Download 7 Top Fat Tips Your body needs some fat. It is an excellent

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7 Top Fat Tips
Your body needs some fat. It is an
excellent energy source and it helps
you absorb certain vitamins &
minerals, amongst other functions.
There are 3 main types of fat –
saturated, unsaturated & trans-fatty
acids. Saturated & trans-fatty acids tend to be solid at
room temperature. Unsaturated Fats tend to be liquid at
room temperature, and are usually made from veg or fish
No 1 Reduce – Saturated Fats
Why? As far as the human body goes,
saturated are bad because they tend
to raise LDL cholesterol, (LDL helps to
block arteries). The types of saturated
fats that raise LDL the most are found in dairy products
and beef. However, dairy & beef both have good
qualities, so if you do not have a known cholesterol
problem, my advice is to consume a limited amount - in
particular, use butter instead of margarine or butter
replacements (margarine is chemically similar to
No 2 Avoid – Trans-fatty Acids
Why? Trans-fats increase the artery
blocking LDLs AND decrease the ‘good’
cholesterol HDL. They occur naturally in
meats but we tend to consume artificial
trans-fats in our processed food –
cakes, biscuits, crackers, fast food etc. Also watch out for
partially hydrogenated oil in the ingredients list. There are
no safe levels of trans fats!
No 3 Avoid - Low Fat Foods
Why? Processed low-fat foods can be
pretty bad for you because of how the
manufacturers replace the taste and
texture of fat in a product. Often texture is
replaced by a carbohydrate called maltodextrin
(maltodextrin has a glycemic index of 130!! Table sugar
is only 65) or artificial thickeners, and taste is replaced
with salt or sugar – have a look at the sugar content of
‘normal’ yoghurt and a low-fat variety next time you’re at
the supermarket. Your body digests the processed ‘lowfat’ foods very quickly causing an insulin spike, which
increases fat storage. It also means you are hungry
again more quickly and so tend to eat more calories
when compared to a person eating a small amount of
‘full-fat’ food.
No 4 Eat - Omega-3 Fats
Why? Omega-3 is extremely important
essential fatty acids (EFAs) and the
body can’t manufacture them so you must get them from
food. They are anti-inflammatory, they lower LDL, are
used in cell membranes and lower triglycerides (the fat
that your body actually uses – high triglycerides
increases your risk of heart disease).
Where? Get Omega-3s from fish (mackerel, tuna,
salmon, sardines), fish oil, flaxseeds and walnuts.
No 5 Cook - Coconut Oil
Why? Coconut oil contains saturated fat
but it is very stable at high temperatures,
so frying with it is a great option. Like
butter, it contains medium chain fatty acids, which have
been shown to promote health, aid brain function, and
has been linked to metabolism stimulation. Make sure
the coconut oil you buy is “virgin” or cold-pressed and not
partially hydrogenated – it should be solid at room
No 6 Eat - Avocado, Olive Oil & Nuts
Why? Packed with nutrients & antioxidants, avocado, olive oil, and tree
nuts are satiating, stabiles blood sugar
and help lower blood pressure. Snack on
nuts & avocado instead of biscuits &
crisps, and there is evidence that these foods will
increase your HDLs.
No 7 - Eat Eggs
Why? Eggs are an inexpensive and an easy
source of satiating protein. While it's true that
the egg yolk contains some fat, it's also
packed with important nutrients. One whole
egg contains 5 grams of fat, but only 1.5
grams are saturated. Whole eggs are also a good source
of choline, an important B vitamin that helps regulate the
brain, nervous system and cardiovascular system, and
research has linked moderate egg consumption to
improved heart health.