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Kidney Stones
Signs and Symptoms
Severe stabbing pain
Painful urination
Some blood appearing in the urine
The pain is in the back or between ribs and hips
The pain comes and goes in waves, usually lasting 20 to 30 minutes
Kidney stones generally cause no permanent damage, but in some instances
surgery might be necessary to remove the stone
Why do kidney stones form?
If calcium-rich food and drink has been consumed over a long time, and if
the urine is alkaline in nature, then calcium crystals form in the kidneys and
in the narrow tubes connecting them to the bladder
Low water intake, especially in a hot climate, will increase the likelihood of
kidney stone formation
Once crystals form in the kidney tubes, then inflammation sets in and pain
A kidney infection can also lead to the formation of kidney stones
Kidney stones are associated with qualities of Coldness & Dryness as
calcium deposits collects and hardens to form stones. Kidney Stones will be
aggravated with a lifestyle that increases qualities of Coldness & Dryness in
the body
Treatment according to the Tibb Lifestyle Factors
Eat mostly Hot & Moist foods and the least amount of Cold & Dry foods
Drink plenty warm water. Add citro soda to increase alkalinity in the body
Avoid calcium-rich foods like dairy products (cheese, cream, butter and
yoghurt),fish (sardines, pilchards and anchovies) and animal protein
Restrict intake of refined sugars, fructose (especially corn syrup), cola drinks,
apple juice
Decrease intake of spinach, strawberries, nuts, rhubarb, wheat germ, dark
chocolate, cocoa, brewed tea
Eating watermelon is thought to reduce formation of kidney stones
Excessive alcohol drinking leads to dehydration, so cutting down should help
sufferers from kidney stones
Here are some home remedies for treating kidney stone pain
A number of herbal teas, such as celery and parsley tea, are available which
boost urine flow
This Tibb medicine will help you deal with kidney stones
Tibb Renotone
This herbal medicine inhibits stone
formation and growth, boosts urine flow,
reduces inflammation and helps prevent
infection in the kidney. It also relieves
kidney spasm
Some good advice
If you are taking calcium or vitamin C supplements check this is OK with your
healthcare provider
For more information please contact our customer care line toll free at 0800 383 784 or
email [email protected]