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Multidisciplinary Senior Design
Team 10662
(Or MSD1.5 Project Plan)
1. Manufacturing plan
a. Assembly Instructions for Chassis
2. Figure out testing desired from testing and get approval for testing.
3. Environmental Management
a. To be completed by week 2 of MSD 2
b. Complete Heat model that includes selected hard drive
i. Resources available for inclusion in model
1. Selected hard drive power requirements
2. Selected hard drive geometry
3. Current radiation + conduction model
4. Geometry and material properties of enclosure
5. Microsoft office
ii. Actions required
1. Current radiation + conduction model (in notebook) taken out of
variable form and solved using:
a. a range of specific power requirements of the chosen
b. geometry of selected drive
c. Documentation produced to convey findings
iii. Time required: 8-15 hours
c. Add conductive heat transfer model to electronics stack
i. Resources available for inclusion in model
1. Power requirements of system
2. Geometry of boards/board mounts/enclosure
3. Current radiation + conduction model
4. material properties of board mounts /enclosure
5. Microsoft office
ii. Actions required
1. Select conductive technique specifics
a. Geometries
b. Materials
2. Current radiation + conduction model (in notebook) taken out of
variable form and solved using
MSD2 Action Items
1 of 5
Multidisciplinary Senior Design
Team 10662
a. Power requirements of system (including hard drive)
b. Geometries of system (including conductive technique(s))
3. Refine selected conductive techniques to reflect findings from
4. Documentation produced to convey findings
iii. Time required: 25-30 hours
4. Vibratory Analysis
a. To be completed Prior to start of MSD 2: February 26, 2010
b. Finalize mathematical model of PCB flexure
i. Resources Available
1. Pete Hammond, Lightforce Tech.
2. Bill Kent, GeoSpatial Systems
3. Microsoft Excel
4. Textbook article on subject of PCB vibration
ii. Actions Required
1. Finalize current iteration of mathematical model
2. Consult with industry human resources
a. Is model accurate/consistent?
b. Are assumptions valid?
c. How does my analysis compare to the ones they typically
d. How would they advise I change my analysis?
3. Update analysis to reflect input
4. Write up report of analysis
iii. Time Required: 1-2 Weeks
c. Choose Appropriate Damping Hardware
i. Resources Available
1. Pete Hammond, Lightforce Tech.
2. Bill Kent, GeoSpatial Systems
3. Manufacturer’s technical data on Sorbothane damping material
ii. Actions Required
1. Discern, based on PCB Flexure model, how much damping is
necessary, if any.
2. Discuss results of (1) with industry consultants, seek information
as to other factors in damper selection
MSD2 Action Items
2 of 5
Multidisciplinary Senior Design
Team 10662
3. Choose appropriate damping hardware
4. Adjust SolidWorks model and BOM to incorporating damping
iii. Time Required: 1-2 Weeks
5. Mechanical Design
a. To be completed Prior to start of MSD 2: December 11, 2009
b. Adjust SolidWorks models and Bill of Material to reflect final thermal and
vibratory analyses
i. Resources Available
1. SolidWorks 2009 Software
2. Vibratory analysis
3. Thermal Analysis
ii. Actions Required
1. Make any changes to solid models to reflect needs of analyses
2. Update manufacturing drawings, correct software errors, edit for
clarity and completeness
iii. Time Required: 3-4 Hours
c. Peer review of manufacturing drawings
i. Resources Available
1. MSD Project group members
2. Dear ol’ Dad (a machinist with 30+ years of experience in industry)
ii. Actions Required
1. Submit drawings to resource personnel
2. Field questions and concerns presented by said personnel
iii. Time Required: 2-3 Days
d. Customer review of manufacturing drawings
i. Resources Available
1. Kevin Kearney (D3)
2. Scott Reardon (D3)
ii. Actions Required
1. Submit drawings to resource personnel
2. Field questions and concerns presented by said personnel
iii. Time Required: 3-4 Days
e. Adjust SolidWorks models and Bill of Material in light of feedback from parts (c)
and (d)
MSD2 Action Items
3 of 5
Multidisciplinary Senior Design
Team 10662
i. Resources Available
1. SolidWorks Software
ii. Actions Required
1. Make any changes to solid models to reflect input from
2. Update manufacturing drawings, correct software errors, edit for
clarity and completeness
iii. Time Required: 5-6 Hours
6. Electrical Design
a. DC-DC Power Converter
i. Resources Available
1. MSD project group members
2. LTspice IV software (needed to actually simulate power regulators
and power monitor circuitry)
3. OrCAD Software
4. Scott Reardon (D3)
ii. Actions Required
1. Tweak existing voltage regulator designs such that output
produced will satisfy current demands and voltage stability
requirements. This should mostly involve selecting more ideal
capacitor and inductor values
2. Finalize design of power monitoring circuitry
3. Finalize selection of actual components to be used and enter into
Bill of Materials.
iii. Time Required: 1-2 Weeks
b. Connector Board
i. Resources Available
1. MSD project group members
2. OrCAD Software
3. Scott Reardon (D3)
ii. Actions Required
1. Ensure that circuit elements for power are consistent with final
power design
2. Finalize selection of actual components to be used and enter into
Bill of Materials
MSD2 Action Items
4 of 5
Multidisciplinary Senior Design
Team 10662
iii. Time required: 2-3 Days
MSD2 Action Items
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