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 MNC’s & International Business; Definitions Organisational
Transformation; Globalisation of Business; dominance of MNC’s;
MNC’s & International Trade; Merits of MNC’s; demerits; perspectives;
code of conduct; MNC’s in India;
 International Marketing Intelligence; Information requirements;
sources of Information; phases of Research Projects; problems in
International Research
 MNC-Meaning
 MNC-Definition
 Five Criteria of MNC
 Types of MNC’s
 History of MNC
 Features of MNC
 Objectives of MNC
 Reasons for the Growth of MNCs
 Hierarchy Of MNC Activities
 MNC’s And International Trade
 Dominance Of MNC’s And Global Economy
 Growth Perspective of MNCs
 Code of Conduct
 Dominance Of MNC’s And Global Economy
 Multinationals in India
 Few Examples of MNCs in India
 Merits of MNCs
 Demerits of MNC’s
 Globalisation-International Business
 Business Environment for an MNC
 Elements of Strategic Planning for International Management
 Formulation of MNC Goals
 International Marketing Intelligence
 Information Requirements
 Sources of Information
 International Marketing Information system and Marketing Research
 Scope of Marketing Research
 Phases of a Research project
 Limitations of Marketing Research
 Problems In International Research
 Concept of Organisational Transformation
“Globalization is the inexorable integration of markets, transportation systems,
and communication systems to a degree never witnessed before -- in a way
that is enabling corporations, countries, and individuals to reach around the
world farther, faster, deeper, and cheaper than ever before...”
Thomas Friedman, The World is Flat (2005)
 An enterprise operating in several countries but managed from one
(home) country.
 Generally, any company or group that derives a quarter of its revenue
from operations outside of its home country is considered a
multinational corporation.
Definition: Multinational Corporation
The essential nature of the multinational enterprises lies in the fact
that its managerial headquarters are located in one country while
the enterprise carries out operations in a number of other countries
as well.
Five Criteria of MNC
It operates in many countries at different levels of economic
Its local subsidiaries are managed by nationals
It maintains complete industrial organizations, including R and D and
manufacturing facilities, in several countries
It has a multinational central management
It has multinational stock ownership
Types of MNC’s
 Service MNC-Vodafone
 Manufacturing MNC-Sony, LG
 Trading MNC-Franklin Templeton, Citi Corp Financial Services
History of MNC
 Multinational business operation is not a new concept.
 The British east India company, Hudson’s Bay corporation and Royal Africa
Companies are example of MNCs.
The post second world war period has however, witnessed a changing hand
in colonialism and there emerged a new thrusts for industrial and
technological development as well as rise of the USA as the largest
industrial power.
The Dutch East India Company was the first multinational corporation in
the world and the first company to issue stock
It was also arguably the world's first mega corporation possessing quasigovernmental powers, including the ability to wage war, negotiate treaties,
coin money , and establish colonies.
The first modern multinational corporation is generally thought to be the
East India Company.
Many MNC’s have offices, branches or manufacturing plants in different
countries from where their original and main headquarters is located.
1st MNC in
Dutch East India
1st MNC In
1st Indian
Features of MNC
1. Big size
2. Huge intellectual capital
3.Operates in many countries
4.Large number of customer
5.Large number of competitors
6.Structured way of decision making
Objectives of MNC
To expand the business beyond the boundaries of the home
Minimize cost of production, especially labour cost.
Capture lucrative foreign market against international
Avail of competitive advantage internationally.
Achieve greater efficiency by producing in local market and then
exporting the products.
Make best use of technological advantages by setting up
production facilities abroad.
Establish an international corporate image.
Reasons for the Growth of MNCs
Factor mobility.
Development in
Risk minimize.
Growth urge.
• Sales or marketing Office
• Simple assembly plants
• Full-Scale manufacturing (final products and components
manufacturing abroad)
• R & D operations
MNC’s And International Trade
Big sale base-the sale of foreign subsidiaries in the host countries
are three to four times as large as total world exports.
Exports rise-significant increase in the export intensity of the
foreign affiliates of MNCs.
Save on taxation in countries they operate-the abilities of
multinationals to manipulate financial flows by the use of artificial
transfer prices is bound to be a matter of concern government.
