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Specialized Training Program:
Investing in Teacher Practice to Maximize
Student Learning
Investment Schools Data Inquiry Training
Session II
Session Objectives
Participants will:
• Use individual data analysis completed in Session I to
collaboratively identify school wide areas of need
• learn and utilize a protocol for data analysis utilizing new
community and School Experience Survey data
• Analyze the school team’s data-readiness needs
• Draft a summary statement of goals that the team can commit
to working towards through the remaining Investment Schools
training opportunities.
– Take an inquiry stance
– Ground statements in evidence
– Assume positive intentions
– Stay low on the ladder of
Turn and Talk: What would these norms look
like in action?
Activity #1: Last Word Protocol
Guiding Question: Based on our individual analyses completed in
Session I, what area(s) of need are most pressing for us to address
as a school community?
Last Word Protocol Steps:
Grouping: Groups of 5-7
1. Count off into groups of 5; each person will select one quote and let
members of the group know where in the text this quote can be
found. The person does not explain its significance.
2. The rest of the group discusses the quote.
3. The first person reads the significance or explains the significance
of the quote. In others words, this person gets the last word.
4. Move on to the next person until everyone I the group has had a
chance to have the last word.
5. Share out
Activity 2: Affinity Protocol
Guiding Question: Based on our individual analyses completed in “Last
Word,”, what area(s) of need are most pressing for us to address as a school
Affinity Protocol Steps:
Grouping: Groups of 5-7
1. Take 5-7 sticky notes and record 1 concern raised in your
analysis on each sticky note
2. With your group, arrange the sticky notes on chart paper
3. Sort the sticky notes into groups and give each group a name
or label
4. As a group, write 1-2 sentences about the patterns/trends
5. Share out
School Risk Load: School, Community, and Student-identified challenges
Insert the data for your school here. You may need several slides to
accomplish this, or you may prefer to use handouts instead.
Activity #3: Data Analysis Protocol
Step 1
Look at the data and make factual statement about what
you see, wonder and patterns.
Step 2
What additional sources of data can we use to deepen our
understanding of the story behind the data?
Step 3
Now that we have the beginnings of a story, what are some
potential implications for our instructional focus for next year?
Step 4
What are some draft goals we can work towards achieving?
What do you see?
• Remember to stay low on the ladder of inference.
• Refrain from interpretation or drawing conclusions
• “In __________________, we have moved from
__% to __% in __ years.”
What do you wonder about the data?
• What questions do you have based on what you
have selected to focus on in the data?
“I wonder what caused the increase in the percent of
students who scored proficient in 2010?”
What Patterns or Trends do you see in the data?
• What are the implications of the data?
“I notice that the percentage of students scoring proficient
and above has remained within 5 percentage points for
the last 5 years.”
Data Analysis Protocol
Step 1
Look at the data and make factual statement about what you see,
wonder and patterns.
Step 2
Additional sources of data that deepen our understanding
of the story behind the issues raised previously
• How does this new information add to what we know
about the area of need identified in the earlier part of
the session (Affinity Protocol)
• What are our challenges as a staff in tackling this area of
Step 3
Now that we have the beginnings of a story, what are some
potential implications for our instructional focus for next year?
Step 4
What are some draft goals we can work towards achieving?
Step 1
Look at the data and make factual statement about what you see,
wonder and patterns.
Step 2
Additional sources of data that deepen our understanding
of the story behind the issues raised previously
• How does this new information add to what we know about
the area of need identified in the earlier part of the session
(Affinity Protocol)
• What are our challenges as a staff in tackling this area
of need?
Step 3
Now that we have the beginnings of a story, what are some
potential implications for our instructional focus for next year?
Step 4
What are some draft goals we can work towards achieving?
Step 1
Look at the data and make factual statement about what you see,
wonder and patterns.
Step 2
What additional sources of data can we use to deepen our
understanding of the story behind the data?
Step 3
Now that we have the beginnings of a story, what are some
potential implications for our focus area(s)?
Step 4
What are some draft goals we can work towards achieving?
Step 1
Look at the data and make factual statement about what you see,
wonder and patterns.
Step 2
What additional sources of data can we use to deepen our
understanding of the story behind the data?
Step 3
Now that we have the beginnings of a story, what are some
potential implications for our instructional focus for next year?
Step 4
What are some draft goals we can work towards achieving?