Download DPD Dicas Course List, Fall 2011 to Spring 2014

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DPD Course List
Required Supplemental Form
To Be Completed By the DPD Program Director
DPD Program Institution:
DPD Director:
Website for Course Catalog:
San Diego State University
Joan Rupp, MS, RD
DPD Professional Courses
COM 103 – Oral Communication-Speech
STAT 250 – Basic Statistical Methods
PSY 101 – Introductory Psychology
RWS 100 - Rhetoric of Written Argument
SOC 101 – Introductory Sociology
NUTR 201 – Fundamentals of Nutrition
NUTR 203 – Cultural Aspects of Foods &
NUTR 205 – Introduction to Science of Food
NUTR 301 – Advanced Science of Food
NUTR 302 – Advanced Nutrition
NUTR 302L – Advanced Nutrition Lab
NUTR 303 – Quantity Food Production
NUTR 304 – Nutrition Through the Life Span
NUTR 404 – Food Systems Management
NUTR 405 – Experimental Food Science &
NUTR 406 – Medical Nutrition Therapy I
NUTR 407 – Medical Nutrition Therapy Lab I
NUTR 408 – Medical Nutrition Therapy II
NUTR 409 – Medical Nutrition Therapy Lab II
NUTR 510 – Nutrition & Community Health
DPD Science Courses
BIOL 100 – General Biology
BIOL 100L – General Biology Lab
BIOL 211 – Fundamentals of Microbiology
BIOL 211L – Fundamentals of Microbiology
BIOL 212 –Human Anatomy
BIOL 336 – Principles of Human Physiology
CHEM 100 –Introduction to General
CHEM 130 – Elementary Organic Chemistry
CHEM 160 – Introduction to Biochemistry
ENS 304 – Physiology of Exercise
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