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College of Education, Criminal Justice and Human Services
School of Information Technology
IT Accelerated Program Application Form
For Starting Academic Year of 2018-2019
Please complete this form and submit with all required documents by January 31, 2018 to
[email protected]
Check List
[ ] Cover sheet
[ ] Statement of Purpose
[ ] Proposed degree plan
[ ] Resume
[ ] Unofficial transcript or degree audit
Program Requirements
The IT+ Accelerated programs are open to students currently enrolled in the
Information Technology Baccalaureate degree. The admission to the program will
follow a holistic approach that will take into consideration the entire application
and the individual applicants. However, we pay close attention to the following:
- ACT or SAT scores
- High School rank
- University GPA
- Extracurricular activities
- Statement of purpose
- Professionalism and leadership skills
- The ability and willingness to complete the proposed degree plan
- Students will be selected to the selected IT Accelerated program in the spring
of each year.
- Students will be considered undergraduate CECH students for their
freshmen, sophomore, pre-junior and junior year.
- Students will be admitted to the selected Graduate Program College in the
summer semester before the senior year and be considered graduate
students for the last three semesters (summer, fall, and spring).
- IT+ Accelerated students will start their coop in the summer after their
freshmen year. They will not have a summer off in the IT Accelerated degree
- Students will graduate in the spring of their senior year with a Bachelor of
Science in Information Technology and the selected master’s degree.
- Graduate tuition rate and graduate college fees will be in effect when
students switch to graduate students in the senior year.
- Students must have a 3.0 or above GPA when they transition to a graduate
- Students must have a minimum number of graduate credit hours determined
by the selected graduate program and not exceed 12 graduate credit hours
before becoming a graduate student.
College of Education, Criminal Justice and Human Services
School of Information Technology
IT Accelerated Program Application Form
If a student has more than 12 graduate credit hours towards the master’s
degree, those credits will not be transferred into the master’s program.
These courses will have to be taken again as a master’s student.
Students must have a 3.0 GPA graduate GPA at the time of graduation in
order to graduate with the master’s degree.
Most financial aid and scholarships can be used towards the senior year as a
graduate student. However, it is the student’s responsibility to meet with
financial aid and/or a scholarship advisor in order to determine funding as a
graduate student in the senior year.
It takes good effort and planning to complete this combined degree plan.
Make sure to plan your program and give it its due diligence. It is important
to meet with your academic advisor each semester.
College of Education, Criminal Justice and Human Services
School of Information Technology
IT Accelerated Program Application Form
Application Cover Sheet
Personal Information:
Mailing Address
High School Information:
High School Name
High School Location
High School GPA
High School Rank(if
ACT or SAT score
College Information:
University GPA
When did you start in
the IT program?
Primary Track
College of Education, Criminal Justice and Human Services
School of Information Technology
IT Accelerated Program Application Form
Select Program
 IT+MSIT (Bachelor of Science in IT + Master of Science in Information
 IT+MBA (Bachelor of Science in IT + Master of Business Administration)
 IT+IDT (Bachelor of Science in IT + Master of Instructional Design and
 IT+MHI (Bachelor of Science in IT + Master of Science in Health Informatics)
Statement of Purpose
Describe your career goals and explain how your selected Accelerated Program will
help you accomplish these goals. Do not exceed 500 words.
College of Education, Criminal Justice and Human Services
School of Information Technology
IT Accelerated Program Application Form
Proposed Degree Plan
Use the selected IT Accelerated degree plan and your degree audit and complete the following degree plan to show how you
will be able to complete the program (see examples). It is advisable to meet with your BSIT academic advisor to complete
with both
BSIT and