Download Dr. Simmon`s CV - Emory CFAR

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Lauren J. Simmons
[email protected]
180 Jackson St NE. Apt 5203
Atlanta, GA 30312
(404) 831-1457 (mobile)
Morehouse School of Medicine, Atlanta GA
Ph.D. in Biomedical Sciences.
September 2016
Spelman College, Atlanta GA
B.S. in Biology.
May 2009
Henderson High School, West Chester, PA
High School Diploma.
May 2005
Sterile mammalian cell culture
Bacterial cell culture
RNA isolation and analysis
Protein isolation and analysis
Western Blot technology
RT-polymerase chain reaction (PCR)/gel electrophoresis
siRNA-mediated gene silencing
Enzyme-linked immune assay (ELISA)
Nitrite release
Bioinformatics analysis
Aseptic cell handling
Neuroscience Institute, Atlanta GA
Ph.D. Candidate
September 2016
Dissertation research examined the roles of neuregulin-1(NRG-1) in the activation of transcriptional
regulators of inflammatory gene expression both in vivo and in vitro in microglial cells.
Used CONFAC bioinformatics analysis to predict transcriptional regulators involved with inflammatory
genes induced following stroke and suppressed by NRG-1 treatment in vivo
NRG-1 mediated inflammatory responses were examined using an in vitro microglial cell line pretreated with NRG-1 followed by lipopolysaccharide stimulation.
Luminex technology was used to examine the effects of NRG-1 on cytokine production
Western blot technology was used to analyze protein expression
ELISA was used for quantification
Extensively reviewed literature in order to develop a novel research project
Provided technical advice and assistance to PI, other lab members, and students
Prepared and edited scientific manuscript for publication
Communicated results of dissertation research via presentations and scientific conferences
Supervised undergraduate students and trained them on new equipment, maintenance, lab procedures
and safety
Monitor laboratory practices for ways to improve workflow and organization
Department of Biology, Atlanta GA
Research Assistant
Investigated the antibiotic resistance gene Atwbc19 to understand the mechanisms involved
Cultured Escherichia coli DH5a on Luria-Bertani (LB) media
Reviewed literature for information pertaining to current investigations and compiled findings
Prepared reagents and supplies
Participated in laboratory maintenance activities such as sterilization and cleaning of equipment
Maintained records, files, and logs of work performed in laboratory notebooks
Center for materials research (CMR) Norfolk, VA
August 2008-April 2009
May 2008- August 2008
Utilized microwave heating and finding ideal conditions to make polymers/modifying surface materials
for biomedical use.
Planned, set up experiments as instructed by the principal investigator
Analyzed and interpreted results from experiments
Prepared reagents and supplies
Responsible for sterilization
Biology lab instructor, Emory University
 Lecture students on laboratory safety, sterile techniques, model organisms,
microscope usage, critical thinking, experimental design, as well as how to
create a scientific poster
 Supervise students during laboratory experiments
 Grade student assignments and maintain a gradebook
 Acquire all materials, and supplies needed for lab each week
Tutor, Dogwood Tutoring
 Assist in preparing students for the reading/language section of the SAT
 Tutoring students in Biology
Graduate Assistant, S.T.E.A.M academy, Morehouse school of Medicine
 Taught high school students sterile culture cell, perform western blot, as well as
RT-PCR and gel electrophoresis
 Presented a lecture on how to critically read and evaluate scientific papers
 Assisted in helping high school students develop and present a research proposal
Planned and set up experiments
Prepared reagents and supplies
Judge, 2016 Spelman College Research Day
 Reviewed oral presentations of biology major students
 Asked them questions related to the research topics
Training new students on laboratory protocols/procedures and data analysis
 Trained students how to properly maintain records and logs of work performed
in laboratory notebook, as well as safety
 Trained students on sterile cell culture, as well as protocols and procedures
routinely, performed in the lab
Judge, 2013 Spelman College Research Day
 Reviewed oral presentations of biology major students
 Asked them questions related to the research topics
Tutor, Biochemistry and Organs and Systems, Morehouse school of Medicine
Teaching Assistant, Cells & Tissues Laboratory Course, Morehouse school of Medicine
 Planned and set up experiments as instructed
 Graded laboratory quizzes
 Prepared reagents and supplies
Student instructor, Ben Carson Science Academy at Morehouse school of Medicine
YMCA camp counselor, Hendersonville TN
Morehouse School of Medicine NIH MBRS-RISE Fellow
L.Simmons, Z.XU, A.Gates, G.D Ford, B.D Ford. Transcription factors involved in the neuroprotective
effect of NRG-1 following transient ischemic stroke Poster presentation abstract, 2012 Curtis Parker
Student Research Symposium, Morehouse School of Medicine, Atlanta, GA.
L. Simmons, Z.XU, A.Gates, G.D Ford, B.D Ford. NRG-1 attenuates pro-inflammatory cytokines. Poster
presentation abstract, 2013 Curtis Parker Student Research Symposium, Morehouse School of Medicine,
Atlanta, GA.
L. Simmons, Z.XU, A.Gates, G.D Ford, B.D Ford. NRG-1 attenuates pro-inflammatory cytokines. Poster
presentation abstract, 2013 Health Disparities Conference, New Orleans, LA.
L. Simmons, Z.XU, A.Gates, G.D Ford, B.D Ford. NRG-1 attenuates pro-inflammatory cytokines
through the NF-kaapaB signaling pathway. Poster presentation abstract, 2014 Curtis Parker Student
Research Symposium, Morehouse School of Medicine, Atlanta, GA.
Lauren J. Simmons, Monique Surles-Zeigler, Yonggang Li, Gregory D. Ford, Gale D. Newman, Byron
Ford. Regulation of inflammatory responses by neuregulin-1 in brain ischemia and microglial cells in
vitro involves NF-kappa B pathway. Journal of Neuroinflammation.2016, 13:237
DOI: 10.1186/s12974-016-0703-7
Taína D. Matos, Nacole King, Lauren Simmons, Charmaine Walker, Aliecia R. McClain, Anil
Mahapatro, Fred J. Rispoli,Kevin T. McDonnell, Vishal Shah. (2010). Microwave assisted lipase
catalyzed solvent-free poly-£-caprolactone synthesis. Green Chemistry Letters and Reviews, vol. 4, no. 1,
pp. 73-79, 2011