Download 45th SBI, 7-18 November 2016: EIG closing statement

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45th SBI, 7-18 November 2016: EIG closing statement
Mr. Chair, Thank you for the opportunity to deliver this statement on behalf of the
Environmental Integrity Group, EIG, comprising Liechtenstein, Mexico, Monaco, the
Republic of Korea and Switzerland.
With the Paris Agreement entering into force, we need to expedite the work ahead of
us. And we think in this session of 45th SBI, we achieved meaningful progress on
many agenda items.
In particular, we recognize the experiences gained from the Facilitative Sharing of
Views and Multilateral Assessment as an important input to developing common
modalities, procedures and guidelines for the enhanced transparency framework
under the Paris Agreement. On the other hand, we regret that finalization of the
revision of the national communications reporting guidelines for Annex I parties was
not possible at this session. Nevertheless, Annex-I-Parties in our group are intending
to make best use of the valuable work on harmonizing national communications
reporting guidelines with biennial report requirements.
With respect to the NDC registry, we regret not to be able to make any progress on
this issues. For the next session, we hope to focus on the mandate which is to
develop the modalities and procedures for the operation and use of the public
The EIG appreciate the achievements and progress made by the Adaptation
Committee and Least Developed Expert Group(LEG), and its continuous efforts of
supporting the Paris agreement.
[Regarding modalities and procedures of the CDM, the SBI 45 was expected to
adopt a decision to reform the CDM but it could not reach an agreement.The EIG
would like to emphasize once again that strenghtening the CDM is a crucial element
to increase Pre-2020 ambition that also leads to increase Post-2020 ambition. It is
our view that every effort that contributes to our common goals and that helps us
raise our ambition must be decided upon as soon as possible.
The EIG notes with satisfaction that Paris Committee on Capacity Building would be
able to opertionalize next year with a main theme to focus. We will continue to
support the committee to enhance capacity-building efforts under the Convention in
a coherent way.
The EIG welcomes the successful conclusion of the negotiations on the renewal of the
Lima Work Programme on Gender, and this for 3 years. We equally welcome the
decision to elaborate an implementation-oriented action plan during 2017. We look
forward to working – with all the other Parties – on strengthening the role of women in
the UNFCCC, on making climate action more gender-responsive and to contributing
to the further empowerment of women in all aspects related to climate change.
Mr.Chair, thank you for your leadership throughout this session and we look forward
to seeing more concrete outcome for the next meeting.