Dominance Of MNC’s And Global Economy
• The global liberalization has paved the way for fast expansion and
growth of the MNCs.
• The economic clout of the MNCs is indicated by the GDP of most of
the countries is smaller then the value of the annual sales turnover of
the multinational giants
Reno vision on the Art of Global Dominance
 Source raw materials wherever they are cheapest.
 Manufacture wherever in the world is most cost effective.
 Sell in those global markets where prices are highest.
 Raise finances globally.
 Forge international strategic alliances.
Growth Perspective of MNCs
Increasing emphasis on market forces and a growing role for the
private sector in nearly all developing countries.
Rapidly changing technologies that are transforming the nature of
organization and location of international production.
The globalization of firms and industries.
The rise of services to constitute the largest single sector in the world
Regional Economic Integration
Code of Conduct
 A framework to allow developing countries as well as
transnational corporations to benefit from direct investments on
terms contractually agreed upon
 Legislation
 Cooperation by governments
 Fiscal and other incentives and policies towards foreign investment
 An international procedure for discussions and consultations
 One way to view codes of conduct is by grouping them into three
main categories:
 Externally generated codes of conduct that are developed by governments
or international organizations
 Corporate codes of conduct that represent individual companies’ ethical
standards, and
 Industry-specific codes.
The multinational corporation shall : Provide clear statement of the basic mission and policies of the
Confirm to the established policies and the laws of the host country .
 Supply appropriate information to local authorities about health, safety
and environment effects of company‘s products .
Respond affirmatively to the social and economic plans of the host
 Be concerned about human rights in decision making.
 Seriously consider credible complaints and try to eliminate them .
Dominance Of MNC’s And Global Economy
 The global liberalization has paved the way for fast expansion and
growth of the MNCs
 The economic clout of the MNCs is indicated by the GDP of most of
the countries is smaller then the value of the annual sales turnover of
the multinational giants
Multinationals in India
 In India the government policy confined the foreign investment
to the priority areas like high technology and heavy investment
sectors of national importance and export sectors.
 Firms which had been established in non-priority areas prior to
the implementation of this policy have, however, been allowed to
continue in those sectors.
 Several Indian outfits of MNCs are in the low technology consumer
goods sector. There are many MNCs which are in high technology area.
 Since the economic liberalization unshared in 1991, many
multinationals in different lines of business have entered the Indian
Few Examples of MNCs in India
Sony and
many more
Merits of MNCs
• Helps removal of monopoly and improve the quality of domestic
made products.
MNCs also stimulate domestic enterprise because to support
their own operations, the MNCs may encourage and assist domestic
Promotes exports and reduce imports by raising domestic
Goods are made available at cheaper price due to economies of
MNCs help increase the investment level and thereby the income
and employment in host country.
They also kindle a managerial revolution in the host countries
through professional management and the employment of highly
sophisticated management techniques.
Merits of MNC’s…
• The enormous resources of the multinational enterprises enable
them to have very efficient research and development systems.
Thus they make a commendable contribution to inventions and
• The transnational corporations have become vehicles for the
transfer of technology, especially to the developing countries.
• MNCs provide an efficient means of integrating national
 Encourages the world unity and all resulting in world harmony
Demerits of MNC’s
Reduced control over economy-The host nation may also
experience some loss of control over its own economy .
Economic sovereignty loss-the host county is likely to lose its
economic sovereignty
The MNCs technology is designed for world wide profit
maximization, not the development needs of poor countries.
The imported technologies are not adapted to
Consumption needs ƒ
Size of domestic markets ƒ
Resource availabilities
Stage of development of many of the LDCs.
MNCs may destroy competition and acquire monopoly powers.
MNCs retard growth of employment in the home country.
Feeling that labour is being exploited by the MNC/ Outsourcing
Lost of cultural moorings
Demerits of MNC’s
• The transnational corporations cause fast depletion of some of
the non-renewable natural resources in the host country.
• The transfer pricing enables MNCs to avoid taxes by manipulating
prices on intra-company transactions.
• The problem of Dumping
Globalisation-International Business
 Globalization sometimes used to refer specifically to the
integration of national economies into the international economy
through trade, foreign direct investment,
capital flows, migration, and the spread of technology.
