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Chapter 8
Securing the Republic
This chapter concentrates on the political history of the new nation as it enlarged its boundaries and
solidified its independence. Starting with George Washington’s inauguration, the chapter explains how the
founding fathers believed that the preservation of liberty and freedom for the republic relied on the success of
the American experiment in self-government. Contrasting views as to how America should develop
economically and how its government should operate emerged with the formation of America’s first political
parties in the early 1790s. Federalists supported Alexander Hamilton’s program for economic growth while
Republicans embraced Thomas Jefferson’s vision of an agrarian republic. These different points of view
fostered political debates that enlarged the public sphere. An excerpt from one political society, the
Democratic- Republican Society of Pennsylvania, is included in “Voices of Freedom.” The chapter also explores
the rights of women as a way of illustrating expanding ideas about who should enjoy freedom of expression.
“Voices of Freedom” highlights a piece by Judith Sargent Murray, an advocate of increased rights for women.
The chapter then examines the presidency of John Adams, highlighting the restrictions placed on liberties
through the Alien and Sedition Acts and the Republican response in the Virginia and Kentucky resolutions.
Further restrictions to freedom are explored when discussing slavery and politics and the attempted slave
rebellion led by Gabriel. The chapter also examines the “Revolution of 1800” and Thomas Jefferson’s
administration. Jefferson’s support for territorial expansion is exemplified by the Louisiana Purchase, which
allowed for economic freedom for white farmers as well as the eventual expansion of the Cotton Kingdom and
slavery. European infringements on American rights at sea jeopardized free trade, which Republicans
considered essential to American freedom. The failures of embargoes as economic weapons against Great
Britain and France led to economic crisis at home and a cry for war from the War Hawks. In addition, British
support for the activities of Tecumseh, a Shawnee urging a pan-Indian response to white American
encroachment on Indian lands, alarmed War Hawks. President James Madison, Jefferson’s immediate
successor, declared war against Great Britain in 1812, and although the war ended by establishing the status
quo, it did solidify American independence and freedom from Britain for good.
Points for Discussion
1. What were the primary domestic and foreign policy issues in the 1790s that caused the rise of political
divisions and political parties? What was each party’s stance on these issues? What vision did each
have for the future of America?
2. Compare and contrast the Whiskey Rebellion with Shays’s Rebellion.
3. George Washington is highly regarded by most historians as a successful president. Is his reputation
deserved? Make a case for or against this assertion.
4. Which is a worse violation of the Constitution – the Sedition Act or the VA/KY Resolves? Explain your
5. To what extent can Thomas Jefferson’s presidency be considered a revolution? Analyze whether his
presidency deliver an Empire of Liberty as he envisioned.
6. American society of the early nineteenth century might be described as "patriarchal". Discuss the
implications for women, African Americans, and Native Americans.
7. Analyze Jefferson's conflict with the courts. Include a discussion of the Judiciary Act of 1801, Marbury
v. Madison, the role of John Marshall, and Jefferson's attempt to impeach Federalist judges.
8. Explain the international circumstances that made possible the Louisiana Purchase. Analyze the
political and economic consequences of that transaction.
9. Many historians view the War of 1812 as the "second American war for independence," but is this an
accurate characterization? In what ways did British policies prior to 1812 threaten our independence?
Had the United States not fought the war, what might the results have been? Assess these questions,
and determine if we were indeed fighting for "independence."
10. What were the causes of the War of 1812? Was it a "justifiable" war for the United States? How and
why did New England Federalists protest the War of 1812? To what extent was their protest
successful? In what ways did the United States attempt to avoid the War of 1812? Why were these
attempts unsuccessful?
11. What happened to the Federalists? For the first decade under the Constitution, the Federalist party
held the nation together, started the government working on a day-to-day basis, and set precedents
that are still held valid. Twenty years later, it had all but ceased to exist as a party. Why? Examine the
events and issues that accompanied the decline of the Federalists, and determine what caused this
powerful party to fall.
12. Although generally viewed as only a secondary aspect of the War of 1812, the conflict between white
Americans and the western Indians was more conclusive and perhaps more significant for the nation's
future. Analyze that statement,
Key Terms
Quasi War with France
XYZ Affair
VA/KY Resolutions
Citizen Genet
Revolution of 1800
Washington’s Farewell
Gabriel’s Rebellion
Macon’s Bill #2
Marbury v. Madison
Treaty of Ghent
Hartford Convention
Bank of the United States (BUS)
Lin-Manuel Miranda(I’m kidding!)
Hamilton’s Financial Plan
First Party System
Jay’s Treaty
Midnight Appointments
Jeffersonian Vision
Non-Intercourse Act
William Henry Harrison
Tecumseh/The Prophet
Midnight judges
A Vindication of the Rights of Woman
strict vs. loose construction
Madison (not kidding)
Alien and Sedition Acts
Whiskey Rebellion
Pinckney’s Treaty
LA Purchase
Lewis and Clark
Chesapeake Affair
Barbary Pirates
War Hawks
John Marshall
Key Concept 4.1: The United States began to develop a modern democracy and celebrated a new national
culture, while Americans sought to define the nation’s democratic ideals and change their society and
institutions to match them.
Key Concept 4.2: Innovations in technology, agriculture, and commerce powerfully accelerated the American
economy, precipitating profound changes to U.S. society and to national and regional identities.
Key Concept 4.3: The U.S. interest in increasing foreign trade and expanding its national borders shaped the
nation’s foreign policy and spurred government and private initiatives.