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The Renaissance
What was the
Change in politics, art, economy, culture
Shift from agriculture to city life
More of a focus on learning
Medieval world “so out of style”- time to
pick up the pace Europe!
• Human experience, not religion- this could
cause problems!!!
• Spirit of creativity and adventure
• Movement called HUMANISM: study of
the Greek and Roman classics, but apply it
to today
– Focus on grammar, poetry, history- the
• Petrarch famous poet and thinker
Where did it all begin???
ITALY - but why?
• Once center of Roman empire, logical place
with new interest in ancient Rome
• Location- trade had remained strongcontact with the outside world
• Trade=wealth and new ideas
The City-States
• Not a united country- each city-state
controlled by a wealthy family
• Medici family in Florence- symbol of
Italian Ren.
The Arts
Religious themes, but classical backgrounds
Important people painted- focus on indiv.
Life-size sculptures
Rules of perspective- 3-D scenes
Study of anatomy
Greek and Roman architecture, not Gothic
• Ledonardo da Vinci- Mona Lisa, Last
Supper, flying machines- truly a
Renaissance Man!
• Michelangelo- David, Pieta, Sistine Chapel,
dome of St. Peter’s
• Raphael, Brunelleschi
• Multitalented
– Studied art, sculpture, architecture as well as
being an engineer
• Well known for his dome that he modeled
after the Pantheon in Rome
• Well known for his sculpting abilities and
monuments that he created
– Became known for making a shallow relief have much
– Worked with Brunelleschi
• Was often commissioned for religious works
– One of his most famous pieces was a bronze David
– Zuccone
Leonardo da Vinci
• Mostly known for his paintings
• Very well versed in anatomy, music,
architecture and engineering
– Many of his works have deteriorated but many
of his sketch books remain
• Major works:
– The Last Supper
– The Mona Lisa
Mona Lisa, da Vinci
• Sculptor, engineer, painter, architect and poet
• Major artistic achievements depicted religious life
– David
• Biblical history of David vs. Goliath
– Pieta
• Mary cradles her son Jesus
– Sistine Chapel
• Depicted biblical history from creation to the flood
David- Michelangelo
Sistine Chapel- Michelangelo
Sistine Chapel- creation of sun
and moon
• Italian painter and architect well known for
his blending of classic and Christian styles
– The School of Athens was a very famous work
• Gathering of the greatest thinkers
• Even included the current Renaissance artists
• Also well known for his paintings of the
– Painting of Madonna and Child is a famous
• Castiglione- The Book of the Courtier
• Machiavelli, The Prince
• Wrote The Prince
• Book about how rulers could gain and
maintain power
– Rulers should do what ever is necessary to meet
their goals
– End justifies the means
• North recovering from
Plague, but did get there
by 1400’s
• What helped? The
Printing Press- Gutenberg
in 1455, Germany
– Movable type- before, all
by hand
• Cheaper, easier to
produce, more people
Northern Ren Artists
• Flanders (France, Belgium, Netherlands)
• Bruegel, Rubens, Durer (Leonardo of the
• Writers- began using the vernacular.
• Erasmus (translate bible to vernacular), Sir
Thomas More (Utopia), Shakespeare