Download Women at Accenture: HO WING YAN

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Hi, my name is Wing Yan
and I’m a Management
Consulting Manager with
Accenture Malaysia. As a
Change Manager, my role
is to manage projects or
change initiatives impacting
the people side of things. This
includes managing resistance
to changes in business
processes, systems, job roles
and organization structures.
True to Accenture’s core value
– Respect for the Individual,
I’ve never experienced any
gender discrimination as a
woman working in Accenture.
There have been times
where I’ve been the only
lady in the project team,
or the minority in a meeting
room filled with male
colleagues or clients;
and at none of these times
I witnessed discrimination
or the lack of my voice
being heard. Also, Accenture
Malaysia recently increased
its maternity leave from 60
to 90 days, definitely making
it a great place to work for
working mothers. I was part
of the team that established
the Big Sister program for
the Resources Operating
Group in Malaysia.
The purpose of this program
is to provide women in
Accenture an informal
platform to connect at the
professional and personal
level, and with the aim to
empower Accenture Women
across all career levels.
It was really encouraging
to see many women in
Accenture willing to volunteer
their time to be a “Big Sister”,
and to be paired with a
“Little Sister” whom they
can mentor and support
informally. I’ve received many
positive feedback from this
program, especially on how
the connection was genuine
and how they now have each
other to support each other
through their careers ups and
downs. For me, the one word
that best describes Accenture
would be “Opportunity.”