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Employment Information:
2013 – current Assistant Professor at Department of Medical Biochemistry, Faculty of
Pharmacy, University of Belgrade
2007 – 2013 Teaching Assistant at Department of Medical Biochemistry, Faculty of Pharmacy,
University of Belgrade
2002 – 2007 Associate at Institute of Medical Biochemistry, Faculty of Pharmacy, University
of Belgrade
2012 – current Specialty Academic Studies Biochemical diagnostics
2006 – 2011 PhD student of Medical Biochemistry at Faculty of Pharmacy, University of
Belgrade, Serbia,
PhD degree, 2011; PhD thesis entitled “Association of obesity, oxidative status,
lipids and non-lipids risk facotors for carddiovascular desease development in
diabetes mellitus type 2 patients” (Mentor: Prof. Slavica Spasić)
2006 – current Specialty studies of Medical Biochemistry at Faculty of Pharmacy, University of
2002 – 2006 MA student at Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Belgrade
1995 – 2002 BS at Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Belgrade
1991 – 1995 Gymnasium
2013 Training course "HDL: From biological understanding to clinical application"
organised by COST action BM0904, Lille, France
2012 Training course " HDL: From biological understanding to clinmical exploatation"
organised by COST action BM0904, Barcelona, Spain
2010 Didactic course for pedagogue, Faculty of Pharmacy, Belgrade
Academic awards and distinctions:
Grant awarded by COST BM0904 project for participation at training course
"HDL: From biological understanding to clinical application" , Lille, France
Grant awarded by COST BM0904 project for participation at traning course
" HDL: From biological understanding to clinmical exploatation", Barcelona,
Grant provided by EAS (European Atherosclerosis Society) for participation at „76th EAS
Annual Congress "in Helsinki (Finland)
Teaching activities:
Integrated Academic Studies, Program Master of Pharmacy: General
Biochemistry and Laboratory Diagnostics of Metabolism Disorders.
Integrated Academic Studies, Program Master of Pharmacy – Medical
Biochemist: General Biochemistry, Medical Biochemistry, Application of
Information Technologies in Medical Biochemistry, Risk Factors for
Cardiovascular Diseases, Clinical Enzimology and Laboratory Statistics.
In this section indicate your authorship or co-authorship in textbooks.
Activities within the Faculty:
- Member of the Commission for photocopy of Faculty of Pharmacy
- Member of the Council of 5th Academic Year of Faculty of Pharmacy
- Member of the Commission for Discipline Responsibility of Students and
Employees at Faculty of Pharmacy
Activities within wider Academic Community:
Supporting of students' activities at Faculty of Pharmacy
Co-mentor of six students’ scientific research projects presented at the 6th
Students’ Mini Congress held at Faculty of Pharmacy (collaboration with the
Centre for Students’ Scientific Research at Faculty of Pharmacy)
Co-mentor of two students’ scientific research projects presented at the 5th
Students’ Mini Congress held at Faculty of Pharmacy (collaboration with the
Centre for Students’ Scientific Research at Faculty of Pharmacy)
Lecteurer at proffessional and scienticic meetings
Oral presentation at International Scientific Symposium "Redox Regulation from
Chemistry to Molecular Biology" (Belgrade, 2013)
Oral presentation at Traning course " HDL: From biological understanding to
clinmical exploatation" (Barselona, 2012)
Oral presentation at I Congress ″ Mitochondria and free radicals″ (Belgrade, 2011)
Oral presentation at XI Congress of Internal Medicine (Vrnjacka Banja, 2011)
Oral presentation at 4th International Conference on Paraoxonases (La Pineda, Spain, 2010)
Oral presentation at International Scientific Conference "Theoretical, Methodological and
Methodical Aspects of Competitions and Athletes'Preparation" (Belgrade, 2009)
Participation at courses of continued education
Mediator of workshops at course entitled "Statistics methods in Biomedicine"
organized by the Department of Medical Biochemistry, Faculty of Pharmacy
Mediator of workshops at two courses of continued education entitled “ Markers
of development of cardiovascular diseases and their therapeutic modification”,
organised by the Department of Medical Biochemistry and the Centre of
Continued Education of Faculty of Pharmacy (2011)
Membership at proffessional organizations
Member of the Women in Science Committee of Serbian Biochemical Society
Member of the Serbian Society for Mitochondrial and Free-Radical Physiology
Member of the International Society for Clinic Biostatistics
Reviewer of international scientific journals
Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice
International Journal of Diabetes in Developing Countries
Free radical Research
National projects
2011 – curr.
Collaborator on the project “Interactive role of dyslipidemia, oxidative stress and
inflammation in atherosclerosis and other diseases: genetic and biochemical
markers” (project number 175035, financed by theMinistry of Education, Science
and Technological Development of Republic of Serbia)
2007 – 2010
Collaborator on the project “The study of biochemical and genetic risk factors as
causes and markers of atherosclerosis and other diseases: analytical and clinical
aspects” (project number 145036, financed by the Ministry of Science, Republic
International projects
2012- curr.
