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ERGIC-53 Gene Structure and Mutation Analysis in 19
Combined Factors V and VIII Deficiency Families
by William C. Nichols, Valeri H. Terry, Matthew A. Wheatley, Angela Yang, Ariella
Zivelin, Nicola Ciavarella, Caterina Stefanile, Tadashi Matsushita, Hidehiko Saito,
Norma B. de Bosch, Arlette Ruiz-Saez, Argimiro Torres, Arthur R. Thompson, Donald
I. Feinstein, Gilbert C. White, Claude Negrier, Christine Vinciguerra, Melih Aktan,
Randal J. Kaufman, David Ginsburg, and Uri Seligsohn
Volume 93(7):2261-2266
April 1, 1999
©1999 by American Society of Hematology
Structure of the ERGIC-53 gene and mutations identified in combined factors V and VIII
William C. Nichols et al. Blood 1999;93:2261-2266
©1999 by American Society of Hematology
Haplotype analysis for two families in which no ERGIC-53 mutation was detected.
William C. Nichols et al. Blood 1999;93:2261-2266
©1999 by American Society of Hematology
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