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Kevin Xu
4732 7th Rd. ● Arlington, VA 22203 ● (401)339-7090 (cell) ● [email protected]
Brown University, Providence, RI
Class of 2008
 Bachelor of Arts in International Relations; GPA overall: 3.7/4.0; in concentration: 4.0/4.0
 Received the Eva A. Mooar Prize for highest academic achievement in International Relations
 Asian American Alumni Association, Asian American Community Service Award, Honorary Mention (1 of 3)
International Christian University, Tokyo, Japan
 Intermediate Japanese Accelerated Program, received Freeman Scholarship
Summer 2006
Brown University, Independent Research Project, Tibet/Nepal/Kyrgyzstan/Kazakhstan/Xinjiang
May 2007 – April 2008
 Received the Leach Fund Grant from the East Asian Studies Department of Brown University
 Conducted field research to study the ethnic relations between Tibetans/Turkic Uyghurs and Han Chinese
 Interviewed over 30 subjects, including local residents, business owners, prostitutes, lawyers and rights activists
Zhong Lun Law Firm, Legal Intern, Shanghai, China
Dec. 2006 – Jan. 2007
 Researched Chinese legal statutes related to land development and establishing foreign invested holding company
 Prepared due diligence report for two real estate investment cases
 Translated legal documents from Chinese to English to be presented to U.S. clients
Brown University, Administrative Support/Translator for Professor Wenli Xu, Providence, RI
Dec. 2005 – May 2008
 Translate and edit professor’s autobiography, op-ed articles, and daily correspondence from Chinese to English
 Conduct oral translation of professor’s public speeches, interviews, and meetings with government officials and
legislators on democracy and human rights issues in China
 Draft grant proposals and coordinate fundraising initiatives with upward amount of $50,000
Strait Talk Dialogue Project, Coordinator, Providence, RI
March 2006 – May 2008
 Coordinated one-week conferences on U.S.-China-Taiwan relations in 2006 and 2007
 Invited eight scholars and policymakers from the U.S., Mainland China and Taiwan to speak about the issues
surrounding the Taiwan Strait
 Selected 10 student delegates from Mainland China to participate in Interactive Conflict Resolution discussions
 Organized three keynote speeches and four panels
China Care Brown, President, Providence, RI
Sept. 2006 – May 2007
China Care Brown is an organization dedicated to improving the lives of Chinese orphans and adopted children in the U.S.
 Tripled the amount of funds raised from $14,000 to approximately $47,000
 Funded two foster care programs and three urgent surgery cases in China
 Managed an executive board of 13 people and a general body membership of over 80 people
Accenture, Consulting Intern, Guangzhou, China
May 2006 - July 2006
 Improved the employee management and organizational structure of the project by developing operational guides in
areas of Charges/Invoice, Retention Strategy and Contract Management
 Facilitated smooth deployment and transition of overseas training session for fellow employees by analyzing
Immigration/Visa process
 Researched the Accenture Development Method to develop a quality assessment approach for the client team
Language Skills: English and Chinese (Native), Japanese and French (Proficient)
Computer Skills: Java, MS Word, Excel, PowerPoint
Hockey, Traveling, Reading, Singing, Swimming, Basketball, Making Dumplings