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One of the most controversial topics that Christians seem to be ignoring right now is the
rising interest in UFO’s and aliens. Although abductees and eyewitnesses report sightings
almost daily around the globe, many arrogantly look down upon them as if these people
suddenly can’t even discern what they have seen with their own eyes. Yet still, most
abductees and eyewitnesses are respected members of society, including doctors, pilots,
scientists, school teachers, military leaders and so forth.
Isn’t it strange that we trust these individuals with things like our life and education, but
then treat them like “crazy people” when they share any experiences we deem
paranormal? And isn’t it strange that almost any two eyewitnesses off the street can
consistently send a man to the electric chair, but corroborating testimonies from millions
of respectable UFO witnesses are just disregarded? And isn’t it strange that science
instantly accepts and documents the hundreds of new unknown lower life forms being
discovered in the ocean depths daily, but refuses to document or classify any discoveries
or reports of higher life forms on earth?
Much of the mainstream seems to be incapable of thinking outside the box… they have
been trained to just bury their head in the sand when these recurring “phenomena” present
themselves. It is painfully clear that the “powers that be” have used their propaganda
machine to create a bias, glass ceiling or false paradigm of reality. Not only do we refuse
to believe all truths outside their secular box, but often, we even refuse to believe our own
eyes simply because what we see doesn’t match the illusion of reality that we have been
indoctrinated into. Even though humanity is continually peppered with reports of
“unexplained” phenomena, we have actually been programmed to suppress our own
instincts and sensory perceptions to remain marching rank and file down the “politically
correct” avenues of mainstream thought.
The Christian community, in particular, has been heavily suppressed and indoctrinated to
keep their mouths shut about most political, scientific and paranormal issues. Even though
the world has many questions and theories concerning the UFO and alien reports, the
Church as a whole has not risen up to answer those concerns with Scriptural Truth. And
unfortunately, this leaves the door open for UFO cults (like “Heaven’s Gate”) and other
godless ideologies to lead many sincere seekers astray. Nevertheless, there are a handful
of Christian researchers that refuse to let dogmatic traditions and the “powers that be” cut
our tongues out. We are trying desperately to shatter the box and get the truth out. Right
now, we invite you to join us “in the know.” It is high time to move out of the hazy
mainstream illusion… and into a more realistic paradigm that nullifies the needless
mysteries that currently enshroud humanity.
Since we are messengers of the Lord Jesus Christ, we will start with biblical wisdom. The
Bible speaks openly and frankly about strange advanced alien beings that have cohabitated
with humanity on earth for thousands of years. In fact, the Bible and ancient texts from
nearly every other culture on earth contain detailed records about these hybrid races and
their subterranean dwellings.
Regardless of the mainstream psychobabble, these sightings certainly did not begin after
the advent of Roswell or Martian sci-fi books. For example, an Egyptian Pharaoh
recorded formations of flying discs hovering over the desert thousands of years ago, and
Alexander the Great reported shiny silver UFO’s intervening in one of his ancient battles.
In reality, these reports transcend all ages and cultures of world history. Whether we can
cope with it or not, all known data collected to this point supports the reality of hybrid
(possibly inter-dimensional) alien races. There does indeed seem to be several
technologically advanced humanoid and reptilian species inhabiting a cavernous
“underworld” or “Sheol” that honeycombs the earth beneath our feet.
Quite contrary to the misguided assumptions of many UFO buffs, these demonic beings
are not extraterrestrial at all. They are not coming from the stars or other far-off planets to
“save” humanity. Quite the opposite, the biblical book of Genesis says that these hybrid
races are an abomination to God, being the inter-dimensional offspring of the fallen angels
and humans… a taboo mixture of species from the animal kingdom and the celestial
kingdom. They are often referred to as the Nephilim or Gentile races in the Holy
Scriptures. Although many theologians have been wrongly taught that the terms Hebrew
and Gentile refer to religions, the Bible does NOT say that. The Bible actually says that
these were genealogies, species or races of humankind. The Hebrew race was the pure
human lineage of Adam, Noah and Abraham… the children of God. On the other hand,
the Gentile lineages were pagan hybrids that worshipped their ancestral “gods” or fallen
In fact, human origins and the genealogies of mankind were greatly emphasized
throughout the entire Old Testament. You know, all the Scriptures that we usually skip
over, reading, “so-and-so BEGOT so-and-so… begot… begot… begot… begot.” In fact,
most of the Old Testament is devoted to teaching the Hebrews (the Human Race) not to
mix the Holy Bloodline or contaminate the human gene pool by interbreeding with any of
the fallen Gentile races. Nevertheless, the Scriptures also say that many of the Hebrews
(humans) were disobedient, intermingling with the Gentile bloodlines, which split
humanity into several sub-races or ethnicities… now known as the twelve tribes of Israel
or the twelve ethnic groups of mankind.