 Globalization is a process of interaction and integration among the
people, companies, and governments of different nations, a process
driven by international trade and investment and aided by information
technology. This process has effects on the environment, on culture, on
political systems, on economic development and prosperity, and
on human physical well-being in societies around the world.
Globalisation-International Business
 Globalisation is synonymously used with International Business.
 Globalisation is the economic integration among the countries across
the globe.
 Global Village tends to be mainly economic integration of countries,
but not political amalgamation.
Globalisation-How does it happen?
 Internationalisation of business can be viewed as a four dimensional
construct that enterprise can be more or less global along each of four
 Four areas play a role in Globalization in sequential manner
 Globalisation of Market Presence
 Internationalisation of Supply Chain
 Globalisation of Capital Base
 Globalisation of Corporate Mindset
Internationalisation of Business-Accessing
Corporate Globality
of Capital
of Corporate
of Supply
of Market
 A true global company is one which scores high on all the four
Internationalisation of Business-Accessing
Corporate Globality
 Globalisation of Market Presence-(1st dimension)refers to the extent
to which a company targets customers in all major markets within its
industry throughout the world.
Internationalisation of Supply Chain-(2nd dimension)refers to the
extent to which the company is accessing the most optimal locations
for the performance of various activities in its supply chain.
It may be possible for a firm to have a fairly regional market presence
and yet a highly globalised supply chain or vice versa.
Globalisation of Capital Base-(3rd dimension)refers to the extent to
which the company is accessing optimal sources of capital on a
worldwide basis.
Globalisation of Corporate Mindset-(4th dimension)refers to the
ability of a company to understand and integrate diversity across
cultures and markets.
Business environment
“Complex internal and external factor, directly and indirectly influence
the performance of company.”
Business Environment for an MNC
Macro Environment
Micro Environment
Internal Environment
Mktg Intermediaries
Mission / Objectives
Management Structure
Internal Power Relationship
Physical Assets & facilities
Company image
Human resources
Financial Capabilities
Technological Capabilities
Marketing Capabilities
Elements of Strategic Planning for International
External Environmental
Scanning for MNC
Opportunities and
Internal Resource
Analysis of MNC
Strengths and
Strategic Planning
Environmental Scanning-External
Environmental Analysis has three goals:
• Provides an understanding of current and potential changes
taking place
• Should provide input for strategic decision making.
• Facilitate and lead to strategic decisions within an organization.
Strategists Proactive Planning-Environmental Analysis and
diagnosis give strategists time to anticipate opportunities and to plan
to take optional responses to tap these opportunities.
It also helps strategists to develop an early warning system to prevent
threats or to develop strategies which can turn a threat to a firm’s
Firms which systematically analyze and diagnose the
environment are more effective than those which do not.
Internal Resource Analysis
Evaluate managerial, technical, material, and financial
strengths and weaknesses
Determine ability to take advantage of international market
Match external opportunities (environmental scan) with internal
capabilities (internal resource analysis)
Key question for MNC: Do we have the people and resources
that can help us develop and sustain necessary Key Success Factors,
or can we acquire them?
Elements of Strategic Planning
Strategic Planning Goals
 Goal formulation often precedes first two steps (environmental
scanning, internal analysis)
 Profitability and marketing goals almost always dominate strategic
 Once set strategic goals, MNC develops specific operational goals and
controls for subsidiary or affiliate level
Formulation of MNC Goals
 Profitability
 Level of profits
 Return on assets, assets, investment, equity, sales
 Yearly profit growth
 Yearly earnings per share growth
 Marketing
 Total sales volume
 Market share-world-wide, region, country
 Growth in sales
 Growth in market share
 Integration of country markets for marketing efficiency and effectiveness
Formulation of MNC Goals
 Operations
 Rate of foreign to domestic production volume
 Economies of scale via international production integration
 Quality and cost control
 Introduction of cost efficient production methods
 Finance
 Financing of foreign affiliates
 Taxation-minimising tax burden globally
 Optimum capital structure
 Foreign exchange management-minimising losses from foreign fluctuations’
 Human Resource
 Recruitment and selection
 Management development of host country nationals
 Development of managers with global orientation
 Compensation and benefits
International Marketing Intelligence
 Sufficient and reliable information is pre-requisite for proper decision
making be it domestic business or international marketing.
