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International Journal of Current Medical And Applied Sciences.
Volume: 9, Issue: 3, February-2016, pp: 138-143.
A Study on Clinical, Biochemical, Serological and
Radiological Profile of Psoriatic Arthritis.
Abdul Samad K1, Simi P Salahudeen2 & Priya Ashok3
Professor , 2Senior Resident, 3Associate Professor, Department of Dermatology and Venereology,
Medical College, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, South India.
Psoriatic arthritis has ever been a subject of great controversy. It has been observed that 5-42% of psoriatic
patients have an associated inflammatory arthritis; more accurate recent studies place the prevalence towards the
higher end of the range. A review of population based studies estimated the population prevalence of psoriatic
arthritis at 0.02-0.1%. Since there are only very few studies about psoriatic arthritis in our population, this study
was designed to map out the clinical profile of psoriatic arthritis, the type of psoriasis associated and the
biochemical, serological and radiological changes associated with it.32 cases of psoriatic arthritis were studied for
clinical, biochemical, serological and radiological profile. The age group ranged between 22 and 67 years and male
to female ratio was 1.67:1.Chronic plaque psoriasis was the most common type(81%) associated with arthritis and
proximal interphalangeal joints (53.1%) were the most commonly involved joints. Monoarticular or asymmetric
oligoarticular type was the commonest pattern(43.8%). Lower serum calcium levels and elevated serum uric acid
levels were the biochemical changes observed (53% and 41% cases respectively). Antinuclear antibodies were
positive in 3.1% cases. Radiological changes were observed in 53% cases and the commonest radiological change
observed was narrowing of joint spaces.Classical radiological changes of psoriatic arthritis were relatively rare in
the population studied.
Key words: Psoriatic arthritis; biochemical, serological and radiological profile.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Address for correspondence:
Dr. Abdul Samad K,
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Additional Professor,
Department of Dermatology and Venereology
Medical College, Thiruvananthapuram,
Kerala, South India.
Email ID: : [email protected]
How to cite this article:
Abdul Samad K, Simi P Salahudeen & Priya Ashok : A Study on Clinical,
Biochemical, Serological and Radiological Profile of Psoriatic
Arthritis.International Journal of current Medical and Applied
sciences; 2016, 9(3), 138-143.
Medical Sciences
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