Download Comitato Soroptimist for Expo Food, culture and society

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Comitato Soroptimist for
-An education in tasteTuesday 9 June 2015
“Aula Magna - Università Bocconi, via Roentgen 1, Milan
10.00 - Opening welcome to all and the authorities present
10.30 – Food: seduction and the Italian tradition (1 or 2 presentations)
Why is it that in some parts of the world certain foods and flavours are more important, and in other parts,
different foods are more sought after? Does it depend on the availability of certain ingredients or is the
production of food conditioned by the tastes of the population? Do certain preferences depend on tradition,
culture or genes? From 2010 to 2012 a group of genetic experts tried to answer these questions by travelling
the Silk Road collecting information on the DNA of the local populations and also by studying the characteristics
of the genes related to perceiving flavours, sounds and colours.
Some foods are considered “bad” and others, irrespective of their nutritional value, are considered
“commercially good,” while others are considered “good” and they tip the balance towards the benefits, but
we must also consider our “emotional” and “hedonistic” needs. These choices outline the complexities of the
world of nutrition where we can choose to feed ourselves depending on our preferences or depending on our
nutritional needs.
This gives rise to behaviours which focus less on the needs of the body and more on satisfying the cravings
of the body.
11.15 – Food culture and globalisation
Are the globalisation of the markets (which surpasses geographical limits) and the continuous multicultural
transformation of society (which brings the resulting spread of ethnic products and habits) changing our taste
in food? In what way? What are the political, agricultural and pharmaceutical consequences of these changes
in the way we eat in the various countries?
Via Cernuschi, 4 – 20129 Milano –Italy - C.F.97671640155
Comitato Soroptimist for
-An education in tasteTuesday 9 June 2015
“Aula Magna - Università Bocconi, via Roentgen 1, Milan
11.45 - The senses: behavioural friends or foe
Our tongue recognises 5 basic tastes: sweet, salty, bitter, sour and umami. Umami in Japanese means savoury
and describe the taste of glutamate, which is present in food such as meat, cheese and other foods rich in
protein. These 5 categories play an important role in the perception of taste and therefore determine our food
preferences. The sensation of taste is also linked to genetic factors.
How the evaluation of food and recipes has changed with time. How the need and appreciation for some
products depend on our daily calorie intake and on certain substances and physical conditions, such as how
the senses (taste, smell and sight) contribute to determining the resulting perception of the taste of food and
how the flavour changes in relation to the culture.
12.15 – Food education: possible Soroptimist roles
Expo, with its exhibitions and events focused on the theme of food is an interesting opportunity for Soroptimists
to meet and share ideas. The conference ends with a presentation by one of our members who will summarise
the work done by various clubs (Italian and foreign) on the theme of food and food education. Their results
will also include guide lines for possible future services.
Moderatore: Adriana Bazzi
Via Cernuschi, 4 – 20129 Milano –Italy - C.F.97671640155