 International marketing intelligence includes the collection,
processing, analysis and interpretation of all types of information, from
all available sources, to aid business management in making
international marketing decision.
 Proper business intelligence is essential to make all the series of
strategic decisions in international marketing viz.,
 International marketing decision
 Market selection decision
 Entry and operating decision
 Marketing mix decision
 Organization decision.
Information Requirements
 Different types of information are needed to take the critical decision as to
whether to go international or not.
The broad areas of information requirement for international
marketing are the following.
International Marketing Related Information-These include
information about the prospects of the foreign markets, competition, other
characteristics of the foreign market, domestic market prospects etc.
International Marketing Selection Related Information-Information
on a large number of factors is needed for evaluation and selection of the
markets like political and economic stability, currency stability,
government policy and regulations, etc.
Product Related Information-Market selection also requires specific
information about the product or industry concerned like the demand
trends, government policy and regulations, competitive situation etc.
This also includes consumer tastes and preference about the product like
unit size/ quantity, shape, color, product form, packaging etc; mode, time,
frequencies and rates of consumption; purpose of use/uses etc; regulatory
aspects and so on.
Information Requirements
 Price Related Information needed include prevailing price ranges, price
trends, margins, pricing practices, government policies and regulations,
price elasticity of demand, role of price as a strategic marketing variable
 Promotion Related Information-For formulating the promotion
strategy data on many aspects like media availability and effectiveness,
Government regulations, customs/practices of promotion in the market
concerned, competitive behavior etc are required.
 Distribution Related Information-This includes information on factors
like channel alternatives and characteristics, relative effectiveness of
different channels, customs and practices of the trade, power and influence
of channel members etc.
 Competition Related Information-A company will also need
information about the competitive environment including the extent of
competition, major competitors, relative strengths and weaknesses of
competitors, strategies and behavior of competitors etc.
Sources of Information
 Internal Sources-Experienced companies may have a great deal of
available information internally.
 But companies new to international business may have to rely on
external sources.
 External Sources-include sources of both primary and secondary
 A company will have to collect primary data when secondary data are
not available, not adequate or reliable.
Sources of Information
 There are a number of export promotion organizations in India
which are important sources of information pertaining to foreign
 While some of these are general, others are product specific.
 Most of them have periodic publications which disseminate useful
 Several of them have also brought out publications intended to provide
general guidance and education to exporters.
 They also carry out market potential studies and other relevant studies.
Sources of Information
These organizations include
 India Trade Promotion Organization (ITPO)
 State Trading Corporations
 Chambers of Commerce
 Confederation of Indian Industry (CII)
 FIEO, (The Federation of Indian Export Organisations)
 Export Promotion Councils/Commodity Boards / Export Development
 Organizations like the Indian Institute of Packaging, Export Inspection
Council are also important sources for certain types of information.
 The Exim Bank has carried out a number of market studies. Although the Exim
Bank is primarily a financial institution, it is also an important source of
guidance for exporters.
 The offices of the consulates/embassies in India of foreign governments
provide a lot of information about the respective countries.
Sources of Information
 Educational and research organizations like Indian Institute of Foreign
Trade, Management Schools/Departments of Universities etc, could be
useful to exporters.
Valuable information can sometimes be obtained from other
exporters, export houses and trading houses, banks, ECGC (Export Credit
Guarantee Corporation of India), etc.
The international Trade Centre, Geneva is a very important source of
information and assistance to exporters, particularly from developing
Offices of the Indian embassies abroad and concerned
departments/organizations of the foreign governments may be approached
for certain types of information.
There are also certain international organizations related to specific
products. Organizations like the World Bank also make studies and
reports regarding certain products.
The World Trade Organization (WTO) is an important source for
different types of information.