At this point in world history, all human DNA has been contaminated with some Gentile
traits… making all humans both the descendants of the Hebrews (Jews) and the
descendants of the Gentiles. What a theological oxymoron… a paradoxical conflict within
the capacities of our own souls… we have become a species in need of salvation from
ourselves. The most deadly Gentile trait that all of us now carry is the desire to do evil…
this is the “original sin” that the Bible says has been genetically passed along to every
generation of mankind. In varying degrees, we all contain “demon seed” from the lineages
of the fallen angels. And if you claim that you never have evil desires, then you even
deceive yourself.
Furthermore, this contamination of our gene pool in ancient times has passed down an
entire host of genetic mutations and diseases that are carried on recessive genes within
most of our family bloodlines. Much like the inter-species breeding that makes a mule
unable to reproduce its own kind, many humans have now become “inexplicably”
burdened with infertility. Likewise, the alien races are almost completely unable to
reproduce. That is why so many humans report abduction experiences involving
reproductive procedures and genetic testing. These dying races are trying to preserve their
species through advanced genetic technologies, by harvesting human sperm cells, eggs,
zygotes, DNA and so forth.
But the good news is that we are still dominantly Hebrew or human, which means we are
also the children of God… all ethnicities are part of Israel. Regardless of erroneous
teachings that have passed down through theological circles, all of humanity is Jewish by
descent. In an epic of complete irony and twisted humor, even the “religious” groups who
hate the Jews are Jewish themselves. There is no doubt… even the Muslim Koran records
that the Arab people are the descendants of the biblical forefather Abraham, which clearly
makes them part Hebrew… Jewish.
And because of our misunderstanding of the ancient texts, many dogmatic “religionists”
are wasting all their time fighting and hating their own brethren while our common enemy
is plotting the demise of humanity as a whole… the extinction of the entire Hebrew
(Human) race. In fact, Satan and his demonic Gentile descendents have deceived many
humans into helping destroy humanity. These NWO gurus actually think the “aliens” are
helping them recreate the perfect human… the Aryan race. Even though this Illuminati
shadow government considers them selves so much wiser than the rest of us, they have
actually been duped by demons.
These Illuminati “men in black” really believe that they are genetically engineering the
“master race.” But unlike Hitler’s “Final Solution,” these neo-crazies have joined forces
with the Gentiles to have access to mind-boggling genetic technologies. If you chart the
abduction reports over the last 50 years, you can clearly see that they have conspired to
harvest genes from specific bloodlines to recreate their “perfect human.” The big twist in
the plot is that the Gentiles aren’t helping them at all. The small numbers of diabolical
alien races have actually used this organization’s cloak of secrecy and protection to
genetically engineer the Antichrist… the perfect soulless body for Satan to indwell. The
Bible calls this powerful “clone” of the perfect Christ “the abomination of desolation.”
The Bible also warns that this Antichrist will pretend to come in peace with amazing
solutions to “save” the world from all our problems like pollution and war. But after we
let our guard down to accept Him and His alien minions, they will pounce, enslave and
destroy us. So as it is written, by humankind’s own hand, this world will be turned into
hell because we physically manifested the devil back into our own dimension. So that’s
the big mystery… the “New World Order” has resurrected the devil right here on earth… a
real living, physical, material, all-powerful, all-evil “god” to rule over us. So please
understand the all-important gospel of our Holy Father’s message: At this point,
humanity’s only hope of escape is in Christ.