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Curriculum Vitae
Personal information:
Frauke Rudolf
Work adress:
Infektionsmedicinsk Afd Q, Skejby Sygehus
Q-Forskning, Brendstrupgaardsvej, 8200 Århus N
Email: [email protected]
Projecto de Saúde de Bandim, Apartado 861, 1004 Bissau Codex, Guinea-Bissau
Private adress:
Bakkedraget 2ª, 1. tv, 3400 Hillerød, Denmark
Born: 20. juli 1981 in Flensburg (D)
1988 – 1996: Ejderskolen, Rendsburg, Germany
1996 – 1998: Hiort-Lorenzen-skolen, Schleswig, Germany
1998 – 2002: Gymnasial education: Duborg-Skolen, Flensburg, Germany
2003 – 2011 : Medical study, Århus, Denmark
20.06.2011: Cand. med. Århus Universitet, Denmark
14.05.2013: PHD degree in Medicine, Århus University, Denmark
Work experience:
Since 2001: Assistant at editorial office, Harms Verlag, Lindhöft, Germany
02.07. – 20.07.2007: Trainee at pediatric intensive care unit,
Leipzig Universityhospital, Germany
01.04. – 30.09.2013: Internship at the department for Infectious medicine and Lung
Diseases, Hillerød Hospital, Denmark
Scientific activities:
August 2008 – August 2009: Research Year at Department of Infectious diseases Q,
Skejby Sygehus/”Bandim Health Project”, Bissau
September 2009 – January 2013: MD PhD student at Århus Universitet
Infektionsmedicinsk afdeling Q, Skejby Sygehus/ ”Bandim
Health Project”, Bissau
Titel: “PREDINAM – PREDicting Tuberculosis among
TB suspects, Improving triage and Nutritional support to
Alter Mortality”
April 2011: Coordinator for INDEPTH project “Developing Capacity for
Tuberculosis (TB) Surveillance in Health and Demographic
Surveillance System (HDSS) Settings”
Courses and conferences:
2008, Course in Litteraturesearch, Århus Universitet
2008, Seventh International Conference on the Pathogenesis of Mycobacterial
Infections, 26 – 29 June, Stockholm, Sweden
2009, Basic Course in Health-related research at Århus University, August, Århus,
2009, 40th Union World Conference on Lung Health, 3-7 December, Cancún, Mexico
2010, Course in “Basic Biostatistics” at Århus University, September, Århus,
2010, Course in Linear and logistic regression at Århus Universitet
November, Århus, Denmark
2011, EU/EDCTP-meeting at AHRI
10.-11. January 2011, Addis Abeba, Ethiopia
2011, Course in “Methods of Measurement” at Århus Universitet
June, Århus, Denmark
2011, Course in ”Applied Multivariate Statistics” at Utrecht University, August 2011
Utrecht, The Netherlands
2011, Course in “GCP and Investigator-initiated clinical Trials” at GCP unit
Copenhagen University, November, Copenhagen, Denmark
2012, EU/EDCTP-meeting at ”Bandim Health Project”
2.-3. February 2012, Bissau, Guinea-Bissau
2013, TBnet Academy by “TBnet”
19. - 22. May 2013, Chisinau, Moldova
Improved prediction of tuberculosis and mortality by combining a clinical score with a plasma
Wagner A-J, Rudolf F, Haraldsdottir TL, Morreira SM, Gomes V, Eugen-Olsen J, Wejse C
Can Case-Finding among Pulmonary Tuberculosis Suspects be improved? – Observational Cohort
Study from Bissau
Rudolf F, Haraldsdottir TL, Mendes MS, Wagner A-J, Gomes VF, Aaby P, Østergaard L, Eugen-Olsen
J, Wejse C (under revision, IJTLD)
TBscoreII: Refining and validating a simple clinical score for treatment-monitoring patients with
pulmonary Tuberculosis
Rudolf F; Lemvik G; Abate E; Verkuilen J; Schön T; Gomes V; Eugen-Olsen J; Ostergaard LJ; Wejse C
(in press, Scand J Infect Dis, manus ID: 826876)
The Bandim Tuberculosis-score: reliability and comparison with the Karnofsky performance score
Rudolf F, Joaquim LC, Vieira C, Bjerregaard-Andersen M, Andersen A, Erlandsen M, Sodemann M,
Andersen PL, Wejse C, Scand J Infect Dis 2013 Apr;45(4):256-64.
Treatment Delay affects clinical severity of Tuberculosis - A longitudinal cohort study
Virenfeldt J, Rudolf F, Camara C, Furtado A, Gomes V, Aaby P, Petersen E, Wejse C (manuscript)
Significance of poorly kept sputum samples on detection of Mycobacterium
tuberculosis: Robustness of PCR in comparison with smear-microscopy and culture.
Aabenhus MM, Pedersen LN, Jensen W, Kristensen B, Porskrog A, Rudolf F, Rabna P, Østergaard L,
Fuursted K, Wejse C (manuscript)
Epidemic Stevens-Johnson syndrome in HIV patients in Guinea-Bissau: A side effect of the drugsupply policy?
I. Oliveira, S. Jensen-Fangel, D. da Silva, A. Ndumba, C. Medina, D. Rasmussen, F.
Rudolf, Z.J. da Silva, V. Gomes, C. Wejse, A. Nanadje, J. Eugen-Olsen, P.Aaby, M. Sodemann , A.
Lund, AIDS 2010 Mar 13;24(5):783-5
Diabetes prevalence in tuberculosis patients, tuberculosis suspects and healthy controls in GuineaBissau
Haraldsdottir TL, Joaquim LC, Rudolf F, Krag KS, Gomes V, Bjerregaard-Andersen M, Beck-Nielsen
H, Aaby P, Wejse C(manuscript)
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