In many case a lot of information can be obtained from publications
like journals and research publications as national, foreign and
International Marketing Information system and
Marketing Research
 IM involves the creation of an information system, which should be a part
of the company’s overall system information business for international
decision making. (Secondary Data, MIS, GIS-ERP, SAP)
 When international information system is not having adequate /right data
for decision making then Market Research or Primary data is collected for
knowing more about marketing provlem or exploring marketing
Objectives of Marketing Research
 Identify the deficiencies
 Products
 Pricing
 Distribution
 Promotion
 Identify existing and emerging marketing opportunities
 Identify the relative weaknesses and strength of the company
 Monitor the environmental changes
Scope of Marketing Research
Product research
Pricing research
Distribution research
Promotion research
Consumer research
Marketing environment research
Market trend research
Marketing efficiency research
Phases of a Research project
Definition of the problem
Conducting of a situational analysis
Conducting an informal study
Formulation of the research design
Collection of information
Analysis and interpretation of data
Presentation of research findings
Limitations of Marketing Research
Research findings are not always dependable. The performance
of many products have been in contradiction to the research
In underdeveloped countries marketing research has its own
limitations arising from non availability of adequate and reliable
data, problems in collecting and so on.
It involves costs.
It is a time consuming process.
Problems In International Research
The cultural differences make foreign market research a difficult
It is often very expensive
The research methodology suitable for one market may not be
suitable for another market.
Concept of Organisational Transformation
 Organizations today are faced increasingly with fierce competition,
demanding customers, economic pressures, and financial crises.
 To be effective, they must reduce costs, improve product and service quality,
and respond quickly to new opportunities in the marketplace.
 This means transforming an enterprise in practical terms, describing
common practices, comparing structural options, and identifying relevant
issues in planning, implementing, and measuring the success of organizational
 The transformation involves complex and simultaneous interactions. In his
process, a variety of possible forms can emerge.
 Each of these forms is a possible alternative future of the system-which may
range from complete destruction and annihilation of the system to a complete
transformation to a higher level of complexity.
 Organizational Transformation MNC is now increasingly assuming the role of
an orchestrator of production and transactions within a cluster, or network, of
cross border internal-external relationships, which may or may not involve
equity investment, but which are intended to serve its global interests.
Concept of Organisational Transformation
 Definition
 Organisational Transformation is a term referring collectively to such
activities as reengineering, redesigning and redefining business
systems. The dominant enabling technology in transforming
organization is information and technology.
 As business model change rapidly in the financial environment and
mergers and acquisition change the face of the organization. So,
organization continually need to
 A flexible, effective and efficient organization.
 A customer-centric approach to organizational activities.
 Recognition of current strengths to create a more productive environment.
 Understanding and reaping the benefits of competitive IT and business
 Promotion of an integrated approach to IT and business
Concept of Organisational Transformation
Three Types of Transformation
 Improving Operation: To achieve a quantum improvement in the
firm's efficiency, often by reducing costs, improving quality and
services and reducing development time.
 Strategic Transformation: The process of changing strategy seeks to
regain a sustainable competitive advantage by redefining business
objectives, creating new competences and harnessing these capabilities
to meet market opportunities.
 Corporate Self-Renewal: Self-Renewal creates the ability for a firm to
anticipate and cope with change so that strategic and operational gap
does not develop.
Concept of Organisational Transformation
Phases of Transformation
 Phase-1: It begins with the automation of existing activities to reduce cost and
raise capacities and expands to encompass a broader range of applications to
optimize operations.
 Phase-2: It focuses on adding features, functions, value-added processes and
new service to the core business.
 Phase 3: It may become principal vehicles for growth; the existing business can
be redefined.
Concept of Organisational Transformation
Transformation Strategies
1. Transformation through Values
2. Transformation through Organisation Development
3. Transformation through Reengineering
4. Transformation through McKinsey's Plan
5. Transformation through Competitive Benchmarking
6. Transformation through Six Sigma
7. Transformation through Kaizen Principle
Concept of Organisational Transformation
1. Transformation through Values
 In the changing business environment, values are guiding force for the
 Values are nothing but something we hold dear, something that reflects an
ideal or an ethic.
 A value to individual is purpose & meaning of life.
 Values to an organisation are foundations of culture. Organisation should
choose values i) compatible with society's core values, ii) Based on sublimation
of basic human urges, iii) compatible with purpose & operating context and iv)
compatible with third world context.
 2. Transformation through Organisation Development
 Most people and organisations are riot prepared for the vastly accelerated pace
of change. OD appears to be one of the primarily methods for this.
