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Bechtel BWXT Idaho, LLC IHRG MSN-99-789 (10/29/99 - Rev. #1.0) Pb-Alloy Corrosion Study Procedures Area 200 Procedure 4 1. Corrosion Sampling Identifier: Revision: Page: Pb Procedures 2.0 1 of 3 Effective Date: 5/22/00 PURPOSE Provide guidelines for the extraction of corrosion cell samples from the experimental setup to gain knowledge of liquid Pb-alloy systems. 2. SCOPE AND APPLICABILITY This procedure provides the safe framework for taking samples before and after molten Pb operations. This sampling will be performed at MSN Laboratory. If cutting of Zr containing metals additional I.H. controls may be required. 3. PREREQUISITES 3.1 The corrosion cell is cool to the touch. 3.2 The following PPE is on hand: respirators - latex gloves - disposal clothing - safety glasses - safety shoes - leather gloves 3.3 The portable ventilation system is operational. 3.4 The following cleaning supplies are on hand: 3.5 4. - - wet wipes - paper towels - glass cleaner - trash can marked for Pb-containing trash with a lid Operators are current in lead training and respirator training. INSTRUCTIONS NOTE: 4.1 Refer to procedure 100-2 PPE Requirements for required PPE. Pre-sampling Bechtel BWXT Idaho, LLC IHRG MSN-99-789 (10/29/99 - Rev. #1.0) Pb-Alloy Corrosion Study Procedures Area 200 Procedure 4 4.2 4.3 4.4 Corrosion Sampling Identifier: Revision: Page: Pb Procedures 2.0 2 of 3 Effective Date: 5/22/00 4.1.1 Cut necessary section from unused existing pipes for reference samples. 4.1.2 Label samples. Oxide Layer Sampling 4.2.1 Place corrosion cell inside steel tray. 4.2.2 Move ventilation near the sample tray. 4.2.3 Use sharp instrument to scrape material from inside of the corrosion cell. 4.2.4 Tip the corrosion cell to pour the loose oxide layer into a sample container. 4.2.5 Use the HEPA vacuum to remove any residual dust in the corrosion cell or that has spilled in the tray. 4.2.6 Repeat steps 4.2.3 through 4.2.5 as needed. 4.2.7 Clean up. Cutting Samples Method 1: Hand Hacksaw 4.3.1 Place corrosion cell in tray. 4.3.2 Coat hacksaw blade with lard. 4.3.3 Cut the samples as needed. Coat additional lard on the hacksaw as needed for lubrication and to mitigate airborne Pb. 4.3.4 Place sample in appropriate container and label. 4.3.5 Clean up area and verify with swipes. Cutting Samples Method II: Hand Lathe 4.4.1 Place corrosion cell in lathe and verify it chucks up true. 4.4.2 Direct local ventilation near the corrosion cell. 4.4.3 Place plastic under the corrosion cell 4.4.4 Turn on lathe. Bechtel BWXT Idaho, LLC IHRG MSN-99-789 Area 200 Procedure 4 4.5 5. Corrosion Sampling Identifier: Revision: Page: Pb Procedures 2.0 3 of 3 Effective Date: 5/22/00 4.4.5 Cut the pipe using lard as a lubricant and to mitigate airborne Pb levels. 4.4.6 Place sample in appropriate sample container. 4.4.7 Clean the lathe and area. 4.4.8 Take swipes to verify Pb levels are at or below background. Cutting Samples Method III: Plasma Cutting Torch 4.5.1 Have I.H. present to monitor gas levels. 4.5.2 Don additional PPE of hearing protection, leather gloves, and nonflammable apron. 4.5.3 Place part to be cut in metal tray. 4.5.4 Have local ventilation near the part. 4.5.5 Operate the plasma cutting torch per the vendor supplied procedures. 4.5.6 Secure the plasma cutter and cleanup. RECORDS 5.1 6. (10/29/99 - Rev. #1.0) Pb-Alloy Corrosion Study Procedures Log assembly and any abnormalities in the Pb-alloy Corrosion Laboratory Notebook. DEFINITIONS None. 7. REFERENCES 7.1 Corrosion cell schematic drawing 7.2 MCP-2726 Respiratory Protection 7.3 MCP-2715 Hazard Communication 7.4 MCP-153 Industrial Hygiene Exposure Assessment 7.5 MCP-2716 Personal Protective Equipment Bechtel BWXT Idaho, LLC IHRG MSN-99-789 Area 200 Procedure 4 (10/29/99 - Rev. #1.0) Pb-Alloy Corrosion Study Procedures Corrosion Sampling Identifier: Revision: Page: Pb Procedures 2.0 4 of 3 Effective Date: 5/22/00 7.6 MCP-2747 Specialized Ventilation 7.7 MCP-2720 Controlling and Monitoring Exposure to Lead 7.8 MCP-2737 High-Temperature Systems 7.9 MCP-2735 Hand and Portable Power Tools 7.10 MCP-2718 Welding, Cutting, and Other Hot Work