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Call for Papers
The 5th International Conference on Business Intelligence and Financial
Engineering (BIFE 2012)
Lanzhou and Tunhuang, August 18-21, 2012
(Papers Due: March 15, 2012 March 31, 2012)
Accepted papers will be published in the conference CD proceedings published by Conference
Publishing Service (CPS), some selected high-quality papers will be published in the special issue
of International Journals.
The expanding range of global competition, coupled with the growing volumes of complex
data in companies after having spent the last decade implementing Enterprise Resource Planning
(ERP), have forced businesses and academics alike to turn to sophisticated technologies for
solutions. Business Intelligence plays ever-increasingly important roles in companies to obtain the
competitive advantages. The marriage between the cutting-edge business intelligence technology
and traditional topics of finance and economics has resulted in the field of Financial Engineering.
Accordingly, financial engineering as a cross-disciplinary field relies on mathematical finance,
intelligent methods and computer simulations to make trading, hedging and investment decisions,
as well as facilitating the risk management of those decisions, and thus strengthening the
competitive capability of companies. To promote the theoretical development and exchange of
Business Intelligence and Financial Engineering, the Fifth International Conference on Business
Intelligence and Financial Engineering (BIFE 2012) was held at Lanzhou and Tunhuang in August
18-21, 2012.
The main purposes of the Fifth International Conference on Business Intelligence and
Financial Engineering (BIFE 2012) are to exchange information and ideas on business intelligence
and financial engineering, to promote a higher academic level of business intelligence and
financial engineering, and meantime to provide an international forum for experts from academia
in the field of business intelligence and financial engineering from universities throughout the
world, as well as business practitioners and senior management from industries can discuss current
focus problems, new modeling approaches and future alternative solutions.
Topics of Interest
This conference solicitously invites original contributions on all relevant topics related to business
intelligence and financial engineering, including, but not limited to, the following topics:
Main Track A: Business Intelligence
Intelligent Techniques
Fundamental Issues and Challenges of BI
Artificial Intelligence
Artificial Neural Networks
Evolutionary Algorithms
DNA and Cellular Computing
Swarm Intelligence
Artificial Immune Systems
Rough Sets and Fuzzy Systems
Decision Tree and Induced Learning
Hybrid Intelligent System
Machine Learning
Reinforcement learning
Kernel based Learning and SVM
Bayesian/Probabilistic Learning
Ensemble Learning
Data Cleaning, Pre-processing, Extraction
OLAP and Data Warehousing
Database Enabled Data Mining
Text Mining and Web Mining
High Performance Computing for BI
Semantic Web and Ontology for BI
E-Business and BI
Customer Behavior Analysis and
Collaborative Filtering
Market Intelligence from Social Media
Business Communities Empowered BI
Organizational BI and Collaborative BI
Digital Business Ecosystems and BI
BI in Virtual Communities/Organizations
Supply Chain Integration through BI
Main Track B: Financial Engineering
Asset Pricing Theory
Portfolio Selection Theory
Game Theory
General Equilibrium Theory
Rational Expectation Theory
Term Structure Theory
Arbitrage Theory
Corporate Governance Theory
Hedging and Trading Theory
Insurance and Actuarial Theory
Portfolio Optimization
Asset Pricing and Valuation
Financial Diagnosis
Financial Time Series Forecasting
Money Laundering Surveillance
Credit Fraud Detection
Financial Risk Management
Financial Derivatives Trading t
Interest/Exchange Rates Determination
Commodity Futures Pricing and Trading
Important Dates
Full paper submission:
March 15, 2012March 31, 2012
Paper Acceptance Notification: April 15, 2012April 25, 2012
Camera-ready papers:
May 15, 2012May 25, 2012
April 15, 2012-May 15, 2012April 25, 2012-May 25, 2012
Conference Date:
August 18-21, 2012
For more details about BIFE2012, please visit the conference sites:
Further Information, please contact: [email protected]