 Organisation Development rests on three basic propositions (Bennis, 1969)
 Organisations change forms throughout the age. The changes taking place in that age
make it necessary to revitalize and rebuild organizations.
 The only way to change organizations lies in changing the climate of the
 A new social awareness is required by people in organizations.
Concept of Organisational Transformation
 In short, the basic thrust behind OD is that the world is rapidly changing and
that our organizations must follow suit.
 Greiner identified what he considered to be the seven most commonly used
approaches to change.
 a) The Decree Approach
 b) The Replacement Approach
 c) The Structural Approach
 d) The Group Decision Approach
 e) The Data Discussion Approach
 f) The Group Problem Solving Approach
 g) The T-Group Approach
3. Transformation through Reengineering
 Reengineering is revolutionary, challenging the operation and even existence
of fundamental processes.
 It not only improves the old way of doing business, it seeks to create a new and
better way.
Concept of Organisational Transformation
4. Transformation through McKinsey's Plan
 A ten point blue print for an organization
 a) Organise primarily around process, not task.
 b) Flatten the hierarchy by minimizing subdivision of processes.
 c) Give senior leaders charge of processes & process performance.
 d) Link performance objectives & evaluation of all activities to customer
 e) More teams, not individuals, the focus of organization performance and
 f) Combine managerial and non-managerial activities as often as possible.
 g) Emphasise that each employee should develop several competencies.
 h) Inform & Train people on a just-in-time, need to perform basis.
 i) Maximise supplier and customer contact with every one in the organization.
 j) Reward individual skill development and team performance instead of
individual performance alone.
Concept of Organisational Transformation
5. Transformation through Competitive Benchmarking
 Benchmarking is the continuous process of measuring products, services and
practices against the toughest competitions or those companies recognize as
industry leaders.
6. Transformation through Six Sigma
 It is the statistical parameter used to describe variation. It can be described as
going from appx 35,000 defects per million operation to not more than 3
defects per million. It focuses on achieving tangible results as well as speaks the
language of business. It uses as an infrastructure of highly trained employees
from various sectors of the company.
7. Transformation through Kaizen Principle
 a) Small Improvement
 b) Conventional Knowledge
 c) Personal Involvement
 d) Many people
 e) Improve the process
 f) Standardise- Do- Check- Act to Plan-Do-Check-Act
“"The most serious mistakes are not being made
as a result of wrong answers. The truly dangerous
thing is not asking the right questions."
Dr Ravindra Pratap Gupta
Q1. Fill in the blanks
 MNC is an enterprise operating in several countries but managed from one
(home) country.
 The global liberalization has paved the way for fast expansion and growth of the
 The economic clout of the MNCs is indicated by the GDP of most of the countries
is smaller then the value of the annual sales turnover of the multinational giants.
 MNC helps removal of monopoly and improve the quality of domestic made
 The MNCs technology is designed for world wide profit maximization, not the
development needs of poor countries.
 Globalization sometimes used to refer specifically to the integration of national
economies into the international economy through trade, foreign direct
investment, capital flows, migration, and the spread of technology.
 Organisational Transformation is a term referring collectively to such activities as
reengineering, redesigning and redefining business systems. The dominant
enabling technology in transforming organization is information and technology.
 Q2. Define MNC? Discuss five criteria of MNC? Types of MNC’s? Features &
objectives of MNC’s?
 Q3. Write notes on
 Reasons for the Growth of MNCs
 MNC’s And International Trade
 Dominance Of MNC’s And Global Economy
 Growth Perspective of MNCs
 Code of Conduct
 Dominance Of MNC’s And Global Economy
 Multinationals in India
 Q4. Discuss the merits & demerits of MNC?
 Q5. Discuss Globalisation-International Business?
 Q6. Discuss business environment for an MNC?
 Q7. Write notes on
 Elements of Strategic Planning for International Management
 Formulation of MNC Goals
 International Marketing Intelligence
 Information Requirements
 Sources of Information
 International Marketing Information system and Marketing Research
 Scope of Marketing Research
 Phases of a Research project
 Limitations of Marketing Research
 Problems In International Research
 Q8. Discuss the Concept of Organisational Transformation?