Collaborator on the international project of bilateral cooperation between
Republic of Serbia and Republic of Slovenia entitled "Diagnostic Value of New
Atherosclerosis Biomarkers in End-Stage Renal Disease Patients"
2010 – curr.
Collaborator on the international project COST (European research programme
COST, European Cooperation in Science and Technology). Scientific Domain:
Biomedicine and Molecular Biosciences; Action: HDL: From Biological
Understanding to Clinical Exploitation (BM0904).
2008 – 2011 Collaborator on the international project COST (European research programme
COST, European Cooperation in Science and Technology). Scientific Domain:
Biomedicine and Molecular Biosciences; Action: Lipid Peroxidation Associated
Disorders: LPO (B35); Title: Role of oxidative stress and dyslipidemia in
1. Stefanovic A, Kotur-Stevuljevic J, Vujovic A, Spasic S, Spasojevic-Kalimanovska V, JelicIvanovic Z, Martinovic J, Ardalic D, Mandic-Markovic V, Mikovic Z, Cerovic N. Association of
the atherogenic index of plasma and oxidative stress status with weight gain during noncomplicated pregnancy. Clin Chem Lab Med 2012. 50(11): 2019-25.
2. Stefanović A, Ardalic D, Kotur-Stevuljević J, Vujović A, Spasic S, Spasojević-Kalimanovska
V, Jelic-Ivanovic Z, Mandic-Markovic V, Mikovic Z, Cerovic N. Longitudinal changes in PON1
activvities, PON1 phenotype distribution and oxidative status through normal pregnancy. Reprod
Toxicol. 2012 Jan; 33(1):20-6.
3. Stefanovic A, J Kotur-Stevuljevic, S Spasic, J Vekic, A Zeljkovic, V SpasojevicKalimanovska, and Z Jelic-Ivanovic .HDL 2 particles are associated with hyperglycaemia, lower
PON1 activity and oxidative stress in type 2 diabetes mellitus patients. Clin Biochem, Oct 2010;
43(15): 1230-5.
4. Stefanović A, Kotur-Stevuljević J, Spasić S, Vekić J, Bujišić N. Association of oxidative stress
and paraoxonase status with PROCAM risk score. Clin Biochem 2009; 42: 617-623
5. Stefanovic A, Kotur-Stevuljevic J, Spasic S, Bogavac-Stanojevic N, Bujisic N. The influence
of obesity on the oxidative stress status and the concentration of leptin in type 2 diabetes mellitus
patients. Diab Res Clin Pract 79(2008) 156-163.
6. Suvakov S, Damjanovic T, Stefanovic A, Pekmezovic T, Savic-Radojevic A, Pljesa-Ercegovac
M, Matic M, Djukic T, Coric V, Jakovljevic J, Ivanisevic J, Pljesa S, Jelic-Ivanovic Z, MimicOka J, Dimkovic N, Simic T. Glutatione-S-transferase A1, M1, P1 and T1 null or low-activity
genotypes are associated with enhanced oxidative damage among hemodialysis patients. Nephrol
Dial Transplant. 2013. 28(1): 202-12.
7. M Stojanov, A Stefanovic, G Dzingalasevic, S Mandic-Radic, and M Prostran
Butyrylcholinesterase activity in young men and women: association with cardiovascular risk
factors. M Stojanov, A Stefanovic, G Dzingalasevic, S Mandic-Radic, and M Prostran. Clin
Biochem, Jun 2011; 44(8-9): 623-6.
8. Kotur-Stevuljević J, Spasić S, Jelić-Ivanović Z, Spasojević-Kalimanovska V, Stefanović A,
Vujović A, Memon L, Kalimanovska-Oštrić D. PON1 status is influenced by oxidative stress and
inflammation in coronary heart disease patients. Clin Biochem 2008; 41: 1067-1073
9. Vekic J, Kotur-Stevuljevic J, Jelic-Ivanovic Z, Spasic S, Spasojevic-Kalimanovska V, Topic A,
Zeljkovic A, Stefanovic A, Zunic G. Association of oxidative stress and PON1 with LDL and
HDL particle size in middle-aged subjects. Eur J Clin Invest 2007; 37: 715-723.
10. Kotur-Stevuljević J, Memon L, Stefanović A, Spasić S, Spasojević-Kalimanovska V,
Bogavac-Stanojević N, Kalimanovska-Oštrić D, Jelić-Ivanović Z, Žunić G. Correlation of
oxidative stress parameters and inflammatory markers in coronary artery disease patients. Clin
Biochem 2007; 40: 181-187.