)
Part one: problem based projekt work
Part two: societal relevance
PV1: Introduction to course and PBL
PV3: P0 project,
Get started
exchange from
PV5: Creative
PV6: Target groups
problem solving
and Sociological
PV2: Introduction to
STS and IT
in context
methodology 1
PV7: Plan how to
co-operate in the
PV10: Professional
PV9: Project
PV8: Sociological
methodology 2
andScience theory
PV11: Technology
PV12: Software systems
in context + Process
Course plan PV 5 ECTS
Introduction to the course.
Introduction to STS and IT Companies in context.LSP
P0 project (tools, structure, get started).
Experience exchange from P0.
Workshop: Creative Problem Solving .
Target groups and Sociological methodology 1. LSP
Plan how to co-operate in the team and.
Sociological methodology 2 andScience theory. LSP
Project Management .
Professional project dissemination .
Technology Assessment.
Software systems in context + Process analysis . LSP og LPJ
week 36
week 37
week 37
week 39
week 41
week 42
week 42
week 43
week 43
week 44
week 47
week 48
© SLP-gruppen, Aalborg Universitet
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